Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2171 True and False Statues

"Ah! How is this possible? Isn't Michelangelo's "Lady of Bruges" in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges, Belgium? How could it appear here? And it has been hidden here for more than seventy years!"

Derek exclaimed directly, his eyes widened, his expression extremely exaggerated.

Not only him, Walker, and many people on the live broadcast, but everyone who knew something about Michelangelo's "Madame Bruges" had a dumbfounded expression at this moment.

Without exception, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer.

Ye Tian glanced at the subordinates around him, then smiled and said loudly:

"If the statue in front is really Michelangelo's "Madame Bruges", it would be fun. There must be one of the "Madame Bruges" in the Church of Our Lady of Bruges, Belgium, and this statue. Taste.

Specifically, that statue is a fake, and that statue is the original work of the top art master Michelangelo. Let’s go and see. As long as I see this famous statue, I can draw the most accurate appraisal conclusion.”

As he said that, Ye Tian stepped out and walked towards the marble statue in front of him.

Behind him, Walker and Derek followed immediately, all of them excited and full of anticipation.

During the march, Ye Tian took on the role of commentary again, introducing Michelangelo's "Madame Bruges" to Walker and the countless people in front of the live broadcast.

"Lady of Bruges is a sculpture created by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504. Its real name is "Madonna and Child". It is a well-deserved top-level artwork.

After the marble statue was created, it was soon brought to the Church of Our Lady in Bruges, Belgium, so people also call this outstanding work of Michelangelo "Madame Bruges".

In addition, this statue has another name, 'Madonna of Bruges', because the image of the Virgin Mary in this statue is a bit like the pop queen Madonna, so it got this name.

From the beginning of the sixteenth century until 1944, the statue was in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges, Belgium, when the German army forcibly took the artwork away when they retreated from Belgium in 1944.

When snatching Michelangelo's "Madame of Bruges", in order to avoid arousing public outrage and to deceive people, the German army used Red Cross trucks to smuggle away the statue, taking great pains.

A year later, Germany was defeated. By chance, "Lady of Bruges" was found in a mine, and then sent back to Belgium, where it has been enshrined in the Church of Our Lady of Bruges for decades.

Now it seems that the statue sent back to Belgium may not be the real "Madame Bruges", of course, there is also the possibility that the "Madame Bruges" hidden here is a fake."

Having said that, Derek suddenly interjected and said:

"Since one of the two statues must be an imitation, who copied Michelangelo's "Madame Bruges"? Who can perfectly copy Michelangelo's work without revealing flaws for decades? "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this kid, then smiled and said:

"Of course the Nazis! With Hitler's fanatical pursuit of the works of the three masters of Renaissance art, it is entirely possible for him to order a copy of a Michelangelo's work, and then mislead it.

During World War II, the whole of Germany was under the rule of Hitler, and Germany did not lack top talents in sculpture. It is not too difficult to copy a piece of Michelangelo's work with all the efforts of the country! "

While speaking, the group of them had already come to the statue of "Madame Bruges", and they all stood still and admired it.

At this time, the outside world is already as lively as a pot.

Especially Belgium, and the historic city of Bruges.

All the Belgians and Bruges citizens who were watching the live broadcast were stunned by the shock. They all held their heads with their hands, their eyes full of disbelief, as if they couldn't believe what they just heard.

"How is it possible? The "Lady of Bruges" in the Church of Our Lady is an imitation. Michelangelo's original work is hidden deep in the underground of the Berlin Temple Palace. It has not seen the light of day for more than 70 years. This is simply a fantasy !"

"God bless! I hope the "Lady of Bruges" in the Church of Our Lady is Michelangelo's original work, and it must not be a fake. If this top-notch work of art falls into the hands of Steven's bastard, it will be troublesome "

Different from ordinary people, many professionals who have studied "Madame Bruges" showed a thoughtful expression at this time, and even a look of surprise flashed across their faces.

At this time, the Belgian government and the municipality of Bruges quickly took action after being shocked.

"Immediately contact the ambassador and cultural counselor of the embassy in Germany and ask them to rush to the site of the Temple Palace immediately. If the statue is really Michelangelo's original work, then be sure to keep an eye on that statue.

It is a Belgian national treasure, belongs to the Belgian people, and is one of the city symbols of Bruges. It must not fall into the hands of Steven, a greedy bastard, nor the Germans!

Steven, a greedy bastard, has previously sacked Brussels and Antwerp, sweeping a large amount of top-level antique art from these two Belgian cities, such a thing must never happen again"

The same scene is happening in the office of the Prime Minister of Belgium and the office of the mayor of Bruges.

After several calls were made, the relevant personnel of the Belgian embassy in Germany immediately took action, rushed out of the embassy, ​​and drove straight to the Temple Palace.

And those high-level government officials in Belgium, professionals in the field of antique art collection, and even all Belgians are eagerly waiting for Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion.

Because of the crazy looting of Brussels and Antwerp last year, many Belgians hated Ye Tian until their teeth itch, but Belgians had no doubts about his ability to identify antique works of art.

These Belgians knew in their hearts that as long as that bastard Steven said that the statue of "Lady of Bruges" hidden deep in the underground of the Temple Palace was the authentic work of Michelangelo, they would be absolutely correct!

I hope the result is not like that, otherwise, Belgium will definitely not escape the tragic fate of being looted again, and the person who looted Belgium is Steven, that greedy bastard again.

And this time, it was changed to another Belgian city, Bruges, a famous historical and cultural city. Could it be that the Belgians owed that bastard and deserved to be looted over and over again?

In a temporarily arranged meeting room next to the hall of the Temple Palace, the preparations for the video conference call have been completed, and all the people involved in the meeting have been seated on both sides of a long conference table.

At the north end of this long conference table, a white projection screen is hung, on which the ongoing exploration operation is played, and the picture is quite clear.

Seeing that everything was ready, David immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, and was about to notify Ye Tian that the video conference call could start.

At this moment, the German Chancellor who was sitting opposite suddenly interjected:

"Don't be in a hurry to inform Mr. Steven. It doesn't matter if the video conference starts late. I really want to hear his appraisal conclusion, and I want to know whether this "Madame Bruges" is the original work of Michelangelo."

Naturally, David would not refuse such a request.

He smiled and nodded, then put the walkie-talkie back on the table, and looked at the live broadcast on the projection screen with interest.

Inside the underground palace, the exploration is still going on.

Under Ye Tian's signal, Walker and Derek roughly wiped "Madame Bruges" with a soft cloth, basically wiping off the dust and moss that fell on the surface of the statue.

Following their actions, the famous "Madame of Bruges" was once again presented to people after more than seventy years.

This is a marble sculpture in a classicist style, based on a biblical story. It is carved with the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus, and the protagonist is the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary is holding the young Jesus in her arms, sitting on a chair, staring at the ground in front of her, her eyes are focused and full of love, and she seems to be in deep thought.

At the same time, she gently embraces the young Jesus with her right hand to prevent him from falling to the ground due to mischievousness, and puts her left hand on her knee. She is full of maternal brilliance, holy and great.

As I said before, from some angles, this statue of the Virgin Mary does look a bit like Madonna, the queen of pop music, with a modern taste in love and holiness.

The carving skills of this statue are very superb. The sculptor used the carving knife in his hand to create a nearly perfect sculpture, creating a perfect image of the Virgin.

Standing in front of this marble statue and looking at it, one may even have the urge to worship.

In fact, Derek and another guy who were on the scene, as well as many devout believers on the live broadcast, had already started crossing their chests and praying in low voices after seeing the statue of the Virgin Mary!

Of course, this does not include Ye Tian, ​​he just simply appreciates it.

More importantly, in his eyes, this marble statue radiated a dazzling yellow light, which was beautiful and dazzling. Outside the yellow light, there were more than twenty layers of charming halos.

And these reveal the age of this statue with great accuracy, as well as its unparalleled great artistic value.

Besides the top art master Michelangelo, whose work could it be? Who can create such a classic sculpture?

After quietly appreciating for a moment, he gave his own appraisal conclusion.

"Guys, I can be sure that the marble statue in front of me, Madame Bruges, is definitely Michelangelo's original work, and the statue in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges was concocted by Hitler counterfeit!"

Before the words were finished, cheers erupted from the scene, from Walker and Derek.

At this time, Belgium was completely overwhelmed by almost crazy exclamations!

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