Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2195 hellish highway

The convoy continued to drive forward for less than 300 meters, when suddenly there was a burst of intense gunfire ahead, accompanied by the sound of a huge car collision.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of one of Ye Tian's security personnel came from the intercom. This security personnel was in the medium-sized helicopter that had just flown forward to provide air cover for several police cars.

"Steven, we just arrived at the three-way intersection with a few police cars. Before the Berlin police stepped forward to investigate, those Xinnacui scumbags opened fire as soon as they saw their whereabouts revealed.

Those Xinnacui scumbags not only opened fire on the police cars, but also fired on us, and the firepower was quite fierce, almost all of them had automatic rifles, and they tried to drive on the highway."

Having just said this, the situation ahead has changed again.

"bang bang bang"

The gunfire from ahead suddenly became more intense, like a storm.

Immediately afterwards, another violent explosion sounded from the front.


The explosion was deafening, resounding through the entire expressway, completely turning the airport expressway into a battlefield of bullets.

Before the violent explosion, Ye Tian and the others saw a large flame suddenly flashing hundreds of meters ahead, which shocked everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a Berlin police car was blown up into the air and flew into the air. Immediately there was a deafening explosion, and a puff of black smoke rose from the scene of the explosion.

"Fack! Those Xinnacui scumbags are not only equipped with automatic rifles, but also equipped with RPG rockets and grenade launchers, and maybe other heavy weapons. The firepower is very fierce.

They just killed a Berlin police car with RPG rockets and blew the police car into the sky, no wonder these scumbags dare to rob our armed escort convoy, they are really well prepared"

The voice of the security guard came again, and his tone became quite tense.

Before the words fell, Ye Tian quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a cold voice:

"Pull up the helicopter! Pull it up to a higher altitude for safety. Those Xinnacui scumbags are clearly prepared, and they should be fully prepared for this robbery.

Since those Xinnacui scumbags have RPG rockets, they may have shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, so they have to defend against them. After pulling the helicopter to a high altitude, you carry out fire suppression from the air.

Now that those Xinnacui scumbags have taken the initiative to attack, then we don’t have to be polite, everyone can open fire freely, and send all those lifeless scumbags to the depths of hell.”

"Got it, Steven"

There was a response over the intercom, mixed with the roar of the loud helicopter engine.

At the same time, a few hundred meters ahead, the medium-sized helicopter hovering in mid-air quickly pulled up, and soon rose to an altitude of more than 300 meters above the ground.

As soon as the helicopter was pulled up, a wave of dense bullets flying from the ground passed by the belly of the helicopter at high speed and hit the air, which can be described as dangerous and dangerous.

Only a few bullets grazed the belly of the helicopter, causing sparks in the air.

At the same time as it was pulled up quickly, the hatch of the medium-sized helicopter also opened.

After the helicopter rose to a relatively safe height and resumed its posture, several security personnel in the cabin launched a counterattack, condescending and firing violently, suppressing those Xinnacui scum on the ground!

"bang bang bang"

There was another burst of dense gunshots, and the battle became more intense in an instant.

At this time, the airport expressway,

It was a complete mess.

On the half of Berlin leading to Tegel Airport, the situation was a little better. The escort convoy suppressed the many vehicles following behind, and became a huge barrier, blocking the danger.

On the half of Tegel Airport leading to the urban area of ​​Berlin, the people driving through here were all frightened and terrified by the sudden fierce battle.

Under fear, people made different choices.

Some of them slammed on the brakes desperately, tried to stop the car to the side of the road, then got out of the car, lay on the side of the car or jumped out of the highway guardrail, and hid under the roadbed outside the road to avoid bullets.

Others decided to do the opposite, and they slammed on the gas pedal, blasting it to the max, trying to get out of here as fast as they could, off the highway that had turned into hell.

In this way, you can imagine what will happen on the German autobahn with no speed limit.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Violent impact sounds sounded one after another, and many speeding cars collided fiercely, turning into piles of scrap iron in an instant.

Under the violent impact, some vehicles even flew into the air, rolled through the air, and then smashed hard to the ground.

Accompanied by a series of deafening and huge impacts, there are also sharp and piercing brakes, screams of terror, and even painful screams and weeping.

Bullets flying around, almost crazy violent impacts, billowing black smoke rising into the sky, blood flowing indiscriminately, and wailing full of despair, all together turned this highway into hell!

"Cole, tell all the vehicles in the convoy to stop. The four Volvo heavy-duty trucks at the front and rear of the convoy parked alternately. The trucks behind put their heads against the sides of the trucks in front to completely seal off the road and prevent people from driving.

Those Xinnacui scumbags carried heavy weapons, including RPG rockets and grenades, and possibly individual anti-tank missiles. They must not be allowed to attack several escort vehicles, or it might cause irreparable and huge losses.

I don't want to see Rodin's sculptures being shattered into pieces, and I don't want to see a few more bullet holes in the paintings of Renaissance art master Titian and Impressionist master Monet. Just in case, the escort convoy must stop down.

Please inform the head of the police accompanying the escort convoy. I am going to take two groups of security personnel out of the car and kill those damned Xinnacui scumbags, but this requires the permission of the Berlin police, and I believe they will definitely agree.

The task of guarding the escort convoy is left to you and the other guys. You not only have to guard against the Xinnacui scum in front, but also be careful of the many vehicles following behind, including the Berlin police protecting the convoy.

In a word, before the battle is over and we have not returned to the convoy, no one should be allowed to approach the convoy, let alone the escort vehicles. If anyone tries to approach the escort vehicles, you can directly open fire."

Ye Tian said in a cold voice through the walkie-talkie, and issued a series of commands quickly.

While saying these words, he has thrown the backpack full of weapons and ammunition on his back, and picked up the G36C short assault rifle, ready to rush out of the bulletproof SUV he is riding in at any time!

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone and communicate with the Berlin police"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and acted quickly.

As soon as the words fell, the huge escort convoy stopped, and stopped on the road only more than 200 meters away from the Sanchakou intersection ahead.

The two Volvo heavy-duty trucks at the front of the convoy crossed each other and parked obliquely on the road. The trucks behind them firmly pressed against the sides of the trucks in front, forming a solid and abnormal barrier together.

The two Volvo heavy-duty trucks behind the escort convoy parked in the same way, protecting the rear of the convoy and separating all other vehicles that followed.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Cole's voice came from the intercom again.

"Steven, the Berlin police have agreed to our participation in the fight against those sinnacui scum ahead of us who are seeking their own death, and in fact, the police can't wait for us to join the fight as soon as possible.

In just a short while, the Berlin police who had just gone to the three-fork intersection in front of them to check had already suffered a lot of casualties, and were beaten so hard by those fierce Xinnacui scumbags that they couldn't hold their heads up! "

"Got it, Cole, this is for you"

Ye Tian responded, and then said loudly:

"Walker, Brownie, each of you take a team of guys out of the car with me to send those scumbags to hell. Everyone must pay attention to safety and cover each other. I am very happy to give out bonuses, but I don't want to give out pensions!"

Before he finished speaking, he reached out and opened the rear door of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUV he was riding in, and rushed out, landing on the road.


There was a burst of laughter from the intercom, and each voice was full of confidence and high spirits.

Amidst the laughter, the doors of several bulletproof SUVs opened one after another, and a group of heavily armed security personnel jumped out of them, a total of ten people, each with a long gun in their hands, full of murderous looks.

At the same time, at a three-way intersection more than 200 meters ahead, a garbage removal truck that was battered with holes slammed into a police car billowing in black smoke and rushed straight onto the expressway!

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