Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2164 Opening the Treasure

Just as the situation appears on the surface, there are no traps in this secret passage extending eastward.

It went very smoothly, Ye Tian and Walker soon came to the dusty old stone door.

After standing still in front of the stone gate, Ye Tian did not immediately reach out to push the stone gate, but pretended to carefully check the condition of the stone gate, the ground in front of the gate, the walls on both sides and the vault.

Although the granite stone door is covered with dust and a lot of moss, it can still be clearly seen that a huge Maltese cross is carved in the center of the stone door.

Below the cross, there is a pattern of two people and one horse, which symbolizes brotherhood and was once considered evidence of homosexuality by Christians.

For Ye Tian and the others, these are very familiar, and they have seen them many times before.

The patterns of horses and other crosses and double horses are the symbols of the Knights Templar and are well known.

Ye Tian didn't use his hands to wipe the dust and moss on the stone gate. He carefully looked at the two patterns engraved on the stone gate, and then said with a smile:

"It seems that we are right, Walker, this secret passage hidden deep underground in the Temple Palace, and the secret room behind this stone door are indeed from the hands of the Knights Templar.

I just don't know if the hidden room behind this stone door is the treasure of the Knights Templar? Or it might be the treasures that Hitler looted from various European countries.”

"No matter what treasures are hidden behind the stone gate, I believe this is a great discovery and will definitely cause a huge sensation. This is really a perfect day and it is worth remembering!"

Walker continued, his voice trembling with excitement, and his whole body was about to fly.

"Yes, this is indeed a perfect day, but I hope to be more perfect and hope to get a bigger surprise"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, then turned to look at the wall on the right.

On the wall on the right side of the stone gate, there is a niche about fifty or sixty centimeters high, in which there is a crucifix. The statue is covered with dust, but the outline is very clear.

While Ye Tian was appreciating this marble statue, the outside world was completely boiling.

Looking at the content presented on the live broadcast screen, there was a commotion in the square in front of the Temple Palace, the surrounding area, and in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

"Wow! This secret passage was indeed built by the Knights Templar, but I don't know, is the famous Knights Templar behind this stone door?

Will those legendary and long-lost Christian sacred objects, such as the Holy Grail, appear before our eyes later? May a miracle happen! "

"Miracle may appear, don't forget, Steven is a very magical guy, he is extremely lucky, he can always create incredible miracles, and today must be no exception.

If what is hidden behind this stone door is indeed the treasure of the Knights Templar, hiding those legendary Christian relics, then there is no doubt that this discovery will definitely go down in the history books."

While people were talking about it, in the Vatican, in Germany, in the United States, and in many other places around the world, many people stood up, their eyes widened, and they stared at the live broadcast, their eyes were extremely hot.

Especially the many monks wearing Christian costumes, their eyes were even red, with crazy colors flashing in their eyes, and they kept drawing the cross on their chests and praying in a low voice.

There are also countless devout Christians, all behaving in the same way. Everyone is praying in a low voice, and everyone is staring at the live broadcast with bright eyes, staring at the ancient stone gate.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was in the secret underground passage, was still not in a hurry,

He pretended to carefully check the stone door in front of him and the situation inside the secret passage.

After thoroughly inspecting the place, he looked at a bronze candlestick on the left wall of the stone gate again, and said loudly with a smile:

"As expected, that bronze candlestick is the organ that controls this stone door, Walker, you scan this stone door with a pulse metal detector to see what is behind the stone door, and then we will open the stone door."

"Okay, Steven"

Walker responded, and then stepped forward with a pulse metal detector and began to detect.

He had just lifted the metal detector's coil, and before it touched the stone gate, the sound of the metal detector rang, resounding through the entire secret passage.

As the scan began, Walker's excited voice rang out.

"Steven, there are a lot of metal products piled up behind this stone gate, the quantity is very large, and it is very close to the stone gate, you can see it as soon as you open the stone gate.

In the wall to the left of the stone gate, metal signals can also be detected, judging from the shape of those metal objects, it should be the organ that controls the stone gate..."

Soon, Walker finished scanning the stone gate and the walls on both sides of the stone gate.

After understanding the general situation symbolically, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then picked up the heavy police shield and came to the wall on the left side of the stone gate.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the heavy police shield with one hand with his right hand, and blocked himself in front of him. Then he stretched out his left hand, held the bronze candlestick embedded in the wall, and said in a deep voice:

"Walker, I'm going to try to open this stone door. You step back a little bit and stand behind me, just in case, in the secret room behind this stone door, there will be a trap if you don't secure it properly."

"Okay, Steven"

Walker responded, and then flashed behind Ye Tian.

In the next moment, Ye Tian's left hand began to exert force, trying to turn the bronze candlestick embedded in the wall.

As he expected, although the connection between the bronze candlestick and the wall does not seem to have any gaps, it can actually be turned, but it is a bit difficult.

There is no doubt that this bronze candlestick is the organ that controls the stone gate, and the design is very ingenious.

After tentatively turning the bronze candlestick a few times, Ye Tian found a way to open it, and then continued to exert force to turn the bronze candlestick clockwise.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Suddenly there was an unusually piercing sound of metal rubbing in the secret passage, which made one's scalp tingle and goosebumps all over his body.

But to Ye Tian and the others, this ear-piercing noise is like the sound of nature, extremely pleasant and intoxicating.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of rubbing, the stone door that had been covered in dust for a long time finally moved, and the dust attached to the stone door fell straight down.

When the bronze candlestick was turned clockwise by Ye Tian, ​​a straight gap about two meters high suddenly opened at the place where the left side of the stone gate met the wall.

At this moment, the ear-piercing sound of metal friction suddenly disappeared from everyone's ears, and the bronze candlestick could no longer be rotated, it had already been turned to the bottom by Ye Tian.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood that the ancient stone door, which had been covered in dust for a long time, had been opened, and all they had to do was reach out and push the stone door open.

When the stone gate is opened, the secret hidden behind the stone gate will be revealed.

In the secret room behind the stone gate, everyone will know at a glance whether it is the treasure of the Knights Templar, or the gold and silver treasures and antique works of art looted by Hitler.

How big is that secret room, and whether the metal objects scanned by the pulse metal detector are gold, silver, treasures or weapons and ammunition, the answer will be revealed soon!

At the same time that the sound of metal friction disappeared, Ye Tian also let go of the bronze candlestick, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Immediately afterwards, he took another step forward, pressed the stone door with his free left hand, and slowly exerted force, pushing the ancient and heavy granite stone door open little by little.

With his movements, the gap on the left side of the stone door became bigger and bigger, a burst of slightly dirty air overflowed along the gap, and spread rapidly.

Fortunately, both Ye Tian and Walker were wearing gas masks and protective clothing, and they were not affected in any way. Cole and the others in the basement were also wearing full protective clothing, so there was no need to worry.

While speaking, the gap on the left side of the stone gate has expanded to about 20 centimeters, and the partial situation in the secret room behind the stone gate can already be seen.


After decades, the light came to this secret room again.

As the light entered, a huge space shrouded in darkness suddenly appeared in front of Ye Tian and Walker, and appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Immediately afterwards, some crates about sixty to seventy centimeters long and stacked on top of each other suddenly broke into everyone's field of vision.

Seeing this scene, the square in front of the Temple Palace on the ground and the surrounding streets, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, suddenly boiled again.

"What's in those crates? Gold and silver treasures or weapons and ammunition?"

"I really want to see the logo of Nacui, and those boxes are also modern products, you can tell from the shape!"

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