Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2185 Four Party Talks

Hearing that it was the call from the director of the Hermitage Museum, the faces of the German Chancellor and all the Germans in the conference room changed and became even uglier.

Of course they knew why Mikhail called.

There is no doubt that the famous curator of the museum must have watched the webcast just now and heard what the bastard Steven said, so he called, and he came here for the Amber Room.

The reactions of the Germans in the conference room all fell into Ye Tian's eyes.

But he didn't see him, just smiled softly, then reached out and slid the phone screen lock, and began to answer the phone.

The next moment, Mikhail's excited voice came over.

"Good evening, Steven, I'm Mikhail. First of all, I would like to congratulate you. You have discovered such a huge treasure, and you have discovered so many priceless antique works of art, which once again caused a sensation in the world.

I have to say, your luck is extremely good, you can always create miracles one after another, which makes people envious, as if all the treasures in the world are prepared for you."

Hearing these compliments full of envy, Ye Tian suddenly chuckled.

"Good evening, Mikhail, long time no see, how are you doing recently? My luck has always been good when it comes to exploring treasures, and this time is the same. I was lucky enough to discover the treasure hidden by Hitler.

After coming out of the gothic palace deep in the basement of the Temple Palace, I guess you should call, and sure enough, I just took off my protective clothing, and before I had time to rest, the phone rang."

After a few polite greetings, Mikhail immediately got to the point.

"Steven, I've been watching the live webcast of your exploration of Hitler's treasure just now, not just me, almost everyone in the Hermitage Museum is watching this sensational live broadcast of the treasure hunt in the world.

What you said in the live broadcast, using the Amber Room that has disappeared for more than 70 years to trade with our museum, each of us heard very clearly, and we are very happy to conclude this art transaction.

If this art transaction is concluded, it will be an epoch-making event in the field of antique art collection, no less than the series of transactions you have concluded with the French, Italians and British.

We are also very interested in other antiques from the Hitler treasure such as the scepter of Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Emperor, the sword, the jeweled prayer book, and some top-notch works of art”

"Of course I know this. You Russia has always regarded yourself as the successor of the Holy Roman Empire. The double-headed eagle on the Russian flag is enough to explain everything."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed.

After a short pause, Mikhail continued:

"In addition, you have found several ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures in the Ionian Sea, such as "Hercules Killing the Nemean Lion", and we would like to include them in the museum.

Regarding those sculptures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period, I have contacted you before, but you did not give an answer. Let us take this opportunity to discuss this series of transactions.

You said in the live broadcast before that you are very interested in some of the collections in the Hermitage Museum, I would like to hear, you guys have taken a fancy to those antique artworks in our museum."

After the words fell, Ye Tian pondered for a while, then smiled and said:

"Mikhail, it's too early to talk about a deal. The cleaning of Hitler's treasure has not yet started. After the cleaning is completed, I will have to value all the gold, silver, treasures and antique works of art in the treasure.

It will take a lot of time to complete these tasks, and then we can distribute this huge treasure. Our company and the Berlin Catholic Church each have a 50% interest in this treasure, which is half of the family.

Although I really want to win the Amber Room, it is hard to say whether I will be able to do so. Maybe the Amber Room will be chosen by the Catholic Church in Berlin in advance.

When the distribution of this treasure is completed and we actually get the Amber Room, it will not be too late for us to discuss this art transaction. There is plenty of time. Now that the Amber Room has reappeared in the world, it will not suddenly disappear again."

"That's fine, we Russians have been waiting for more than seventy years, and we don't care about waiting a few more days, as long as we can welcome the Amber Room back to Russia."

"You must have received a call from the Kremlin. Just now when we were still in the underground palace, your president also called me, but it was inconvenient to answer at that time, so I did not answer that call.

Now we are having talks with the German Chancellor and other relevant people, and the Amber Room has very close relations with both Germany and Russia, so I propose that we might as well have a four-party talk.

As for the fourth party, it is the US ambassador to Germany and the cultural counselor. We are an American company located in New York. The relationship between the US and the Western world and Russia is well known. There are some things we must consider.

We will have some talks here first, and if we can reach an agreement with Germany and the United States, I will contact you the Hermitage Museum and the Kremlin, and then we will have a four-party video conference call."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the other end of the phone fell silent, and there was no sound.

Obviously, Mikhail was either shocked and lost in thought; or he was in urgent contact with the Kremlin to discuss countermeasures.

Not only Mikhail, but everyone in this temporary conference room was also stunned by Ye Tian's words, and looked at him with rounded eyes, full of disbelief.

This guy Steven is really crazy, and he dares to think too much. This is to bring the United States, Germany, and Russia to a negotiating table! This handwriting is too big!

Of course, if the four-party talks can be reached, it will definitely cause quite a stir, but is this possible?

There was dead silence in the temporary meeting room, everyone stared at Ye Tian with wide eyes, Ye Tian had a smile on his face, waiting for Mikhail's reply with his mobile phone, his expression was very relaxed.

In just a moment, Mikhail's voice came from the phone again.

"Steven, your proposal is very good, and I understand your concerns very well, but we still need to communicate with the Kremlin on this matter, and I will reply to you later, presumably you have to do a lot Work"

"That's right, Mikhail, after we reach an agreement, I'll call you again. I hope the result can satisfy all parties."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and then ended the call.

As soon as he put down his mobile phone, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany, who was sitting opposite him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Steven, you want to get the Amber Room and make a deal with the Russians. This is simply impossible! The Amber Room is a national treasure of Germany and must stay in Germany. Your idea is perfect, but it is impossible to realize"

Ye Tian took a look at this German guy who was a little out of breath, then glanced at the other Germans on the opposite side, and then said with a smile:

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Minister, even if I am not the one who got the Amber Room, but the Catholic Church in Berlin and you Germans, can you keep the Amber Room in Germany? I don't think so!

As we all know, the Amber Room was a gift from King William I of Prussia to the Russian Emperor Peter the Great. As early as 1716, the Amber Room did not belong to Germany, but to Russia.

During World War II, the reason why the Amber Room was able to return to Germany was that Nazi soldiers snatched it from the St. Petersburg Summer Palace. That was robbery and injustice, and Nazi Germany was an aggressive country.

No matter from a moral point of view or in accordance with the relevant treaties reached after World War II, if the German government obtains the Amber Room, it must return it to Russia, otherwise it will be a breach of trust.

Not only the German government, but also other Germans have such responsibilities and obligations. This can also be seen as making up for past mistakes. In this case, can you leave the Amber Room? "

The last sentence was like a torture that directly hit the soul. In an instant, all the Germans on the opposite side were dumbfounded. They were stunned and didn't know how to answer for a while!

Nacui Germany invaded the Soviet Union during World War II, but the Nacui elements are also Germans, and the Nacui regime is the legal government of Germany, and no one can deny it.

It is a matter of course that the crimes committed by the Nazis, the acts of burning, killing and looting must be recognized by the Germans and the German government later, unless the German government is completely shameless, just like a certain country!

In fact, the Germans have never denied that period of criminal history, and have tried their best to make up for the crimes they have committed, setting a good example, at least on the surface.

Under such circumstances, if the German government obtains the Amber Room, it is impossible for the German government to keep this priceless treasure and not return it to Russia.

Unlike other small countries, although Russia's strength has declined sharply, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even Germany dare not easily offend this sturdy polar bear.

All of a sudden, all the Germans on the scene were caught in a dilemma, and their expressions were wonderful.

At this time, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the American ambassador and the cultural counselor, and said to these two guys with a smile:

"Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Counselor, it's going to be dark outside. The Hitler treasure located deep underground in the Temple Palace obviously cannot be cleaned up today, so it can only be put away tomorrow.

How to spend tonight, this involves a security issue, I plan to borrow several groups of heavily armed security personnel from your embassy to assist my men in protecting this treasure.

The people who protect this huge treasure are also members of the Swiss Guard from the Vatican. In addition, I also contacted Raytheon Security Company and asked them to send 30 armed security guards.

At this time, the armed security personnel of the Raytheon Company have arrived near the Temple Palace and can start operations at any time; apart from them, I still have some forces that can be used in my hands.

You can tell the security personnel of the embassy that all those who participated in the protection of Hitler’s treasure will receive a generous reward afterwards, and that is definitely a big surprise.”

Before the words fell, the temporary meeting room was already fried again.

"Steven, this is Berlin, not Syria, let alone a bloody battlefield. Why did you mobilize so many armed security personnel? Do you want to start a war with someone?"

The German Chancellor gritted his molars and asked, his eyes spewing fire, wishing he could melt Ye Tian directly.

"Don't be nervous, Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is just a perfect plan. As long as no one attacks us in the dark and tries to snatch Hitler's treasure, naturally there will be no war.

This is Berlin, of course I know, and I also have great trust in the capabilities of the Berlin police, I believe they can stop all evildoers outside the cordon."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression looked particularly beating.

So much so that every German at the scene wanted to rush up and beat him up, and vent his anger!

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