Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2176 The Last Secret

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

After finishing the talks with the German Chancellor and others, Ye Tian and the others acted again, continuing to explore the huge treasure hidden in this gothic underground palace.

The German Chancellor and his party did not leave either. They continued to stay in the temporary meeting room in the hall of the Temple Palace, watching the ongoing exploration operations through the live broadcast.

During this more than an hour, Ye Tian and the others successively discovered a large amount of gold and silver treasures and antiques, as well as many priceless top art works.

In particular, there are many top art works, including paintings by Titian, Bruegel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Picasso, Mondrian and other top art masters.

There are not only the works of German Romantic painters whom Hitler highly admired and loved, but also the works of famous Italian Renaissance painters and sculptors, as well as many so-called degenerate works of art, to name a few.

But no matter which period they come from, which art style they belong to, or whether they are favorites of Hitler, one thing is for sure, these paintings and sculptures are basically masterpieces, and each one is unique!

As the exploration progressed, as each box or canvas bag was opened, as each piece of valuable gold and silver treasures and antique artworks were rediscovered, the outside world was detonated again and again.

The exclamations inside and outside the Temple Palace and in front of countless live broadcasts were like raging waves, one after another, one after another, seemingly never ending.

And the sensational effect caused by this exploration operation has also become bigger and bigger, and it has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Of course, there are more people and countries staring at Ye Tian and the others with their blood-red eyes, and at this Hitler's treasure.

Some countries that were ravaged by Nazi Germany during World War II reacted very quickly, and they can't wait to issue public statements, publicly claiming certain gold and silver treasures and antique works of art in this treasure.

Like the German government, the main goal of these countries is the huge amount of Nacui gold, and every country tries to get a share of it.

For these noises, Ye Tian didn't bother to answer them at all. At this moment, he focused all his attention on this huge treasure, and he had nothing else in his eyes!

Unknowingly, everyone has come to the deepest part of this gothic underground palace. This underground palace, which has been shrouded in darkness for a long time, is completely lit up and clearly presented in front of everyone.

In the deepest part of this underground palace, clinging to the granite wall on the east side, is another hill made of crates.

Moreover, the hill was covered with a moisture-proof tarpaulin, which covered all the boxes, making it impossible to see what was going on underneath, let alone the words written on those boxes.

After coming here and standing still, everyone looked at the hill, but everyone was confused and didn't understand what was hidden under the tarpaulin.

Standing in front of the hill and looking at it for a while, Derek then eagerly said:

"Steven, let's take off these tarpaulins and see what's hidden underneath, maybe it's another huge surprise"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the boy, but did not respond immediately, but quickly scanned the surrounding situation, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, guys, this hill covered with tarpaulins should be the only thing in this Gothic underground palace that we haven't explored.

Since these things are stacked in the deepest part of this underground palace and covered with tarpaulins, it is enough to show their importance, and it must be a huge surprise.

I wanted to take the opportunity to unravel these tarpaulins and unravel this mystery,

Leave it to the German experts and scholars on the ground to give them the opportunity to participate in this exploration operation”

Speaking of this, what else can Derek and the others say, they can only nod in agreement.

"No problem, Steven, this arrangement is very good, so that those German experts and scholars who are eager to see through will not curse us behind our backs."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, as did the countless live broadcast terminals.

Those German experts and scholars whose necks were sore also laughed helplessly, cursing Ye Tian secretly.

Immediately afterwards, these German experts and scholars looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for the following.

The next moment, Ye Tianlang said the names of several German experts, scholars and government officials, and invited them to enter this gothic underground palace to reveal the last secret.

This includes the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany, the head of the Temple Palace, the director of the Berlin Museum, as well as several famous archaeologists and historians, as well as experts in the identification of antique works of art.

After confirming the candidate, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Kole, for the sake of safety, every German friend who enters this Gothic underground palace later will provide them with a complete set of protective clothing. Only wearing protective clothing can enter the secret passage.

Before entering the secret passage, you not only have to check the protective clothing, but also conduct a body search, count the items everyone is carrying, and take video data to avoid unnecessary troubles.”

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

Cole's voice came from the intercom and reached everyone's ears.

Hearing the conversation between Ye Tian and Cole, those German experts and scholars who were about to enter the underground palace and start exploring could not help but roll their eyes angrily!

for safety reasons? To put it nicely, you bastard is clearly guarding against us, are we so stingy? Go do that kind of stealthy business!

After secretly complaining a few words, these German experts and scholars in the temporary meeting room and the square in front of the Temple Palace took action one after another.

It didn't take long for these German experts and scholars to gather in the hall of the Temple Palace, all excited and full of expectations.

They quickly held a small meeting, discussed in low voices, and formulated some strategies for the upcoming exploration operation.

At the end of the meeting, they were about to go to the basement with two employees of Fearless Exploration Company, when the German Chancellor suddenly came out of the temporary meeting room and came in front of them.

Next, the German Chancellor discussed with these experts and scholars in a low voice, and gave them a solemn expression before letting these experts and scholars leave and go to the basement.

At this time, Ye Tian was investigating the situation around the last hill, to see if there was any danger or any artificial traps.

As with the rest of the Gothic crypt, there are no traps here, at least on the surface.

As for the situation under the tarpaulins, we don't know for the time being. Only when those tarpaulins are uncovered can we know the real situation.

After the investigation, Ye Tian walked over to Walker and the others, laughing and chatting with these guys while resting.

In the past few hours, everyone has been busy non-stop, and their spirits have always been in a state of excitement. Now that they suddenly relax, they can't help but feel a little tired.

Fortunately, the preliminary exploration operation is coming to an end soon, and before the next counting work starts, everyone can take a good rest to recover their strength and recharge their batteries.

Soon, ten minutes had passed, and Cole's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, the German experts and scholars you named just now, led by two buddies and David's assistant lawyer, have entered the secret passage and will soon enter the underground palace.

Each of them is wearing a full set of protective clothing, the protection is very tight, and everyone has been searched and checked, except for the necessary identification tools, the rest of the items are left with us.”

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Got it, Cole, I'm off to meet those German friends"

After speaking, Ye Tian waved to Walker, and walked with Walker to the entrance of the underground palace.

When they came to the west end of the underground palace and were about to step up the steps, those German experts and scholars in full protective clothing had already walked in from outside the stone gate and appeared on the platform inside the stone gate.

As soon as they entered this underground palace, these Germans seemed to be immobilized by someone, and they all froze in place, motionless, staring dumbfounded at the magnificent underground palace in front of them!

Their reaction was within Ye Tian's expectations, and they didn't feel the slightest surprise.

Not only these German experts and scholars, but also Walker, Derek and others, also looked like this when they first entered the underground palace.

Anyone else would have the same reaction and be shocked when they saw this magnificent Gothic basement palace full of gold, silver treasures and antique works of art!

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