Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2159 I will dismantle the bomb

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the German guys standing at the door of the basement finally hoped that Ye Tian would come out of the basement.

Not only Ye Tian, ​​the Bishop of Kent, David, and several employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company also left the basement that was used as a warehouse.

At this time, only two company employees and two armed security personnel remained in the basement.

As soon as Ye Tian came out, the four German guys who were eager to see through immediately rushed up.

Before they could gain a firm footing, the Germans began to ask questions, one by one scrambling to be the first.

"Steven, what secrets are hidden deep in the secret passage at the bottom of the pit? What's the situation inside the secret passage?"

"You just said that the depth of the secret passage is full of grenades and explosives. Is it true or not? Who set up this trap, do you know?"

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but glanced at the German guys, and then said with a smile:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, let's watch the video data captured by the drone first, and then talk about other things"

With that said, Ye Tian turned on the IPAD in his hand and started to play the video data captured by the drone before.

When these German guys saw the situation in the secret passage, seeing those frightening grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines, they were all frightened into a cold sweat.

After being stunned for a few seconds, they just woke up, and then they exclaimed.

"Who the hell set up these traps? It's crazy, this is going to blow up the Temple Palace into the sky!"

"What secret is hidden at the end of this secret underground passage, and it needs to be protected by such a deadly trap? Could it be a huge treasure?"

Ye Tian looked at these German guys with exaggerated and curious expressions, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"What secret is hidden at the end of this secret passage? Is it a treasure or something else? I don't know for the time being. The answer can only be revealed when I dismantle those grenades and explosives and enter the depths of the secret passage."

As soon as the words fell, the deputy minister of the German Ministry of Culture immediately said:

"You dismantle those grenades and TNT explosives yourself, am I right? Isn't that too risky? Steven,

Shouldn't such a matter be handed over to the police or a more professional bomb disposal team? "

"No need, compared to the bomb disposal team of the German police, I trust my armed security personnel more. Each of them has very rich battlefield experience and can handle such a scene.

The grenades, TNT explosives, and possible landmines placed in this tunnel are all products of World War II. Due to time and environmental factors, some of them should have been completely scrapped.

Even if they are not scrapped, these grenades, explosives, and landmines from World War II are relatively simple in structure, and cannot be compared with similar modern weapons at all, and it should not be difficult to dismantle bombs.

I am extremely confident in my ability to dismantle these grenades and explosives, and there will be absolutely no problems. I am not at ease when I hand over the bomb disposal task to the police or military bomb disposal teams.

When dismantling these grenades and explosives, if a grenade is accidentally detonated, the chain reaction can blow up the Temple Palace into the sky. I believe no one wants to see such a result! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the four German guys at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily.

"That sounds good! The main reason why you bastard refused the police or the military's bomb disposal team and insisted on doing it yourself, is probably because you don't want us Germans to enter this secret passage!

The secret or the huge treasure hidden in the depths of the secret path is your ultimate goal, and you will never allow anyone else to get involved. You bastard is really greedy to the extreme! "

While complaining secretly, these Germans were also very clear in their hearts.

If the bomb disposal task is handed over to the German police or the military, God knows how long it will take after the bomb disposal team inspects the scene, formulates strategies, adjusts equipment, and completes the bomb disposal, maybe a few days!

Experts who can complete this extremely dangerous bomb disposal task can be said to be rare, and it is estimated that there will be few people in the whole of Germany.

Even if such a bomb disposal expert is found and the other party takes a huge risk to enter a secret passage that can be called a dead place to dispose of the bomb, those bomb disposal experts may not have the courage or dare to take this risk!

If one is not careful, those bomb disposal experts may blow themselves up to nothing, not even a hair left, and blow up the Temple Palace on the ground directly.

May I ask how many bomb disposal experts dare to take on this extremely dangerous bomb disposal task? Who doesn't have a wife and children, who doesn't want to live a good life!

Steven is different. This guy has always been good at creating miracles and making the impossible possible. God always seems to be with him, and this time must be no exception.

Moreover, this guy is extremely bold, yet meticulous, and extremely cautious. If he is not fully sure, he will not volunteer to take on this extremely dangerous bomb disposal task.

Furthermore, people die for money, and birds die for food.

Steven, this guy wants to enter the depths of the secret passage, reveal the secrets deep in the secret passage or get the treasure, and make a fortune, so he has to take risks for this, which is a matter of course.

Thinking of this, several German guys shut their mouths at the same time, and no longer mentioned letting bomb disposal experts from the German police or military take over and dismantle those scalp-numbing grenades and explosives.

At the same time, these German guys also have small calculations in their hearts, and there is no lack of malice.

In case of unfortunate detonation of grenades or explosives, this guy Steven was killed in the depths of the secret passage, but the Temple Palace was not blown up, that would be great.

The secret or treasure hidden in the depths of the secret passage will belong to Germany in the future, and there is no need to share it with Steven, the bastard, and there is no need to feel pain anymore.

Ye Tian guessed the thoughts in these German guys' minds, but his face was always filled with a bright smile, nothing unusual.

After these German guys watched the video and learned about the situation deep in the secret passage, Ye Tian told them that for safety reasons, they were asked to leave here immediately, leave the Temple Palace, and go to the square outside.

Not only them, the Germans staying in the hall of the Temple Palace, and the staff in the Temple Palace, everyone must leave the Temple Palace as soon as possible, just to be safe.

Only when everyone left and moved to a relatively safe place, the follow-up exploration operations would start, and Ye Tian would start to dismantle those grenades and explosives.

As for the supervision of exploration operations, it can be done through the pinhole camera carried by Ye Tian and the others, and it can also be supervised on the ground.

These German guys have already understood the situation in the depths of the secret passage, so they naturally understand that such an arrangement is very reasonable and it is for everyone's safety. Naturally, they will not object and have no reason to object.

After chatting for a few more words, the Germans followed the Bishop of Kent and they left the basement, then left the Temple Palace, and went to the square in front of the Temple Palace.

The experts and scholars staying in the hall of the Temple Palace, as well as the staff in the Temple Palace, also left the Temple Palace one after another after learning about the situation in the secret passage.

Immediately afterwards, Cole led a group of armed security personnel, carrying a large amount of protective equipment, lighting and exhaust equipment, as well as bomb disposal tools, etc., into the basement.

When they arrived, Ye Tian and Walker immediately began to put on protective equipment on their bodies, and then took over the bill removal tool, and quickly checked it.

In the blink of an eye, everything was ready.

Next, Ye Tian called together the company employees and security personnel who were in this basement, and said to these guys in a solemn tone:

"Guys, next, Walker and I will enter that underground tunnel to dismantle those grenades, TNT explosives, and more dangerous mines, and to detect and eliminate other traps in the tunnel.

Needless to say, this bomb disposal mission is extremely dangerous, and we leave our backs to you. Without my permission, no one is allowed to break into this basement and interfere with our operations.

If someone breaks in, whether it's the German police or anyone else, Cole, you should warn the other party first, and if the other party doesn't listen to the warning and insists on breaking in, you will send those guys to hell."

"Understood, Steven, just don't worry, no one wants to break into this place"

Cole and the others responded in unison, everyone was full of confidence.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say:

"Okay, guys, I'll leave it to you here, Derek, you can let the beetle drone enter the secret passage, listen to my command, explore forward a little bit, and keep in touch with me at all times"

"Okay, Steven"

Derek responded, and immediately released the prepared beetle drone.

At this moment, David's voice suddenly came from the invisible headset.

"Steven, the people from the U.S. embassy in Germany have arrived, led by the ambassador, cultural counselors, and a group of armed security personnel. The webcast has also been prepared, and we are waiting for your order."

Hearing David's report, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

"Let's get started, David, this is a wonderful performance for us, let's bring a big surprise to the world again!"

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