Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2194 halfway robbery

The escort convoy did not go far through the intersection, when there was a burst of intense gunshots, deafening car crashes, and terrified screams from behind.

Needless to say, the Berlin police got into fire with those idiots who followed the escort convoy and tried to rob Ye Tian, ​​and the fight was very lively, directly turning the street into a battlefield.

Many media reporters who also followed the escort convoy, after experiencing the initial fear and panic, immediately raised their cameras and video cameras and started working, and everyone was extremely excited.

According to their on-site reports, the fierce gun battle between the Berlin police and the robbers in the streets of central Berlin quickly became hot news and attracted countless attention.

At this time, the escort convoy had already left without a trace.

Then until Deutsche Bank, the escort team did not encounter any troubles, and the journey went very smoothly.

After arriving at Deutsche Bank, completing the necessary procedures, and verifying that they were behind, Ye Tian and the others, led by the bank manager and the person in charge of the vault, entered the strongest underground vault in Berlin.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others were able to enter the private safe that they rented just a few days ago after going through thick and abnormal vault doors and security checks again and again.

In this huge, extremely strong and safe private vault, there are piles of gold and silver treasures and antique works of art from Hitler's treasure, each of which is of great value.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Accompanied by a roar of engines, the huge escort convoy of the Daredevil Exploration Company finally drove out of the underground garage of Deutsche Bank and returned to the ground again.

At this time, the two container escort vehicles and the two armored escort vehicles in the convoy were already filled with top-level antique artworks from Hitler's treasure.

It includes antique works of art such as sculptures and paintings from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, and to the sculptures and paintings of various eras before World War II. Each piece is from the hands of a master, which is valuable and extremely rare.

More importantly, every piece of antique art here can no longer be traced back to the past, and can be collected or traded with confidence without worrying about causing any trouble or responding to claims from any person or country.

Without the slightest pause, as soon as the convoy drove out of the underground garage, it quickly formed up and sped towards Tegel Airport on the outskirts of Berlin.

The three medium-sized helicopters hovering in the air also flew forward roaringly, and were always above the convoy, responsible for air security.

In addition, there were more Berlin police cars escorting the convoy than before, each of them separated all social vehicles as if they were facing an enemy.

As for those annoying tails, they all disappeared, and were all cut off by Ye Tian with the help of the Berlin police.

Perhaps it was because the street siege operation suddenly launched by the Berlin police was somewhat deterrent, until the escort convoy drove out of downtown Berlin, there was no trouble, let alone an ambush.

Soon, the escort convoy drove onto the highway leading to Tegel Airport, and the speed suddenly became faster.

Just as the convoy was driving onto the expressway, four Volvo heavy-duty trucks sped up suddenly, in groups of two and two, and quickly occupied the front and rear positions of the convoy, sandwiching the escort convoy in the middle.

Even the Berlin police cars protecting the escort convoy were pushed aside by these four suddenly approaching and extremely aggressive heavy trucks, separating them from the escort convoy, not to mention other social vehicles!

Faced with this situation, the Berlin police who were in charge of protecting the convoy were very nervous, thinking they had encountered robbers!

Just when they were ready to take action,

Cole's voice came through the intercom just in time to stop the four powerful Volvo trucks.

Those who drove these four heavy-duty Volvo trucks were not robbers, but Ye Tian's security personnel.

The task of these four specially modified heavy-duty trucks is to protect the escort convoy and prevent people from driving on the expressway from hitting the escort convoy, and they are very good barriers.

The body of the Volvo heavy-duty truck is quite tall, and two vehicles driving side by side can occupy the entire highway, which can block the sight from the front and rear of the highway, and can also shield the shooting line.

As for Ye Tian and the others in the escort convoy, their sight was not affected in any way. The three medium-sized helicopters in the sky were everyone's eyes, which could provide real-time road conditions.

The driving recorders on the four heavy-duty trucks can also provide the latest road conditions, allowing everyone to see the situation on the highway.

When necessary, such as someone using vehicles or roadblocks to block the road, these Volvo heavy-duty trucks can also directly break through the roadblocks and quickly clear the passage for the escort convoy.

When these four heavy-duty trucks appeared and were distributed in front of and behind the escort convoy, the speed of traffic on the expressway leading to Tegel Airport immediately dropped.

Those vehicles behind the escort convoy could no longer have a chance to overtake, so they could only follow behind obediently and keep driving at the same speed as the escort convoy. There was no other way.

The many social vehicles in front of the escort convoy had already galloped away, and soon vacated a large section of empty road, which could be used as a buffer.

When the many Berlin policemen who protected the convoy woke up and figured out the purpose of the four Volvo heavy-duty trucks, they couldn't help but gasped and secretly terrified!

"I'm going! Steven, that bastard, is so cautious that he's almost impermeable. No matter who you are, if you plan to rob the escort convoy on this expressway, you're definitely going to kill yourself!"

"That's for sure! Even death is an extravagant wish. With the level of cruelty that bastard Steven is, he will probably order his subordinates to drive heavy trucks to drive the roadblockers away and grind them into powder!"

During the conversation, the escort convoy gradually drifted away, leaving the city of Berlin far behind.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the invisible earphone.

"Steven, according to reports from Kenny and Byrne, there is a three-way intersection about one kilometer ahead, two of which lead to two nearby towns.

There were road signs, lights, and surveillance cameras at the three-way intersection, but there were no police or other people on duty. At this time, several cars were parked at each of the two fork roads.

The two cars parked in the front are both garbage trucks. They are huge, sturdy, and powerful. Behind the two garbage trucks is a Yishui SUV.

Kenny and the others checked the license plates of those vehicles, and without exception, they were all stolen and fake license plates, and the people sitting in those cars were all burly men.

Using face recognition technology, Kenny and the others quickly found out the identities of those guys. Those guys were all notorious Xinnacui scumbags, and they all had criminal records.

Obviously, those Xinnacui scumbags came for the escort convoy, preparing to rob on this highway, and then quickly escaped by taking advantage of the familiar terrain."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"These Xinnacui scumbags are really lingering, they were just picked up by the police in the center of Berlin, and yet another group appeared here, a group of life-or-death idiots!

Notify all vehicles to reduce speed, and notify all guys to be vigilant, ready to fight at any time, and send those Xinnacui scumbags to hell.

Report the situation that Kenny and the others have detected to the police, and let the Berlin police deal with those scumbags. We can send a helicopter to assist, and we can also provide support.

If the Berlin police can't deal with those Xinnacui scumbags, then we will take action. The principle of firefight is the same as before. Don't fire the first shot. Once you fire, don't hesitate! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone, inform the Berlin police"

Cole responded, and immediately started to act, with excitement in his tone.

In the blink of an eye, the driving speed of the convoy slowed down, and the police cars in front roared out, and headed straight for the three-way intersection not far ahead with their sirens screaming.

There was also a medium-sized helicopter carrying armed security personnel rushing there together.

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