The Berlin police who had just rushed to the Sanchakou intersection and tried to interrogate them were beaten helplessly in a blink of an eye, with heavy casualties and rivers of blood.

Some of those Berlin policemen were shot into a sieve and died;

The Nacui scum who were originally ambushing at the three-way intersection and trying to ambush the escort convoy, after repelling the Berlin police, quickly divided into two parts and started to act separately.

Some of them drove up the highway, followed closely behind the bullet-riddled garbage truck, and rushed straight towards the escort convoy in a menacing manner.

The other part stayed at the fork in the road, and with the cover of vehicles, while suppressing the Berlin police, they fired fiercely at the helicopter hovering at an altitude of more than 300 meters.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had quickly divided into two tactical groups. Using the cover of each vehicle in the convoy, they strode along the inner side of the convoy to the front of the escort convoy.

On the way, Ye Tian kept giving orders.

"Cole, immediately release the drones for reconnaissance, and ask the guys to carefully search both sides of the highway to see if there are any snipers arranged by the new nacui scum.

If you find a hidden sniper, you must report it in time, and carry out fire suppression, organize our snipers to launch a counterattack, and try to kill those scumbags as soon as possible.”

"Got it, Steven"

At the same time as Cole responded, Ye Tian had already rushed to the center of the two Volvo heavy-duty trucks ahead, and looked out through the gap between the two trucks.

In fact, he has already seen clearly what is going on on the road ahead of the escort convoy through perspective, but the necessary performance is still indispensable.

Similarly, he also knows well whether there are snipers ambushing on both sides of this highway.

Those Xinnacui scumbags indeed deployed snipers, right in the woods on the right side of the highway, which is the most ideal ambush location on both sides of the highway, easy to hide, those big trees in the woods are the best cover .

However, the location of the woods is closer to the three-way intersection, and it is relatively far from the current location of the escort convoy, and it is a diagonal line.

After two Volvo heavy-duty trucks staggered and stopped on the highway, their tall bodies just blocked the shooting line of the sniper, making it difficult for them to launch an attack.

What's more, the sniper's primary target is most likely Ye Tian, ​​who can always perform miracles and is known to be ruthless, rather than other people or vehicles in the convoy.

So the sniper has been waiting, patiently waiting for Ye Tian to show his head, so that he can kill him with one blow, and he is not in a hurry to attack other people and vehicles, thus revealing his position.

From this point, it can be seen that the Xinnacui sniper is still a bit of a level, and he can be regarded as a qualified sniper.

But for these, Ye Tian knew very well, how could he give the other party a chance.

Through the gap in front of the two Volvo heavy trucks, Ye Tian pretended to quickly scan the situation in front of the convoy, and then said coldly to the security personnel around him:

"Nathan, put your Barrett here, kill that damn garbage truck, destroy the engine of that vehicle, follow those SUVs, kill every one that comes out!"

"Okay, Steven, leave those vehicles to me"

The buddy named Nathan nodded in response, and then put the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle between the gaps between two heavy trucks, and quickly pushed the bullets into the barrel.

These two Volvo heavy duty trucks are strategically placed,

They parked in a staggered manner, covering each other, coupled with the huge wheels, just blocked the view from the forest on the right side of the road.

Set up a sniper field here and shoot without worrying about that new nacui sniper hiding in the woods attacking.

And this is the reason why Ye Tian chose to build a sniper position here, but others don't know it.

At the same time, the policemen in the remaining police cars in front of the convoy had already rushed out of the police cars, or relied on the police cars, or rushed under the roadbed, and were all firing wildly at the fast-moving vehicles ahead.

"bang bang bang"

Amidst the sudden rain of gunfire, countless rifle bullets sprayed out at high speed, heading straight for the vehicles in front.

It's a pity that the front of those vehicles is a large garbage removal truck with a rather strong body.

At a distance of more than two hundred meters, the short assault rifles and submachine guns in the hands of many Berlin police officers are not powerful enough.

Although the bullets fired from these guns had scarred the garbage removal truck and left countless craters, they did not cause fatal damage to the truck, let alone destroy it!

With the cover of that large garbage removal truck, those neo-Nacuis were driving many vehicles and approaching the escort convoy step by step.

At this moment, a dazzling flame suddenly flashed between the gap between the two Volvo heavy trucks.


Suddenly there was a huge gunshot on the road, deafening, like thunder.

At the sound of the gunshot, a huge 12.9mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb sprayed out from the muzzle of the Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle, dragging the flames, and headed straight for the large garbage truck in front of it.

In the blink of an eye, the armor-piercing incendiary bomb had already reached the target, and then it slammed into the hood of the large garbage removal truck like a bamboo, and lifted the hood directly.

Immediately afterwards, the engine of the garbage removal truck ignited, emitting a puff of black smoke, and it was scrapped in an instant.


Another gunshot, equally deafening, still came from the Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle in Nathan's hand.

Where the flames flashed, another 12.9mm armor-piercing incendiary bomb shot out at high speed, heading straight for the large garbage truck that had been scrapped and rushed to the side of the road by inertia.

However, the target of Nathan's attack this time is not the garbage removal truck, but the Xinnacui scum who is hiding in the car and has been controlling the garbage removal truck.

Without any suspense, the armor-piercing incendiary bomb directly passed through the car door, spun at high speed and entered the body of the neo-Nacui element.


An extremely painful scream suddenly came from the large garbage removal truck, and then it stopped abruptly, without a sound.

Immediately afterwards, a flame burst into the cab of the garbage removal truck, burning crazily.

Obviously, the Xinnacui scum who was hiding in the cab was instantly torn apart by the huge anti-material sniper bullets, fell directly into hell, and was ignited!

"bang bang bang"

There was another series of violent crashes ahead, one after another.

As the large garbage removal truck was destroyed, several SUVs following closely behind did not react for a while, and had no time to turn to avoid it, and collided with each other one after another.

At the same time, as the garbage removal vehicle lost control and rushed to the side of the road, it also exposed several SUVs behind.

The moment they were exposed, the Berlin police in front of the escort convoy, as if taking revenge, began to shoot violently at these SUVs, wishing to tear them to pieces.

The two medium-sized helicopters that had been roaring and hovering over the convoy, condescending, also began to rain bullets on the SUVs on the road.

In the blink of an eye, a storm of rifle bullets hit the SUVs at high speed from the front of the road and from a height of three or four hundred meters.

The first to bear the brunt was a black SUV in the front, which was smashed into a sieve in an instant.


There were bursts of miserable screams on the road again, coming from the black SUV that looked like a hornet's nest.

At this moment, in the depths of the woods on the right side of the road, a flame suddenly flashed.

Almost in no particular order, Cole's voice also came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, just as you expected, those Xinnacui scumbags really deployed snipers, and we have locked the location where that guy is hiding in the woods on the right side of the road!"

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