Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2177 The Shadow of the Head of State

"Steven, this Gothic underground palace is really shocking, who would have imagined that there is such a magnificent Gothic palace hidden deep in the underground of the Temple Palace.

What is even more incredible is that during the bombing of Berlin at the end of World War II, the Temple Palace on the ground was almost bombed into ruins, but the underground palace was intact, which is simply a miracle! "

"Not only is this Gothic underground palace, but also the Hitler treasure hidden here is even more amazing. The discovery of this huge treasure will definitely solve many historical mysteries and even rewrite part of the history of World War II.

I have to admit, Steven, your luck is extremely good, your vision is extremely sharp, and you can always create miracles one after another. It seems that the rumors are true, God will always care for you! "

The few Germans who walked down the steps and stood still on the floor of the underground palace kept expressing emotion. Everyone was so excited that they almost danced.

Ye Tian glanced at these Germans, then smiled and said loudly:

"That's right, gentlemen, it is indeed a miracle that this gothic underground palace can be preserved intact until now. It is precisely because this underground palace is very strong that Hitler chose this place as the treasure hiding place.

The Hitler treasure hidden in this underground palace is an even greater miracle. The discovery of this treasure is absolutely great, and it is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. As the discoverer of the treasure, I am extremely honored.

Let’s not talk about this for now, gentlemen, please come with me, this huge treasure has one last secret that has not been revealed, I hope to reveal this secret with your hands, and give the world a huge surprise.”

After saying that, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, and then stepped out, taking the lead to go deep into the underground palace.

The German guys looked at each other, and then followed. Everyone's footsteps were extremely brisk, and everyone's eyes were extremely burning and full of expectation.

In three or two steps, these Germans came to the first pile of wooden crates, the crates full of nacui gold.

Unsurprisingly, there was another exclamation from the underground palace.

"When I saw this pile of wooden crates on the live broadcast before, I felt very amazing. Now I am here, looking at these crates filled with nacui gold, I feel even more shocked!"

"Who says it's not! There are many legends about nacui gold, some say that they are hidden at the bottom of the lake, some say that they are hidden in mines, there are different opinions, there are all kinds of theories.

But who would have imagined that there are so many nacui gold hidden deep underground in the Berlin Temple Palace. Steven is right, the value of this treasure is by no means lower than the Murks treasure! "

While being amazed, everyone continued to march towards the deepest part of the underground palace without stopping.

Afterwards, this exclamation never stopped, and each time it became louder and more exaggerated.

While speaking, Ye Tian had brought these German guys to the deepest part of the underground palace, and stopped in front of the hill covered with tarpaulin.

After standing still, he immediately got to the point, pointing to the hill in front of him and said:

"Gentlemen, the secrets you want to uncover are under these tarpaulins. I have checked here and found no artificial traps. It still looks safe on the surface.

However, what is going on under these tarpaulins is temporarily unknown, and it may be dangerous. When removing these tarpaulins, everyone must be careful and follow my instructions.

What exactly is in the box under the tarpaulin,

No one knows, but the contents of these boxes must be very important, otherwise they would not be placed here, so closely guarded.”

Hearing what he said, the Germans nodded without disagreeing, and their expressions became serious.

Immediately afterwards, the Deputy Minister of the German Ministry of Culture continued to say:

"Steven, let's start right now, uncover these tarpaulins, and see what's hidden underneath, I hope it will be a huge surprise"

The rest of the German guys also nodded, each of them gearing up and eager to make a move.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, this place is no different from the outside world. Every step you take must be cautious, and you must not make mistakes, otherwise it may cause irreparable huge losses, and even ruin everyone's lives.

For safety reasons, there should not be too many people uncovering these tarpaulins, and it is best to be a few archaeologists, because they have rich archaeological experience, and they will be more cautious in their actions.”

"Steven is right. It is better to leave professional matters to professionals, which is more secure."

Rudy, curator of the Berlin Museum, went on to say that he himself is a famous archaeologist and historian.

Next, the German guys at the scene discussed it and accepted Ye Tian's reasonable suggestion.

The next moment, several archaeologists headed by Rudy stepped forward, stood in front of the pile of boxes covered with tarpaulins, and observed to see where to start.

Ye Tian couldn't be more clear about where to start.

He also has a clear understanding of the situation under the tarpaulin and what is contained in the boxes below.

After pretending to observe seriously for a while, he pointed to a corner of the tarpaulin and said:

"Rudy, you start here, and slowly uncover the top layer of tarpaulin. The movements must be light and slow, and you must not act too hastily."

Following the direction of his fingers, Rudy and the others all looked there, very carefully.

"That's right, Steven, this is indeed the most suitable starting point, let's start here"

Rudy nodded in response, and then nodded to several other archaeologists.

Next, Rudy did it himself, pinching the corner of the top layer of tarpaulin with his hands, and with the assistance of another archaeologist, gently lifted that layer of tarpaulin.

There are no traps under these tarpaulins, otherwise, Ye Tian wouldn't let these German guys do it, it would be asking for trouble.

All of this is just acting, just to make everything look more realistic, and to appease the Germans along the way, to give these Germans a sweet date to eat.

It didn't take long for several layers of tarpaulins covering the box to be removed by several German archaeologists, and nothing happened.

As these moisture-proof tarpaulins were uncovered, many boxes piled up in a hill below immediately appeared in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

These boxes are all solid wood crates and come in two sizes.

One is a boxy black box, slightly smaller in size, about 50 centimeters in length, width and height. There are a lot of them, and they are piled up a little outside.

The other is a cuboid dark green crate, which is relatively large, about 1.2 meters long, 80 centimeters wide, and 60 centimeters high.

The number of these dark green crates is small, there are only twenty or thirty by visual inspection, and they are stacked in the inner position, only about ten or twenty centimeters away from the wall behind.

Without exception, these boxes are all printed with Nacui swastikas and Nacui eagles, more or less written in German, as well as serial numbers, year numbers and other information.

These boxes were not piled directly on the ground, but were padded up by thick pillow-shaped horizontal beams. The bottom layer of boxes was about 20 centimeters from the ground.

Several layers of moisture-proof tarpaulins were laid on top of those thick pillow-shaped cross-bars, which completely separated the moisture rising from the ground and protected the things packed in the box.

Uncovering the tarpaulin and seeing the condition of these boxes, surprise flashed across the faces of the Germans, as did Walker and many people on the live broadcast side.

At this time, everyone has already guessed that the things packed in these boxes must be very important, otherwise they would not be so tightly protected.

The next moment, Rudy exclaimed excitedly.

His exclamation just proved everyone's guess.

"My God! These boxes are likely to come from Hitler's Chancellor's Office. Each box has Martin Bormann's personal signature on it. He is Hitler's office director and personal secretary.

Martin Bowman was the No. 2 war criminal in Nazi Germany and Hitler's private secretary. He was known as the "Shadow of the Führer". After World War II, he disappeared mysteriously, and no one knew where he went.

More importantly, Bowman was also the person in charge of the mysterious "Fire Field Project", and it was he who was responsible for transferring the gold and other assets looted by Nacui, and he also witnessed Hitler's suicide.

Could it be that this huge treasure is the nacui gold and antique works of art planned by the fire site? If this is the case, then there is no doubt that these boxes will bring great surprises! "

Before Rudy's exclamation fell, the outside world was completely boiling.

Those who have studied the history of Nacui Germany a little bit, at this time, they jumped up like an electric shock, and they all stared at the live broadcast screen dumbfounded, their eyes full of madness.

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