Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2170 Madonna of Bruges

A moment later, David's voice came from the invisible headset again.

"Steven, the German Chancellor and a group of senior government officials have arrived at the gate of the Temple Palace. This committee is listening to the report from the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany, and it is time to contact us next.

Are you going to talk to the German Chancellor by phone, or return to the ground and meet this strong German woman? It can be seen from the formation of the Germans that they are determined to win Hitler's treasure."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately turned off the microphone of the high-definition camera on his body, and then turned on the tiny microphone of the wireless invisible earphone, then said with a sneer in a low voice:

"As the discoverer of this treasure, half of Hitler's treasure belongs to my buddies, and no one can covet it, let alone the current German Chancellor, even if Hitler comes back from the dead, there is no way.

I don't plan to return to the ground immediately, just talk to the German Chancellor over the phone. This gothic underground palace has not been explored yet. For safety reasons, we can't just leave Walker and the others here.

After meeting the German Chancellor and going through the procedures on the scene, you tell her directly that you can discuss with me through a video conference call. I am in this underground palace, and they are in the hall of the Temple Palace.

I will decide who will participate in this video conference call. In addition to the German Chancellor and the Deputy Minister of Culture, the person in charge of the Temple Palace and representatives of the Catholic Church in Berlin must participate.

This treasure is located deep underground in the Temple Palace, and the Temple Palace is the property of the Catholic Church in Berlin. To put it bluntly, the other half of Hitler's treasure belongs to them, so they must participate.

The candidate on our side, you, as a private lawyer and company legal adviser, will represent me and the Bravery Exploration Company to participate in the talks. Cole will also participate in this talk, but you will be the main one.

It is impossible for the Bishop of Kent to participate in the talks as a witness. As for the US ambassador to Germany and the cultural counselor, it is impossible to prevent them from participating. They must be coveting this treasure.

The camera must be turned on throughout this video conference call, and the corresponding video data will be left. As soon as the meeting is over, you will upload the video data to the cloud to prevent the Germans from playing tricks! "

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us here, I know what to do, and when everything is ready, I will notify you and start this video conference call"

David responded, his tone was so excited that he was probably about to fly.

The treasures involved in this meeting have caused a sensation all over the world and attracted countless attentions. Moreover, the German Chancellor who participated in the meeting is of a very high level. Can he not be excited about it?

After finishing the call, Ye Tian turned on the live microphone again, and walked back to Walker and the others.

At this time, Walker and the others pried open several black crates.

What appeared in front of everyone this time were boxes of shiny antique gold coins.

To be more precise, it is a case of Roman gold coins. These gold coins come from different eras of the Roman Empire, and many of them are valuable and rare.

With the appearance of these antique gold coins, Walker and Derek exclaimed again, even though they had discovered a lot of nacui gold and a large amount of gold and silver treasures before.

It was the same in front of countless live broadcast terminals, and the exclamation sounded louder and more exaggerated than before.

"Wow! This treasure is too exaggerated and amazing! Could it be that Hitler looted all the gold from all European countries and stored it all in this gothic underground palace?"

"As the discoverer of this treasure, Steven enjoys 50% of the rights and interests of this treasure. If he really gets half of the treasure,

It's too crazy, what a huge fortune that is! "

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian had already quickly checked the Roman gold coins in these boxes, and basically figured out the value of these gold coins and the age they came from.

Then he smiled and said loudly:

"Hitter claimed to be the successor of the Roman Empire, so Nacui Germany is also called the Third Reich. It is reasonable for him to collect so many Roman Empire gold coins.

If the expectations are correct, we will find many items related to the Roman Empire, which may be gold products or valuable antique works of art."

Hearing what he said, Walker and Derek nodded, and there was no disagreement.

Many experts and scholars on the live broadcast, as well as collectors, and even those who have a little research on history, also nodded, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's inference.

as expected!

When Ye Tian and the others came to the next pile of crates and pried open a few boxes, what appeared in front of them were some shining golden vessels from the Holy Roman Empire.

These gold utensils are exquisitely made, including tableware, decorations, and religious items, etc., and there are a wide variety of them.

Moreover, these golden vessels all came from the court of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Habsburg family crest imprinted on these golden vessels is the most powerful proof.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as these golden vessels from the court of the Holy Roman Empire appeared, they caused a huge commotion in this underground palace and on countless live broadcast terminals.

As before, after inspecting these golden utensils, Ye Tian asked Walker and the others to seal up all the boxes that had just been opened, and clean them up later.

Next, Ye Tian and the others came to a pile of canvas bags, picked a few of them and opened them, and began to look at the things contained in these canvas bags.

As the canvas bags were opened and the lights entered, a dazzling light flashed in front of everyone's eyes. Even this Gothic underground palace instantly became colorful and beautiful.

These canvas bags are filled with all kinds of jewellery, ranging from brooches and cufflinks to necklaces and crowns, each of which is exquisite and inlaid with gemstones of various colors, shining brightly .

One of the canvas bags contained a large number of uncut diamonds. When illuminated by the light, the brilliance emitted by these rough diamonds made everyone almost unable to open their eyes.

As soon as the bag was opened, Walker and the others were stunned, staring at the jewels and diamonds in the bag dumbfounded, eyes full of madness and obsession.

And in front of countless live broadcast terminals, the pot was blown up again in an instant.

Like Walker and the others, everyone was completely shocked and fascinated by the bags of dazzling jewels and diamonds.

After a while, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Derek said excitedly:

"The things hidden in this underground palace are all gold and silver treasures. Are there no antique works of art such as sculptures and paintings? We opened so many boxes, but we didn't find a single sculpture or oil painting!"

Not only him, but many people have such doubts in their hearts.

Compared with gold, silver treasures, jewelry and diamonds, top-level antique works of art are more valuable, and the value of a top-level work of art from a master may be worth several boxes, or even more, of gold.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Derek, then glanced at the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"It would be disappointing if there were only dazzling gold and silver treasures in this Hitler's treasure, but there were no more valuable sculptures and paintings.

I believe that these treasures that Hitler cherished so much and did not hesitate to use the Führer's Guard to hide are not only gold and silver treasures, there must be something more valuable.

In fact, these more valuable things are close at hand, but everyone's attention is attracted by those gold and silver treasures, so they don't notice other things.

Please look over there, on the side of the granite pillar in front, stands a marble statue, which has been hidden in the darkness before, and I just saw it."

As he said that, Ye Tian raised his finger to a granite pillar not far ahead. On the side of that granite pillar, there was indeed a marble statue standing.

Under the illumination of the headlights, the silhouette of the sculpture was clearly presented in front of everyone.

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Walker and the others all looked at the granite pillar, as did the people in front of the live broadcast, they all saw the marble statue.

The next moment, there were surprised voices from many places in front of the scene and the live broadcast terminal.

"Hey! The profile of that marble statue looks so familiar. For a while, I couldn't remember where I saw this sculpture before."

Before the words fell, Ye Tian's excited, even slightly trembling voice came out, and it reached everyone's ears clearly.

"The Madonna of Bruges! That's Michelangelo's Madame Bruges, how could this famous sculpture be here? It's incredible!"

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