After identifying and introducing Pau Gaso's surrealist paintings and giving their valuations, Ye Tian asked Walker and the others to re-wrap these priceless paintings with moisture-proof oil paper and put them back in the original box.

Walker and the others nodded in unison, and immediately took action.

Ye Tian turned off the live microphone again, stepped back to the side of "Madame Brugge", raised the IPAD in his hand again, and continued the video conference call.

He waved lightly at the IPAD camera, then smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, these long-lost paintings have been exhibited and authenticated, and each one is a well-deserved work of art of the highest order, pleasing to the eye, a series of great surprises.

After the cleaning work is completed later, if you have time and interest, you can carefully appreciate these top-level works of art that have reproduced the world, and appreciate the charm of the masters of art.

Let's continue this video conference now. Dear Prime Minister, the reason why you came to the Temple Palace must be for this treasure. What is your appeal? I'm all ears! "

After being polite, Ye Tian went straight to the point and directly threw the question to the German Chancellor on the ground.

Hearing his words, the female chancellor of Germany blushed suddenly, somewhat embarrassed.

They came here for this huge treasure, trying to keep the gold, silver treasures and antique works of art in Germany. This can be said to be Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

But this is a famous politician after all. He has been in the political arena for decades, and it is the most basic quality to be self-sufficient.

The irony hidden in Ye Tian's words is nothing to politicians at the level of the German Chancellor. They can completely turn a blind eye to it and turn a deaf ear to it.

In an instant, the expression of the German female chancellor returned to normal, and then said with a smile:

"No need to deny it, Mr. Steven, we are indeed here for this huge treasure. The discovery of this treasure has caused a sensation in the whole world. This is Berlin, Germany, how could we turn a blind eye.

After your series of explorations just now, as well as many gold and silver treasures and antique works of art that have reappeared in the world, it is absolutely certain that this treasure was hidden by the SS Führer Guard under Hitler's instruction.

The time to hide this batch of treasures was obviously at the end of World War II and on the eve of the defeat of the Nazis. The hidden gold, silver treasures and antique works of art were all looted by the Nazis from Germany and other countries.

During World War II, Germany under the rule of Narcissus brought serious disasters to the whole of Europe and even the whole world. It launched World War II and dragged the whole world into the abyss of war and suffering.

It is undeniable that after the end of World War II, successive German governments have tried their best to make up for the wounds that the war brought to European countries and even the whole world, so as to make up for the huge mistakes that the German nation has made.”

"That's right, Your Excellency, Germany has done a lot better than some countries in this regard"

Ye Tian interjected, with some appreciation in his tone.

Everyone knows which country he is referring to.

The German Chancellor did not pick up on this, she went on to say:

"Even if we really don't want to admit it, none of us can deny that the Third Reich under the leadership of Hitler was once the legitimate government of Germany, and the successive German governments after World War II were also the legitimate government of Germany.

Hitler's hidden treasure, and it is on German land, our German government naturally has the right to inherit, just like our previous German governments after World War II,

Try to make up for their crimes.

As the chancellor of the German government, my appeal is very simple. Since this huge treasure that has already caused a sensation in the world is located in Berlin, Germany, I hope that relevant German experts and scholars can participate in this exploration operation as soon as possible.

When the exploration operation is over and the cleaning is completed, I hope that all the gold and silver treasures and antique artworks found from this treasure can stay in Germany, and we will properly handle them in accordance with the relevant treaties of World War II,..."

Hearing this, a sneer flashed across the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and then interrupted him.

"You are right, Your Excellency Prime Minister, this huge treasure was indeed hidden by the SS Führer Guard under Hitler's instruction. The gold, silver, treasures and antique works of art in the treasure are all plundered.

Although this treasure is buried in Berlin, it is not buried on government land, but in the Temple Palace owned by the Berlin Catholic Church. According to German law, this treasure is obviously owned by the Berlin Catholic Church.

Before the start of the exploration operation, we, the Intrepid Exploration Company and the Vatican, as well as the Berlin Catholic Church and the Temple Palace, signed an exploration agreement, which was reported to the German Ministry of Culture and approved.

In that agreement, it is very clear that if we find treasure in the Temple Palace, as long as it is not the treasure of the Knights Templar, we will have half of the rights and interests of any other treasure.

Germany is a modern country that adheres to the principle of the sanctity of private property, and Germany is a country ruled by law. I believe that the German government will not openly break the law and violate the legal property of our company.

As for letting German experts and scholars participate in the exploration, the time is not yet ripe. After we have explored this Gothic palace deep underground and confirmed its safety, we will choose an opportunity to let them participate.

Through the live broadcast, everyone has also seen that we are very careful when exploring the treasure, lest we trigger possible traps and cause huge irreparable losses. No one wants to see such a result.

Under such circumstances, it is inappropriate to allow a large group of people to enter this underground palace, it will bring huge risks, and this gothic underground palace has only one exit, so there is no need to worry that we will take sheep with us."

Hearing his words, the Germans in the temporary meeting room couldn't help but rolled their eyes, and each of them complained secretly.

Steven, that damned bastard, is really eloquent, he's so eloquent, and he acts cautiously, almost impeccably.

Knowing that there is such an amazing treasure hidden here, unless the brain is kicked by a donkey, how could the joint exploration team be allowed to explore the treasure here, and how could they sign that damn agreement!

These Germans were so regretful that they wanted to beat their chests and stamp their feet, but there was nothing they could do. If there was anyone selling regret medicine in this world, they would definitely buy it!

The temporary conference room fell silent, all the Germans sitting on one side of the conference table were silent, and everyone's face was very ugly, as if their own father had just died!

After pondering for a moment, the German female chancellor gritted her molars and said:

"Mr. Steven, of course we will not deny the relevant agreement you signed with the Catholic Church in Berlin and the Temple Palace. As you said, Germany is a country ruled by law and will not openly violate private property.

But this treasure is located in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and is closely related to the history of Germany. The gold and silver treasures and antique works of art in the treasure are all plundered from Germany and other European countries.

Germany is a responsible country, and shoulders the responsibility to make up for past crimes. We will never stand by and watch, you brave and fearless exploration company take away half of this Hitler's treasure.

Especially those looted antique works of art, such as the just-discovered Michelangelo's "Madame Bruges", that priceless sculpture, was looted from Belgium by the German army! "

Looking at the German Chancellor who made an impassioned speech, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a hint of disdain in the depths of his eyes.

The words are really high-sounding, but will buddies believe it? The main goal of you Germans is probably the innumerable batch of nacui gold!

Although the nacui gold was plundered from European and North African countries, they were all melted and recast, and no one could trace the source of the nacui gold.

In other words, once those Nacui golds fall into the hands of the German government, they will probably be sent to the Reichsbank immediately, and then melted and recast to become Germany's reserve gold.

For those countries that were looted by Hitler, even if they claim the gold, it is estimated that it will be difficult to produce solid evidence, and the possibility of successful claims is extremely low.

The antique works of art in the treasure are different. Some of them have a clear line of inheritance and will soon be claimed by someone or a country.

If those antique works of art fall into the hands of the German government, in view of the history of World War II and in order to maintain the national image, it will be difficult for the German government to retain those valuable antique works of art.

As soon as the German Chancellor's voice fell, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"Don't be impatient, Prime Minister, half of Hitler's treasure belongs to our company. There is no doubt about it, and no one can deny it, but I don't have to take all of this half of the treasure out of Germany.

After the exploration and inventory work is completed, I will value every piece of gold, silver and antique art in this treasure on the basis of market value, and then share the treasure with the Berlin Catholic Church.

Everyone knows that most of the things in this treasure were looted by Hitler and his men from countries in Europe and North Africa, and everything was stained with blood, such as those Nacui gold.

Some of these gold and silver treasures and antique works of art can be traced back to where they were looted, such as the "Lady of Bruges" looted from the Church of Our Lady in Bruges, Belgium.

However, quite a number of gold and silver treasures and antique works of art cannot be traced back to the past because of too long time or other reasons, including Monet's "Landscape of Provence".

I want and am going to bring out German gold and silver treasures and antique works of art, precisely these things that cannot be traced back to the past, and to put it simply, I don't want to get in trouble for this treasure.

As for the nacui gold, and other gold and silver treasures and antique works of art that can be traced back to their past, I don't mind keeping them in Germany, and the German government can buy them according to the valuation.

Especially the huge amount of Nacui gold, I believe that both the German government and the US government are very interested. In my place, the door to trade those Nacui gold is always open.

Of course, after the transaction is completed, there will be no less tax to be paid. Our Daring One Exploration Company is a law-abiding economic entity, and I am the same. Everyone knows this! "

Hearing this, everyone in the temporary conference room was completely dumbfounded. They all stared at Ye Tian on the live broadcast screen in amazement, their eyes full of disbelief.

This cunning bastard is too calculating!

Not only do you want to make a fortune, you bastard, but you also don’t want to get into any trouble, and you also want to take away a large number of gold and silver treasures and top antique works of art. It’s too beautiful to think about it!

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