Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2184 generosity

In the basement of the Temple Palace, Cole and several armed security personnel are guarding the place and are always on high alert.

Several other employees of the brave and fearless exploration company were guarding the edge of the big pit in the middle of the basement, looking at the secret passage at the bottom of the pit one after another, and everyone was extremely excited.

Suddenly, a strong light projected from the secret passage and shone obliquely upwards.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing a full set of protective equipment, walked out of the secret passage first and appeared at the bottom of the pit.

Behind him, Rudy and several other German experts and scholars filed out and walked out of the secret passage one by one.

Without exception, the German guys who walked out of the secret passage, the first time they stood still at the bottom of the pit, looked back at the secret passage behind them, with eyes full of reluctance and excitement at the same time.

However, before they could express their emotions, Ye Tian would take the safety rope and hang them around their waists, and then let the company employees standing on the edge of the pit hang the Germans up.

Ye Tian himself still stayed at the bottom of the pit, dismissing these German experts and scholars one by one.

After a while, these Germans had all left the bottom of the pit and returned to the ground of the basement.

Next, Walker and the others also came out of the secret passage one after another and appeared at the bottom of the pit.

Same as the previous operation, every time they come out, they will be hoisted up by the company employees at the edge of the pit. The bottom of the pit is limited, and not many people can stand there.

In the end, only Ye Tian and Walker were left at the bottom of the pit.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to Walker:

"Walker, come here and help us. Let's temporarily seal the entrance to the secret passage with these heavy granite strips, so that no one can make a mistake. No one can enter this underground palace without my permission."

"Okay, Steven"

Walker nodded in response, then stepped forward and began to lay hands on Ye Tian, ​​sealing the crossing.

"Boom, boom"

Accompanied by two loud bangs, Ye Tian had already blocked the entrance of the secret passage with two heavy and unusually heavy granite strips. Although there was a big gap left, no one could enter.

Seeing the scene at the bottom of the pit, the faces of Rudy and the others standing on the edge of the pit changed and became even uglier.

While they were shocked by Ye Tian's almost terrifying power, they were also palpitated by his meticulous mind, what a cunning bastard!

Anyone who wanted to break into the secret passageway that Ye Tian re-sealed with granite strips had to move those two heavy and unusually heavy granite strips, and the noise would definitely be insignificant.

In this way, don't try to deceive others, it's impossible!

After sealing the secret passageway, Ye Tian and Walker came up from the bottom of the pit one after another and came to the basement.

As soon as he came up and stood still, Ye Tian immediately said to his employees:

"Guys, disassemble the winch at the edge of the pit, and then assemble it when we enter this underground palace again, Cole, after dismantling the winch, you send a few men to guard the door of this basement.

Without my permission, no one can enter this basement or enter the secret passage leading to the underground palace. The guys who stay here must supervise each other, and everyone must turn on the camera they carry.”

"Got it, Steven"

Cole and the others responded in unison, and immediately took action.

Ye Tian, ​​the others, and Rudy and the German guys took off their protective clothing one after another, and returned to their normal attire.

The moment they took off their protective clothing and protective masks, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much lighter, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Next, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation towards the door of the basement, and said with a smile:

"Please, gentlemen, let's go to the temporary meeting room above, and don't keep Your Excellency the Prime Minister waiting"

Afterwards, Ye Tian took the Germans out of the basement and returned to the upper hall of the Temple Palace.

A few minutes later, they were already in the temporary meeting room, where they joined the German Chancellor and his party, as well as David and the others, who were waiting here.

It was not the first time that everyone met, so the procedure on the scene was omitted. After chatting a few words, everyone immediately got to the point.

The German Chancellor looked at Ye Tian who was sitting at the conference table again, and said with a serious expression:

"Steven, is it true what you just said about using the Amber Room to trade with the Russians for the collections in the Hermitage Museum? Or was it a joke?"

Ye Tian looked at this German strong woman, then smiled and said:

"Your Excellency, that's just my assumption. It may or may not happen. If the Catholic Church in Berlin chooses to include the half of the treasure in the Amber Room, this kind of thing will not happen."

Before the words were finished, the eyes of everyone at the scene shifted in an instant, and they all turned to the bishop of the Catholic Church in Berlin and the person in charge of the Temple Palace to see how they would respond.

The two senior monks were stunned for a moment, and then a look of embarrassment flashed on their faces, and they didn't know how to respond for a while.

In the current situation, whether to choose the half of the treasures including the Amber Room is no longer just a matter for the Catholic Church in Berlin, and the situation has become much more complicated.

Before the two senior monks could respond, Ye Tian said loudly again:

"There is one more thing to tell everyone. There may be more than one hidden treasure in the depths of the Temple Palace. When we explored the Temple Palace before, we also found a place where there may be hidden treasures."

These words were like a depth bomb that exploded in the conference room, knocking everyone out except Ye Tian and the others.

Fortunately, the live webcast is over, otherwise more people will be stunned by these words.


There was a sound of pushing and pulling chairs in the meeting room, and there was a lot of noise.

All the Germans, including the German Chancellor, pushed away their chairs and stood up, staring at Ye Tian in amazement, their eyes full of disbelief.

The American ambassador and cultural counselor who were still in this conference room also had dumbfounded expressions. At this moment, they all turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​as if they were looking at an alien.

"There is a treasure deep underground in the Temple Palace? Is this true or not, Steven, did I hear correctly? Where is this treasure hidden?

Before today, we had explored the Temple Palace, but found nothing. Why did you find treasures one after another as soon as you got here? "

The person in charge of the Temple Palace exclaimed directly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he couldn't hide his ecstasy.

Ye Tian looked at the senior monk, then smiled and said:

"Because you are not professionals, you don't have the vision and expertise to discover treasures, and you lack a bit of luck, and you don't have professional exploration equipment, and the equipment you use must be everywhere.

Intrepid Exploration Company is different. We are the top treasure hunting company in the world. The exploration equipment is specially customized top-level equipment, such as pulse metal detectors, which can detect deep places underground.

Moreover, the sensitivity of this metal detector is very high. More importantly, my luck has always been good, and my sixth sense is very accurate. When it comes to exploring treasures, luck is often the most important thing! "

Hearing his words, almost everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

Who said no! The luck of this guy, Steven, is so good that it is against the sky, and it is absolutely enviable. Just like the rumors, God will always be on this guy's side.

Ye Tian saw the reactions of everyone at the scene.

He just smiled softly, and went on:

"The specific information and location of the second treasure need to be kept secret for the time being, but I can tell you that we, the Brave and the Fearless Exploration Company, do not intend to discover this treasure.

After counting the gold and silver treasures and antique works of art in Hitler's treasure, and completing the valuation and distribution, I will take out the second treasure as a gift to the Temple Palace and the Berlin Catholic Church.

Next, you can explore the treasure. As for whether you will get a huge surprise again or it will be a waste of hard work, it has nothing to do with us. I hope it will be a huge surprise.”

Unsurprisingly, Ye Tian's words ignited the scene again, and also won him a little favor from the German guys opposite.

Give away a treasure with a proven location for nothing! Did I hear you right? Is this still the extremely greedy Steven? It's just incredible!

Before the exclamation sounded, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting the Germans who were about to exclaim.

Ye Tian took out his phone and glanced at it to show, then smiled and said:

"It was an old friend of mine, Mikhail, the curator of the Hermitage Museum. Obviously, this old friend was also watching the webcast just now."

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