Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2163 Hitler Chainsaw

For more than an hour, the hearts of the people in and around the square in front of the Temple Palace, as well as the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, were always hanging in their throats, and they never stopped for a moment.

When people saw batches of grenades, TNT explosives, and more dangerous landmines shipped out of the Temple Palace, everyone felt frightened and sweated down their backs.

These rusty but still very deadly weapons all came from the secret passage deep underground in the Temple Palace. The powerful TNT explosives among them were all defused by Ye Tian and could no longer be detonated.

It was Ye Tian's armed security personnel who transported these grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines out of the Temple Palace.

Waiting outside the Temple Palace to receive these deadly weapons from World War II were two bomb disposal teams from the Berlin police and the German military.

As soon as these Germans arrived, they strongly demanded to enter the Temple Palace, take over the ongoing bomb disposal task, and let Ye Tian and the others withdraw from the secret passage and the Temple Palace.

However, their request was directly rejected by Cole, leaving no room for it, and a conflict almost broke out.

With the intervention of David, Bishop of Kent, the US ambassador to Germany, and a large number of media reporters, the two bomb disposal teams could only grit their teeth and compromise, staying in the square in front of the Temple Palace as spectators.

When they calmed down and understood the real situation in the secret passage, no one volunteered to replace Ye Tian and Walker to defuse the bomb in that secret passage.

These Germans knew very well that if they were the ones who entered the secret passage to dismantle the bomb, they would probably all die in that secret passage, and there would be no bones left, not even a hair left from the bombing.

Just like the rumors, God has always favored that lucky guy, Steven, and will always stand with him, but will he be favored by God? The possibility of this is extremely slim!

The grenades, TNT explosives and landmines transported from the Temple Palace are all piled up in a corner of the square in front of the Temple Palace. They have piled up into a hill and are always under the strict supervision of the German police.

This is not over yet, there are still grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines being shipped out from the Temple Palace, continuing to grow the frightening hill on the square.

While speaking, the gate of the Temple Palace opened again.

What appeared in front of everyone this time was no longer grenades and landmines in boxes, or TNT explosives, but four MG42 general-purpose machine guns known as "Hitter chainsaws".

Although they have gone through wind and rain and have a history of more than 70 years, the four MG42 general-purpose machine guns are basically well preserved. The gun bodies, which are full of gun oil and have just been removed from the gun jacket, still emit a deadly cold light.

When Ye Tian's four security personnel came out of the palace with these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns, it immediately caused a huge commotion.

In the square in front of the Temple Palace, and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, there was a sound of gasping for air at the same time.

In the previous live broadcast, everyone has seen these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns arranged deep in the secret passage and used to block the entire secret passage, but seeing the real thing with their own eyes at this time is still shocking.

"Wow! Those guys who set up traps in this secret passage deep underground in the Temple Palace are really too big and crazy. I don't know what secrets they want to protect?"

"It's just Steven, an extremely lucky guy who will always be favored by God. If it were someone else, even the top bomb disposal expert, there would be only one result for entering this secret passage.

Either they were blown to pieces and flew into the sky with the Temple Palace, or they were torn to pieces by these four 'Hitt le chainsaws', and they could never survive,

Let alone bomb defuse."

That's right! Although these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns have a long history and can be called antique firearms, they are still intact, and they can harvest lives crazily with bullet chains, and their power remains the same as before.

The place where Ye Tian found these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns was at the northern end of the secret underground passage.

These four MG42 general-purpose machine guns were arranged on a sniper position constructed with sandbags, and the muzzles of the guns were facing the secret passage full of grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines in front of them, and were used to block the entire secret passage.

When the four MG42s were found, the body of each machine gun was covered with gun oil and covered with gun jackets, emitting a deadly cold light in the dark, which made everyone terrified.

Moreover, there is a huge ammunition box next to each machine gun, and inside the ammunition box is an ultra-long ammunition chain with as many as one thousand rounds of machine gun bullets, and the ammunition chain is pressed on the machine gun.

Like the four MG42s, the yellow machine gun bullets and the inside and outside of the ammunition box are also full of gun oil. Every bullet is as good as new and can be fired at any time.

Controlling these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns is a very delicate mechanism, and it is very concealed.

Those who venture into the depths of the secret passage, even if they dismantle the frightening grenades, TNT explosives and landmines, it is difficult to escape the fire of these four MG42 general-purpose machine guns.

Once he accidentally touches the mechanism, the four MG42 general-purpose machine guns will fire wildly, spraying out a storm of bullets, instantly tearing the person who broke into the depths of the secret passage to pieces.

Fortunately, it was Ye Tian who entered this secret passage and carried out the bomb disposal mission. Naturally, the mechanisms that triggered the four MG42 general-purpose machine guns could not escape his eyes, and he successfully deciphered them.

Following the four security personnel carrying MG42 general-purpose machine guns, Derek and another employee of the Bravery Exploration Company pushed a luggage cart out of the Temple Palace.

On the trolley, there were four huge black ammunition boxes stacked, which were the special ammunition boxes for four MG42 general-purpose machine guns. Each ammunition box contained a super-long ammunition chain with 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

The appearance of these four black ammunition boxes caused a commotion again.

The Berlin police and two bomb disposal teams who were waiting outside the gate of the Temple Palace quickly rushed forward and took over four MG42 general-purpose machine guns and four ammunition boxes.

After handing over these weapons and ammunition to the Germans, Derek and the others returned to the Temple Palace and closed the gate of the Temple Palace.

As their figures disappeared, people once again turned their attention to the webcast and continued to pay attention to the situation in the underground tunnel.

At this time, Ye Tian had already dismantled all the grenades, TNT explosives, landmines, and the four MG42 general-purpose machine guns placed in the secret passage, and he was standing with Walker in the machine gun sniper position at the end of the secret passage.

After completing the bomb disposal task, they all heaved a sigh of relief, and their nerves, which were about to collapse, finally relaxed.

The secret road extends here, and turns again to the east, which is the direction of the Spree River.

Unlike the previous dangerous and deadly secret passage, there are no traps in this secret passage extending eastward, or it seems that there are no traps on the surface.

Going along the secret road to the east, only three or four meters ahead, there is a stone gate, blocking the way, and also blocking the sight of Ye Tian and Walker.

Just from the shape of the stone gate, it can be judged that the history of the stone gate is very long, it should be as long as the history of this secret passage, and it was also built in the early thirteenth century.

After sending the four ammunition boxes full of machine gun bullets out of the secret passage, Ye Tian and Walker returned to the depths of the secret passage, and stood in the machine gun sniper position to rest for a while!

At the same time, Ye Tian also took a good look at the secret road extending eastward.

In fact, he has already thoroughly examined this place, and he has a well-thought-out plan.

After a short rest, he said confidently:

"Let's go, Walker, let's continue to explore. I have a very strong hunch that there must be a huge treasure hidden inside the stone door ahead, or a major secret that can shock the world.

What we have to do now is to carefully explore the secret passage extending eastward, reach the stone gate safely, and then find a way to open the stone gate to give the world a huge surprise! "

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian had already picked up a heavy police shield to protect himself in front of him, then stepped out and walked into the secret road extending eastward.

Behind him, Walker followed immediately, his excited eyes shining brightly.

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