Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2162 Extremely Dangerous Bomb Disposal Mission

Ye Tian didn't immediately comb through those dusty steel wires, figure out the direction and vein of those steel wires, and then dismantle the grenades and explosives.

He first looked at a small sculpture on the right wall of the secret passage. It was a sculpture of the Virgin Mary, located in a niche about 1.5 meters above the ground, covered with dust.

Judging from the thickness of the dust, this small sculpture was cleaned up decades ago, as were the floors, walls, vaults, bronze candlesticks and other sculptures in the secret passage.

No need to ask, the people who cleared this secret passage were the ones who set up traps, most of them were German soldiers during World War II.

Next to the small statue of the Virgin Mary is a dusty bronze candelabra with distinctly Gothic art.

After quietly admiring the small sculpture and the bronze candlestick, Ye Tian stepped forward, took out a soft cloth from the pocket of his protective clothing, and gently wiped off the dust and moss on the sculpture.

Following his movements, this sculpture with a long history finally revealed its true face, clearly presented in front of their eyes and in front of countless viewers on the live broadcast.

The next moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone on the live broadcast end.

"This is a marble sculpture of the Virgin Mary with an obvious Gothic artistic style. Judging from its carving techniques and artistic style, this sculpture should have been created in the Middle Ages.

As for whether this is the work of that sculptor in the Middle Ages, or just an ordinary craftsman, I don't have time to identify and study it for the time being, and I will study it carefully when I have time later.

One thing is certain, my previous judgment was correct, this secret passage located deep underground in the Temple Palace, and the bronze candlesticks and sculptures in the secret passage all come from the Middle Ages.

The people who built this secret passage and arranged the bronze candlesticks and sculptures are probably the famous Knights Templar, but it was discovered and used here decades ago."

Hearing his words, many experts, scholars and others on the Temple Palace Square, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, couldn't help but nodded without any disagreement.

Those experts and scholars naturally understood that what Ye Tian said was correct, the artistic style of the sculpture of the Virgin Mary was clear at a glance, and everyone could see it.

The rest of the onlookers may not know how to identify the age of antique works of art, but they have heard of Ye Tian's famous identification ability for a long time, so naturally they have no doubts!

After appraising the statue of the Virgin Mary, Ye Tian looked at the steel wires that were dense like cobwebs and covered with dust, and began to peel off the cocoons, preparing to defuse the bomb.

On the right wall of the secret passage, about 1.5 meters above the ground and about 20 centimeters inside the statue of the Virgin Mary, four grenades are tied together and hung on the wall with steel nails.

A thin steel wire passes through the pull rings of the several M39 egg grenades, connecting several grenades into one, and together forming a powerful bomb.

This steel wire passed through the pull rings of those grenades, then passed through the steel wire spider web in the secret passage, and went straight to the wall on the left side of the secret passage, connecting the several grenades over there.

Those grenades were also M39 egg grenades, bundled together and hung on the wall with steel nails.

However, the positions of those grenades were further inward. On the outside, there were several bundles of grenades and TNT explosives, and there were two dust-covered mines on the ground.

In this way, the steel wire connecting the two bundles of grenades draws a diagonal line in the secret passage, passing through the steel wire spider web,

From the edge of the spider web to the depth of the spider web.

No matter who wants to dismantle these two bundles of grenades, even if he sorts out the direction of the steel wires and determines the positions of the two bundles of grenades, he can only touch the outer bundle of grenades on the right wall.

As for the bundle of grenades on the left wall, it is located deeper in the secret passage, just beyond the reach of the arm, and there are many obstacles ahead, each of which is very deadly.

The bundle of grenades on the left wall can only be accessed and removed by first removing the bundle of grenades on the right wall and then removing all obstacles in front of the bundle on the left wall.

However, all the grenades and TNT explosives in this tunnel seem to be arranged in the same way, using steel wires to connect the bombs on the walls on both sides, and the positions are not on the same plane.

It is very difficult and extremely dangerous to remove those so-called obstacles and safely remove the bundle of grenades on the left wall.

Another point is that the grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines placed here are covered with a thick layer of dust and moss, and the grenades and mines are covered with rust.

This makes it difficult to see the way the wire wraps around the grenade tab, and the trigger mechanism for the TNT charges and mines.

Faced with this situation, if one is not careful, it is possible to detonate these grenades and TNT explosives, as well as more dangerous landmines, which will trigger a chain reaction and completely blow up this place.

Apparently, those guys who set up traps in this secret passage put a lot of thought into it, the purpose is to prevent intruders from dismantling bombs, and then break into the deeper part of the secret passage.

It can also be inferred from this that the secret or treasure they want to protect must be very important. Once discovered, it is very likely to cause a huge sensation and even rewrite local history.

It has to be said that the traps they set up are extremely dangerous, even foolproof. Even if someone discovers and breaks into this secret passage, it will be difficult to enter the depths of the secret passage.

Even if the discoverer breaks through this secret passage at all costs, the most likely result is that it will be bombed and blocked, and the Temple Palace on the ground will also be bombed into the sky.

It's a pity that the person who broke into this secret path today was Ye Tian!

The situation in the secret road was clearly presented on the live broadcast screen through the high-definition camera Ye Tian carried with him.

Seeing this scene in the secret passage, everyone on the live broadcast gasped, each and every one of them was secretly terrified, even terrified.

"I'll go! How the hell is this bomb? There is absolutely no life left. Even if God comes in person and sees such a trap, he probably has to withdraw from this secret road that can be called a Jedi."

"Wow! This is too scary. I don't know how this crazy guy, Steven, will choose? Should he continue to dismantle the bomb, or exit the secret passage wisely? The latter seems more likely and wiser."

While people were talking about it, the Berlin police around the Temple Palace took action.

For the sake of safety, they extended the cordon around the Temple Palace by about 50 meters for safety.

The onlookers who were stopped outside the cordon, as well as many journalists from the news media, also cooperated very well and withdrew back one after another.

Can they not cooperate, dare not cooperate? If you are blown into the sky because of watching the excitement or doing interviews and reports, it would be too wronged!

Not only the Berlin police who maintained order at the scene, but also the German government took action. They mobilized and dispatched the most elite bomb disposal team, and they were rushing towards the Templar Palace.

This is the center of Berlin. There are many important buildings around, and there are still many people at the scene. If there is a violent explosion here, the consequences will be disastrous!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had already sorted out the direction of the first steel wire, and also saw the bundle of M39 grenades hanging on the wall on the left side slightly inward.

Next, he took a closer look at the bundle of grenades hanging on the right wall, and then said solemnly:

"Because of the age and the humidity in this secret passage, the tabs of these German-made M39 oval grenades are basically rusted to death, at least the response is not so sensitive.

The other end of this steel wire is connected to the bundle of grenades hanging in the inner part of the left wall. The situation should be the same, that is to say, the danger level of this mechanism has been greatly reduced.

Fortunately, we entered this secret passage decades later. Time and climate helped a lot. If it was during World War II, even if I had my guts, I would not dare to come here to dismantle bombs.

It is not very difficult to dismantle these grenades. The most difficult ones are those TNT explosives and landmines, especially landmines, which are not only powerful, but also slightly affected by time and climate.

Next, I'm going to cut this wire, take this bundle of M39 grenades, and put them on the ground, Walker, you're in charge of transporting these grenades out of the secret passage, and handing them over to Cole and the others.

When those TNT explosives and landmines are dismantled, we need the two of us to work together. I believe that we must dismantle all the bombs here and uncover the secrets hidden here."

With that said, Ye Tian had already taken out a pair of bolt cutters from his backpack, stretched it towards the steel wire connected to the bundle of grenades on the right wall, and was about to cut that steel wire.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the people in the square in front of the Temple Palace or the countless viewers on the live broadcast, they all held their breath in unison, and their hearts instantly rose to their throats.

Ye Tian stretched out his left hand, gently pinched the steel wire, held the bolt cutters in his right hand, and at the same time clamped the end of the steel wire connected to the ring of the grenade.


With a crisp sound, Ye Tian cut off the dust-covered steel wire connecting the two bundles of grenades.

At this moment, everyone's heart tightened suddenly.

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