Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2193 chaotic streets

The escort convoy left the five-star hotel, escorted by the helicopters in the sky and many Berlin police cars, and headed straight for Deutsche Bank.

Behind this huge convoy, there are many other vehicles, including interview vehicles of major news media in Germany and the world, and many social vehicles.

Some of the guys sitting in the cars kept staring at the escort convoy not far ahead, their eyes gleaming with greed, and their eyeballs were red.

Not long after the convoy drove, Cole's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, as you expected, those lingering German Xinancui scumbags are behind the escort convoy, as well as the Russian Mafia, and some other stupid idiots..."

Cole reported the situation behind the escort convoy and the situation on the streets the escort convoy was about to pass through, which was very detailed.

In order to carry out this escort mission, everyone has already made complete preparations, and all the situations are under control.

Among the many social vehicles following behind the convoy, there was a vehicle driven by Ye Tian's security personnel, mixed in the traffic flow, keeping an eye on the movement of other vehicles, ready to respond at any time.

On every street that the escort convoy is about to pass, from Deutsche Bank to Berlin Tegel Airport, Cole has also deployed eyeliners, drones, and several sniper teams to keep an eye on the movements on the streets.

Not only that, Kenny and Byrne had already rushed to Berlin, directly hacked the Berlin municipal surveillance system, and escorted the escort operation through surveillance probes all over the streets of Berlin.

Each of these antique works of art that needs to be escorted to Berlin Tegel Airport and then transported to Beijing by Air China charter flight is priceless, and there must be no problems.

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Don't ask, the guys behind the escort convoy are obviously not good people, they are all here for the top antique artworks in Hitler's treasure, trying to rob us and make a lot of money.

Inform all the guys, let everyone be vigilant, and be ready to fight at any time, and also inform the Berlin police to see how the Berlin police respond? They never want to see Berlin turned into a battlefield.

Before we arrive at Deutsche Bank and propose those top antique works of art, those guys with ulterior motives should not do it. They will do it while the convoy is on the way to Tegel Airport.

Especially those scumbags from Xinnai in Germany. Those scumbags have never found a chance to do anything before. This is probably their last chance to rob Hitler's treasure, and they may take risks! "

"Understood, Steven, I'll inform the guys, inform the Berlin police"

Cole responded and immediately took action.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting on the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, opened his backpack, pulled out a G36C short assault rifle from it, loaded the bullets into the barrel, and put it at hand.

Once something happens outside, he can easily pick up this short assault rifle and quickly put it into battle.

At the same time, in the monitoring hall of the Berlin Police Station, the chief of the Berlin Police is staring closely at the monitoring screen on the big screen, his eyes full of worry.

What appeared on the surveillance screen was the huge armed escort convoy that crashed through the streets of Berlin and headed straight for Deutsche Bank.

The chief of the Berlin police knew in his heart that those scumbags who had been hovering near the Berlin Palace a few days ago, hiding in the dark and staring at Hitler's treasure, were likely to make some moves today.

Those scumbags from different backgrounds all came for Hitler's treasure,

Today's escort operation is likely to be their last chance to rob Hitler's treasure, how could they let it go?

as expected!

Just as the chief of the Berlin police was worried, a senior police officer walked over quickly, and said in a low voice with a dignified expression:

"Mr. Director, Steven's subordinates have informed us that there are many people with ulterior motives behind their huge convoy.

Among them are the notorious Neo-Nacui elements, the Russian Mafia, and other guys of unknown origin, who should all come for Hitler's treasure.

Steven, that guy hopes that our police can come forward and cut off the tails of those escorting convoys, if not, there will be a fierce fire in the city of Berlin."

Hearing this, the Berlin police chief's face immediately changed, becoming very ugly.

"Damn it! I knew this kind of thing would happen. Wherever that bastard Steven went, he would set off huge disturbances. Berlin was especially unlucky, being ravaged by that bastard one after another.

The series of bloody fights that took place around the Temple Palace at midnight on the night when Hitler's treasure was discovered must have been secretly led by that bastard Steven, but we have no evidence and can only let that bastard run free.

One time is not enough, that bastard actually wants to do it again, it's so hateful! The purpose of those Neo-Nacui elements, the Russian Mafia, and other scumbags is probably not only for robbery, but also for revenge.

But the whereabouts of those scumbags were clearly known by that bastard Steven, including the identities of each of them. There is no doubt that once those scumbags launch an attack, they are likely to fall into a huge trap.

Next, there will be a bloody massacre. Those scumbags will die without a place to die, and will be sent to hell one by one by Steven and his gang of brutal men. Although those scumbags deserve to die, the killing field cannot be Berlin.

Immediately notify them, let all the nearby police cars approach the escort convoy to ensure the safety of the escort convoy, and then choose a suitable location to stop the social vehicles following the escort convoy.

During the operation, you must keep in touch with and cooperate with Steven and those American bastards to get the most accurate information, and then launch an arrest operation and throw all those idiots who are seeking their own death into prison."

"Understood, Mr. Director, I will inform you immediately"

The senior police officer nodded in response, then turned and left, and went out to arrange blocking operations.

At this time, the escort convoy that Ye Tian and the others were in had suddenly driven onto another street, getting closer and closer to the Deutsche Bank.

With the arrival of this huge convoy, the whole street was shocked, and people on both sides of the street stopped and stared at this huge convoy.

Through the well-developed social media, people have already known the origin of this huge escort convoy, and generally know where the escort convoy is heading.

In fact, when Hitler's treasure was transferred from the Temple Palace to Deutsche Bank, this escort convoy appeared on the streets of Berlin more than once, and it was even bigger.

At that time, there were more police cars, military vehicles, and helicopters escorting the convoy. The German government not only used the army, but even blocked several streets.

Even though the scale is not as good as it was a few days ago, people are still shocked when they see this huge convoy.

"Wow! What is this bastard Steven going to do? He's too capable of tossing around. Every time I see this huge convoy of escorts, I feel terrified. I'm afraid that a group of crazy robbers will rush out of nowhere!"

"Who isn't! The gold and silver treasures and antique works of art in Hitler's treasure are so tempting. Just grabbing a top-level antique work of art can change your life, which is enough to drive countless people crazy.

However, this bastard, Steven, is showing off the treasure with such a high profile, God knows when and from where, a group of red-eyed robbers will rush out and try to rob."

Amidst the constant discussions, the huge convoy of escorts had already driven across the street and headed straight to the intersection not far ahead.

When all the vehicles in the escort convoy passed the intersection, several Berlin police cars following closely behind suddenly applied an emergency brake, and then lay across the middle of the road, blocking the way.

At the same time, a large number of Berlin police cars rushed out at high speed from the two streets next to it and the intersection more than 200 meters away, completely blocking this street in an instant!

Seeing this scene, people on the street still don't understand what happened.

The next moment, the street was completely chaotic.

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