Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2172 Fallen Artist

Just like other places, when Ye Tian publicly stated his appraisal conclusion, the temporary meeting room in the hall of the Temple Palace immediately erupted.

Especially those Germans, including the German Chancellor, while exclaiming, everyone's eyes are extremely bright, shining straight, and even flashing with greed.

Ye Tian and the others, who were in the underground palace, were standing in front of the statue of "Madame Bruges", admiring this Michelangelo's masterpiece intoxicated.

After a while, David's voice suddenly came from the intercom, which woke them up.

"Steven, everything is ready to start the video conference call. The people participating in this video conference call are the same as you designated before"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, smiled and said:

"Okay, David, I still need to make some arrangements here. Please wait for a while. After the preparations are complete, I will notify you and connect the video signal."

"No problem, Steven"

David responded and ended the call immediately.

Next, Ye Tian glanced at the few subordinates around him, and said to these guys:

"Derek, you put some lights in front of this Michelangelo's "Madame of Bruges", and I'm here to make a video call to discuss with those German friends in the conference room on the ground floor.

After the layout is complete, you can continue to explore, but don't stay too far away from me. You must tell me every time you open a box. You can only pry it open after I have checked the box and confirmed it is safe.

Just choose the pile of boxes next to it. That pile of boxes is very close to the statue. Even in order to protect "Madame Bruges", Hitler would never allow traps to be set in those boxes.

Those boxes are generally large in size and have different specifications. If I am not mistaken, those boxes should contain valuable antique works of art, so everyone must be careful."

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to a pile of wooden boxes on the east side of "Madame Bruges".

As he said, the pile of wooden boxes was relatively large in size and varied in size, and was quite different from the crates he had explored before.

Underneath those wooden boxes, they were padded with cross-bars, covered with moisture-proof mats, and covered with several layers of moisture-proof tarpaulins, which looked different.

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Walker and Derek responded in unison, and then took action.

In just a few moments, Derek and the others arranged a few lights in front of "Madame Bruges", illuminating this priceless marble sculpture completely.

Next, Ye Tian stood next to "Madame Bruges", holding an IPAD in his hand for a video call. This famous sculpture by Michelangelo was directly used by him as a background board.

Before the video call, Ye Tian, ​​Walker and the others all turned off the live broadcast microphones they carried with them, and the live broadcast was only the picture and no sound.

The reason for this is, of course, out of confidentiality considerations.

During the video call with those German guys, some of the conversations are not suitable for live broadcast. This is a deal, and it is inevitable that there will be some ulterior things and exchange of interests.

Walker and the others have also started their operations, walking towards the pile of wooden boxes covered with tarpaulins, preparing to open those boxes to see what is inside.

The signal was connected, and the picture in the temporary meeting room in the hall of the Temple Palace appeared on the IPAD and in front of Ye Tian's eyes. The picture was very clear.

At the same time, the scene of Ye Tian and "Madame Bruges" standing side by side,

The projection screen that also appeared in the temporary conference room appeared in front of everyone in the conference room.

The next moment, Ye Tian waved lightly at the IPAD camera, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, I'm Steven, I'm glad to see you here, please forgive me, I can't return to the ground, sit at the conference table to meet with you, and have talks

Although the weather in Berlin today is not very good, it is a perfect day for me and Dartman, and even for everyone. We have witnessed a great miracle together!

In this Gothic palace located deep underground in the Temple Palace, we found a huge treasure, where not only a large number of gold and silver treasures are hidden, but also many priceless top antique works of art.

For example, the "Madame of Bruges" by Renaissance art master Michelangelo, its appearance will definitely cause a huge sensation, and I believe that such surprises will continue to appear."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause in the temporary meeting room.

"clap clap"

Everyone in the conference room began to applaud, and the applause was prolonged and enthusiastic.

Even those German guys who were sore and even hated Ye Tian to the point of itching their teeth could not deny at this time that this was indeed a great discovery that had already caused a sensation in the world.

And Steven, who discovered this Hitler's treasure, even though he is extremely greedy and has an endless appetite, is enough to make everyone admire him, and even go crazy with envy.

After the applause fell, David immediately picked up the conversation and began to introduce the parties involved in the video conference call.

Every time he introduced someone, Ye Tian would wave to that person, say hello with a smile, and be polite, with an impeccable performance.

Five or six minutes had passed by the time David finished his introduction and went through the procedures on these scenes.

Just when everyone was about to get to the point and talk about how to cooperate to explore and rationally distribute this huge treasure, Walker and his team each carried a box over and placed it in front of Ye Tian.

"Steven, these boxes are well protected, each layer is covered with tarpaulin, and there is not much dust on it, only a thin layer of moss, and the weight is not too heavy.

We don't know exactly what's inside these boxes, but we checked and found that there are no mechanism traps outside the boxes. Can we pry open these boxes? "

Walker introduced the situation and looked expectantly at the boxes that had just been brought over.

The same goes for the other guys, all gearing up, ready to pry open these boxes at any time.

Ye Tian didn't give an answer immediately, but said to the IPAD camera with a smile on his face:

"Madam Prime Minister, and other ladies and gentlemen, it seems that we have to pause our video conference to see what is in these boxes, which may be another huge surprise.

After we have finished reading the things packed in these boxes, we will continue the conversation. I believe that nothing will be delayed, and it will add some interesting topics to this conversation. I think everyone will not refuse."

Hearing this, all the Germans in the temporary conference room rolled their eyes in unison and complained secretly.

"Is it useful for us to refuse? It's not something you bastard can decide with one word. Who can change your decision, and it's impossible to even influence it."

Unsurprisingly, everyone sitting on both sides of the long table in the temporary conference room nodded lightly and had no disagreement.

In fact, they were also very curious about what was in the box that Walker and the others carried.

Next, Ye Tian carefully checked the boxes, and after confirming that there were no traps in the boxes, he nodded and let Walker and the others open the boxes.

"Crack, crack, crack"

With a few crisp sounds, the boxes were all pried open by Walker and the others.

Without exception, the things packed in those boxes were all wrapped in thick tarpaulins and lay quietly in the boxes.

However, just from the outlines of those things, everyone has already guessed what those things are.

"Steven, what you said before is correct. The things contained in these boxes are indeed antique works of art, and they are bound oil paintings. I just don't know the works of those artists and how much they are worth."

Derek said excitedly, almost dancing.

The same goes for the other guys, staring at the contents of the boxes in their hands, wishing they could immediately remove the tarpaulins and look at the paintings wrapped inside.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in these boxes, then smiled and said:

"Guys, you are welcome, open these tarpaulins and let everyone enjoy the paintings wrapped inside, but be careful, these paintings are likely to be priceless top art"

Walker and the others were just waiting for this order, without any hesitation, they immediately took action one by one, swiftly and cautiously.

After a while, the first painting appeared, held by Derek, and displayed in front of Ye Tian and all the live broadcast terminals.

This is an impressionist painting with a beautiful rural landscape that is pleasing to the eye.

The first time he saw this impressionist painting, Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he cried out in surprise.

"Wow! This is the work of a so-called 'degenerate artist', what a huge surprise!"

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