Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2169 Counterfeit Currency

After listening to David's explanation, the red-faced and agitated Germans at the entrance of the Temple Palace calmed down somewhat, and stopped shouting and trying to force their way into the Temple Palace.

They could only wait patiently, waiting for the German Chancellor to come here, and talk to that hateful and cunning bastard Steven, trying to get everyone into the Temple Palace as soon as possible to participate in this major discovery that caused a sensation in the world.

While David was explaining, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany also received a call from the staff of the Prime Minister's Office, informing him that the German Prime Minister was coming here soon.

After hanging up the phone, the senior German government official immediately announced the news in public.

As a result, the situation on the scene suddenly became more relaxed, and it was no longer tense!

And those media reporters who were in the square in front of the Temple became even more excited when they heard the news. They were all gearing up, waiting for Ye Tian to meet with the German Chancellor.

Not only the Germans were acting, but the American ambassador on the scene, and the American government behind him, had also acted, targeting the astonishing amount of nacui gold.

In the Gothic palace deep underground, the exploration continues.

"Steven, this crate is still full of Nacui gold. The number and specifications of the gold ingots are the same as the Nacui gold in the previous boxes. It seems that this pile of crates is filled with Nacui gold."

Derek pointed to the crate that had just been opened in front of him and said, this box was filled with trapezoidal gold ingots branded with Nacui swastikas and Nacui eagles, emitting dazzling light.

The ladder boxes at the hands of Walker's team next to them and several other teams were also filled with glittering nacui gold.

This is already the third pile of crates that Ye Tian and the others inspected. The items contained in these crates are all Nacui gold, and the specifications are basically the same, the weight is basically the same, and the quantity is extremely surprising.

As in the case of the first pile of crates, there were no traps in the latter two piles of crates and the surrounding area, so naturally no accidents occurred.

For now, the SS head of state unit that hides these gold and silver treasures has only set up traps in the secret passage connecting the underground palace with the Temple Palace, and has not set up traps in other places.

Why the SS Führer Guard would do this is not known!

They may be very confident that they have hidden this treasure so seamlessly that it is impossible for anyone to discover it; perhaps it is because the time is too short and there is no time to arrange more traps.

Of course, there is another possibility.

There may be a lot of flammable but extremely precious antique artworks in this treasure, which made the Führer's Guard not dare to set traps such as grenades and explosives here.

In any case, these are irrelevant.

In Ye Tian's eyes, even if there is a trap like a net of heaven and earth, don't try to stop him from sweeping away this huge treasure!

While exploring the three piles of crates, Derek and the others did not forget to arrange lighting fixtures.

As the bright lights are turned on, this Gothic palace deep underground,

It suddenly became brighter, and some places seemed to be daytime.

As soon as Derek finished speaking, Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, those crates look like they're full of nacui gold, no need to pry open any more crates, guys, seal up all the crates that were opened, let's go see what's in the crates next to it thing"

As he spoke, he pointed to another pile of boxes a few meters away.

Different from the boxes that have been explored before, this pile of boxes looks bigger, about 70 to 80 centimeters long, 60 centimeters wide, and 50 centimeters high, and the volume of the boxes is obviously larger.

I just don't know what is in these boxes? Or nacui gold, or antique artwork.

"Okay, Steven"

Walker and the others responded in unison, and then re-covered and sealed the crates that had just been pried open.

After they finished this work, Ye Tian walked forward with them, ready to explore the next pile of crates.

"Crack, crack, crack"

With a few crisp sounds, another few crates were pried open by Walker and the others.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of excited exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! Deutsche Marks, I have a whole box of brand new Deutsche Marks here, and they are all in 100 denominations. Although these Deutsche Marks are wrapped in oilcloth, they are still moldy."

"What I have in this box is US dollars, full of green Franklin. To be honest, I have only seen this version of Franklin in history books, never in reality.

These hundred-dollar banknotes were printed in 1942. Although they are moldy, they should look like brand-new banknotes and have not been circulated in the market. Is it possible that Nacui Germany also issued US banknotes? "

"Steven, what I have in this box is British pounds, which are also in one hundred denominations. The version is quite old, and it is almost impossible to see them now, and these pounds are also new, shouldn't it?"

Just when Walker and the others were exclaiming, Ye Tian had already walked up to them and looked at the banknotes in these boxes one by one.

Immediately afterwards, he uncovered the tarpaulin wrapping the banknotes, picked up a bundle of banknotes from each box, put them under the headlamp to examine them carefully, and flipped the banknotes lightly with his hands.

After a while, he smiled and said:

"As I expected before, there are indeed a large number of banknotes hidden here, and these banknotes are all printed by Nacui Germany itself. Among them, only the Deutsche Mark is real, and the rest are counterfeit banknotes.

The reason why these British pounds, US dollars, and other banknotes are fake is very simple. These large-denomination banknotes from various countries have just left the factory, have never been circulated in the market, and all have serial numbers.

But this is Berlin, Germany, the enemy of the United Kingdom and the United States. How can there be brand-new large-denomination British pound and dollar bills with consecutive numbers in this place, which are obviously counterfeit.

These British pound and American banknotes are perfectly counterfeited, indistinguishable from the real ones. The version, date, hidden watermark, and even the ink used for printing are all seamless and flawless.

If these large-denomination British pound and US dollar bills were found in London and New York in another place, I would never dare to say that they are counterfeit banknotes. They are genuine legal tender and can be exchanged at banks.

Only because they were in the wrong place, and because they were brand new notes that had never been in circulation, I'm sure they were Nacui German counterfeit notes, probably the best counterfeit notes during World War II.

This also proves that during World War II, such things as counterfeiting the currency of a hostile country and disrupting the economic order of a hostile country have become state behaviors, which are not uncommon, and it is not only the Germans who do such things!

For us, these counterfeit coins have no value, and there is nowhere to exchange them. Except for a little display, the rest can be burned, and the governments of various countries do not allow them to be listed and circulated.”

Following Ye Tian's words, the live broadcast end was immediately detonated again, and the discussion suddenly rang out.

But Ye Tian and the others had already left the pile of crates full of counterfeit banknotes, and continued to walk forward, and then explored this astonishingly huge treasure.

Next, they successively discovered a lot of glittering Nacui gold, an astonishing number of counterfeit coins from various countries, as well as a large number of silver ingots, gold marks, gold francs, gold pounds, and countless 20-dollar gold coins.

There were also gold and silver coins from many other countries, some packed in black crates, some in canvas bags, piled up like hills.

Among them are more than a dozen boxes of antique gold coins, a huge number of various gold utensils, a large number of jewels, diamonds and platinum, etc., which are countless and jaw-dropping.

Every time Ye Tian and the others open a box, there will be a burst of exclamation in this underground palace, and the same is true in front of countless live broadcast terminals, with continuous exclamation.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others came to a pile of crates again, ready to open these boxes and check to see what was inside these boxes.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, the motorcade of the German Chancellor has arrived at the square in front of the Temple Palace, and they have all got off the car and are walking towards the gate of the Temple Palace"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly.

"It's finally here. The speed is really fast. It seems that they are in a very urgent mood. That's good. I can have a good talk with this strong German woman."

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