With the arrival of Derek and the others, this gothic palace deep underground suddenly became brighter.

At the same time, the underground palace presented on the live broadcast has become clearer, more magnificent, and more shocking.

However, people's attention is no longer on the underground palace, but on those black crates piled up like a mountain.

Everyone is guessing or talking about what is contained in those black crates, how huge and amazing is the value of this Hitler treasure that has caused a sensation all over the world!

Ye Tian and the others in this underground palace were the same, they were all staring at the black crates in front of them, everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were shining brightly.

Derek and the others placed the exhaust fan on the platform inside the stone gate, and then carried a lot of equipment and walked down the steps on the right side of the stone gate to Ye Tian and Walker.

However, Ye Tian did not allow them to move freely, to explore other areas of the underground palace, arrange wires and lighting fixtures, and completely illuminate the place.

For safety reasons, he asked Derek and others to follow him, advancing gradually, and exploring little by little.

The scale of this underground palace is too large, there are too many boxes stacked here, together with those tall granite pillars, they together constitute a series of tall obstacles, blocking everyone's eyes.

Even Ye Tian, ​​if he didn't change his position, he couldn't see through everything.

He also doesn't know much about the situation in some corners, God knows if there are traps or more deadly dangers in those corners shrouded in darkness.

Like that kid Walker, Derek and the others who just came down were also stunned, their eyes widened, looking at everything in front of them.

After they finished expressing their emotions and calmed down a little, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Guys, our next task is very simple, which is to pry open these black crates and see what treasures are contained in these crates, besides nacui gold.

You work in pairs, with one holding a crowbar and the other holding a lighting fixture. Cooperate with each other and work together to pry open these boxes. For the sake of safety, I have to look at each box.

No one knows the situation in these boxes, there may be traps in them, such as grenades and mines, or even TNT explosives, so we must be careful, and no one can act without authorization.”

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, and none of you want to miss the grand celebration banquet that will be held later."

Walker and the others responded in unison, and everyone was extremely excited.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then jokingly said:

"If you act without authorization and accidentally touch the organ trap set by those nasty scum of the Führer's Guard, you will miss not just one grand celebration dinner, but many times.

Of course, your family will receive a very generous pension afterward, but I'm pretty sure you guys never want your family to get that pension unless you're out of your mind! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene,

Walker and Derek all laughed and nodded in unison.

There were bursts of laughter in front of countless live broadcast terminals, and each laughter was full of envy, even jealousy.

Steven is well known for how generous he is to his subordinates, and the high salaries and generous treatment of the employees of the fearless exploration company.

Especially after each exploration operation, the rewards given by this guy Steven have already become legends in the industry, can you not make people jealous!

After some exhortations, everyone divided into two groups and started to act separately. The target was the pile of black crates in front of them.

Soon, several groups picked out a crate, and carefully began to clean the dust and moss from it, preparing to open these boxes.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he took on the duty of inspection. He quickly scanned all the boxes to prevent any accidents.

In fact, he had already seen clearly through perspective what was going on in these black crates, and now he was just acting.

"This box looks like there should be no mechanism traps, Walker, you can pry it open, but you still have to be careful"

Ye Tian pretended to carefully inspect the crate in front of him that had been wiped of dust and moss, and then said to Walker and the others, allowing them to open the crate.

"Okay, Steven, we'll be careful"

Walker nodded in response, and then acted.

In the blink of an eye, the crate had been pried open, and what was presented before everyone was still a box full of nacui gold, shining brightly under the light.

As soon as the box was opened, there were bursts of exclamation in this underground palace and in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

"Wow! It's another box of nacui gold, this thing is so tempting"

"Isn't that right! Why wasn't I the one who discovered these nacui gold? It was that lucky bastard Steven, God favors that guy so much!"

Ye Tian looked at the box of Nacui gold, and then told Walker to reseal the box and check it later.

Then, he walked to the side again to check the crate in Derek's hands.

That crate also has no traps, and the things contained in it are also dazzling Nacui gold, and the crate is full.

The contents of the four or five crates that were opened next were all the same. Each crate was filled with nacui gold.

With the appearance of a box of nacui gold, there were endless exclamations on the square in front of the Temple Palace, the surrounding area, and countless live broadcast terminals.

Looking at these dazzling nacui gold, many people's eyeballs were reflected in gold, and their eyes were full of madness.

The sensational effect caused by this exploration operation has also become bigger and bigger, and even stirred up the entire world.

In particular, many European countries that were invaded and plundered by Germany during World War II, as well as some countries in North Africa, are paying close attention to this exploration operation and closely watching this batch of nacui gold that is enough to make people crazy.

Without even thinking about it, these countries will soon make claims as the invaded, trying to get a share of this staggering amount of nacui gold.

Not only that, some Jews and related organizations all over the world are also closely watching this batch of nacui gold.

In the eyes of some Jews, this batch of nacui gold was scraped from their nation, and they certainly have good reasons to claim it.

However, they overlooked the most important point. It was Ye Tian who discovered this batch of gold.

Regardless of the many countries that were invaded by Nazi Germany during World War II, or the Jews who have always regarded themselves as victims, they obviously think too much!

In the underground palace, the exploration is still going on.

After prying open six or seven crates one after another, Ye Tian stopped Walker and Derek, and didn't let these guys pry open more boxes, there was no need for that.

"Guys, the pile of black crates in front of us should be filled with Nacui gold, in order to save time, we don't need to pry open these crates one by one.

When we finish exploring this underground palace, grasp the general situation here, and start cleaning up, we will open each box and count how many gold ingots are inside the box.

Let's go and see what's in the pile of crates next to it, maybe it's another surprise, there are still many boxes waiting for us to check, there must be more surprises."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and pointed to a pile of crates next to him.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Walker and the others could respond, Cole's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the person in charge of the Temple Palace, those officials from the German Ministry of Culture, as well as those experts and scholars, as well as people from the Berlin Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church, will all gather at the gate of the Temple Palace.

These Germans are very emotional and strongly demand to enter the Temple Palace, enter the underground palace where you are, participate in the ongoing exploration operation, and jointly explore this huge treasure.

At this moment, these German guys were blocked by Leonardo and the others outside the gate of the Temple Palace, and they were not allowed to enter. The situation on the scene was somewhat tense, and it was up to you to decide whether to let these German guys enter the Temple Palace.

Another thing, the staff of the German Chancellor's Office just informed that the German Chancellor will come to the Temple Palace later, she wants to meet and talk with you, if you can't meet, you can also communicate by phone."

Hearing the notification, a sneer flashed across the corner of Ye Tian's mouth immediately.

Why did the German Chancellor come here? He knew it clearly in his heart. Of course, he came for Hitler's treasure, and for those dazzling Nacui gold.

As a defeated country in World War II, Germany has been under the protection of the United States, or under the surveillance of the US military, whether they are willing or not.

Even the vast majority of Germany's national reserve gold is stored in the major vaults of the Federal Reserve, and the Germans and the German government will not return it if they want to.

They can only beg for toothpaste bit by bit from the US government, just like beggars, even more pitiful than beggars!

That is their reserve gold, but it is held in the hands of others, and it is beyond reach!

The sudden appearance of this astonishing amount of nacui gold in front of them immediately made the eyeballs of many Germans irritated red, and also made them have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

This is Berlin, the capital of Germany. Apart from people and harmony, the right time and place are all on Germany's side. The German government is willing to let go of such a god-sent opportunity to enrich the country's heritage!

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian stepped aside, turned on the microphone of the wireless invisible earphone and said:

"Kole, the same sentence, without my permission, no one can be allowed to enter the Temple Palace, not only the Germans at the gate of the Temple Palace, but also the German Chancellor and his party who are coming.

You can reply to the staff of the German Chancellor's office. I am very happy to have a dialogue with the German Chancellor and have a good discussion. If you want to meet and talk, you can only talk about it when I return to the ground.

As for the Germans gathered at the gate of the Temple Palace, you might as well tell them whether they can enter the Temple Palace depends on the results of my talks with the German Chancellor, and let them wait patiently."

"Understood, Steven, I'll notify the Germans"

Cole responded and immediately took action.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian took Walker and the others to the pile of crates next to them and continued to explore.

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