Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2174 A series of thunderous names

After introducing the so-called degenerate art and the relationship between degenerate art and Hitler, as well as this "Provence Landscape" by the impressionist master Monet, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the other paintings.

The tarpaulin wrapping these paintings has not been completely lifted. Which artist and what style are these paintings? Is it the so-called degenerate art? Unknown for now.

"Guys, let's come one by one, uncover the tarpaulins on the outside of these paintings, let everyone appreciate these works of art that Hitler has tried so hard to hide, and see whose works they are!"

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and pointed to the painting that Walker and the others held in their hands.

Following his words, everyone inside and outside the Temple Palace, as well as almost everyone in front of the live broadcast, looked at the painting in Walker's hands with eyes full of anticipation.

"Okay, Steven"

Walker and the others responded in unison, and everyone was very excited.

Before the words fell, Walker took the lead in taking action and continued to dismantle the moisture-proof tarpaulin that wrapped the painting in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, an oil painting on canvas appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes and on the live broadcast screen.

Ye Tian immediately took a step forward, pretending to carefully examine the painting carefully, and then gave his appraisal conclusion with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, this oil painting on canvas with bright colors, strong contrast and great visual impact should come from the hands of Fauvist master Matisse, and it was created around 1905.

1905 was the peak period of Matisse's artistic career. It was in this year that Fauvism was officially named at the Autumn Salon in Paris and caused a huge sensation in Paris.

Like Impressionism, Fauvism was also classified as "degenerate art" by Hitler, but he did not give up plundering Fauvism's works of art, which is the best proof.

As far as I know, this painting by Matisse was acquired by a Jewish banker as soon as it was published, and then circulated several times, and it disappeared during World War II. I didn’t expect it to be hidden here.”

Before the words fell, a company employee next to him asked curiously:

"Steven, since this is the peak work of Fauvist master Matisse, it must be worth a lot, right? How much is this Fauvist oil painting worth? How much is that "Landscape of Provence" worth? Can you tell everyone? ?”

Undoubtedly, this is a matter of great concern to everyone, including experts and scholars in the industry, as well as many collectors and artists of all sizes.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his answer, their eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian looked at the guy who asked the question, then glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"About the value of these two paintings, of course I can tell everyone, otherwise some guys should curse me secretly, and blame me for hanging everyone's curiosity."


Walker and the others all laughed, and there were bursts of laughter in front of the live broadcast.

The laughter fell slightly, and Ye Tian immediately continued:

"Let's start with the "Landscape of Provence" by the impressionist master Claude Monet. Although this painting was looted, it is very well preserved. There are almost no flaws in both the canvas and the frame.

When hiding this painting, the Nazis put a lot of thought into it. The environment in this underground palace is suitable for preserving works of art such as oil paintings within a few decades, but it will not work for too long.

In other words, although this Impressionist painting has disappeared for more than seventy years,

But its own artistic value has not been affected in the slightest. As for the market value, it has been increasing over time.

Based on the market conditions of Monet's peak paintings and the auction transaction records of Monet's paintings in the same period in recent years, I value this painting at about 85 million US dollars, which is not too high! "

Before the words fell, Walker and the others cheered and gave each other high fives to celebrate.

"Wow! At least $80 million, that's awesome!"

"It is worthy of being the work of the top art master Monet, and the value is also top-notch"

On the countless live broadcast terminals, there were bursts of exclamations, and everyone was shocked by the sky-high valuation given by Ye Tian, ​​and then exclaimed involuntarily.

At the same time, many people are extremely envious, and even their eyes are red with jealousy.

These guys are all staring at Monet's "Provence Landscape", wishing they could take Ye Tian's place and take that priceless top artwork as their own.

Before the exclamation fell, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again, reaching everyone's ears clearly.

"Let's talk about this oil painting by Matisse, the master of Fauvism. Like Monet's painting, this oil painting on canvas is also in a very good state of preservation, and its artistic value has not been affected in the slightest.

Compared with Monet's paintings, the auction prices of Matisse's paintings are relatively low. However, with the rise of collections around the world in recent years, the prices of Matisse's paintings are rising rapidly.

Based on the current market conditions and combined with the existing auction transaction records, I value this painting by Matisse at about 40 million US dollars. If the operation is done properly, the transaction price can be even higher."

With the valuation of this sky-high price, excited cheers resounded in this Gothic palace deep underground.

And in front of countless live broadcast terminals, exclamations sounded one after another, endlessly.

Even the female chancellor of Germany sitting in the temporary meeting room had her eyelids twitch several times, and even her breathing became a little short of breath.

At this time, if someone carefully observes her eyes, they may be able to see the greedy light flashing quickly in the depths of this strong woman's eyes!

In a blink of an eye, this guy, Steven, found two top-level works of art worth tens of millions of dollars, and the combined value of the two paintings was as high as more than 120 million dollars.

For a guy like Steven, wealth comes too easily! Even if you open a banknote printing factory, the speed of printing money is not so fast! Can you not make people jealous?

This is Berlin, Germany, not the damned New York. This huge treasure was hidden by the Germans. Although the Nazis buried the treasure, the bastard Steven couldn't be swept away!

In any case, what was found in this treasure had to stay in Germany, at least half of it.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the German female chancellor suddenly became firmer, and the greedy light hidden in the depths of her eyes became more intense.

Inside the underground palace, another painting appeared and displayed in front of everyone.

This is a symbolist painting, expressing the theme of love, but not explicit.

The painter used a lot of yellow pigments in the creation process, and even used a lot of gold foil, which was directly pasted on the painting, which looks resplendent and resplendent.

Especially under the illumination of the light, this painting radiates an incomparably bright golden light, which makes people almost unable to open their eyes.

The first time he saw this painting, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the underground palace, as well as many experts, scholars, collectors and many painters on the live broadcast, all blurted out at the same time.

"Ah! This is the work of symbolist master Gustav Klimt. The style is so obvious that you can't go wrong! There is no doubt that this is another top-level work of art!"

Obviously, everyone recognized the origin of this symbolist painting and understood the value of this painting.

Compared with others, Ye Tian gave a more detailed explanation.

"This is the work of Gustav Klimt, the master of symbolism and the founder of the Austrian Secession. Just from the gold leaf on the painting, it can be seen that this oil painting was created in Klimt's golden period.

The so-called golden period was the peak of Klimt's artistic career. Perhaps because he belonged to the same nation, Hitler highly admired Klimt's art and collected many Klimt's paintings.

These include the 'Mona Lisa of Austria', the Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer, which Austrian-born Hitler loved so much that he placed it in 'protective custody' Received in the bag.

Looking at it now, Klimt's paintings that were also included in his pocket also include the one in front of me. What I didn't expect was that this painting with Hitler's blue eyes was actually placed next to "degenerate art" Together"

Following Ye Tian's introduction, there was another burst of exclamation at the scene and in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

After introducing the source of this symbolist painting, Ye Tian gave the painting's valuation. He valued this magnificent painting at 35 million dollars.

This is another sky-high valuation, which unsurprisingly detonated the scene again and detonated countless live broadcast terminals.

The painting presented next is a surreal oil painting, which fits Hitler's definition of degenerate art very well. It looks like a scribbled and incomprehensible thing!

However, this surreal painting was created by the master artist Picasso. It is a work created by Picasso around 1925, and it is a well-deserved top-level artwork.

When Ye Tianlang said Picasso's name aloud, the outside world was once again a sensation, and people were almost crazy.

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