Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2199 Precise Killing

"Guys, fire with all your might and pin down those dumb cops and American bastards and get out of here and get revenge on that fucking bastard Steven later"

A Xinnacui scum hiding behind an SUV shouted over the walkie-talkie, giving the order to retreat.

Obviously, this bald German guy with big arms, round waist, and fleshy face is the leader of this gang of Xinnacui scum.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, and he was unwilling to let go of the prison, he could only issue the order to retreat and fight desperately to see if he could rush out from here and escape.

As soon as the words fell, at the expressway and the three-way intersection, all the remaining Xinnacui scum suddenly emerged from their hiding places and began to fire violently towards the escort convoy, the three helicopters and the Berlin police.

"bang bang bang"

The sound of gunfire was loud and deafening, and the bullets rushed towards the escort convoy like a storm.

At the same time, through the 24's sniper scope, Ye Tian once again locked on a Xinnacui scum at the three-way intersection, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger, shooting out the last rifle bullet in the clip.

As soon as the bullet left the muzzle, he dodged to the back of the Volvo heavy truck, using the tall body of the heavy truck to block himself, without even looking at the result of the attack.

Does the result still need to ask? There is no other possibility except death!

In the next moment, a Xinnacui scum who had just emerged from the three-way intersection and was about to fire at the helicopter had his head exploded by a rifle bullet, and he couldn't die anymore!

On the side of the escort convoy, whether it was the Berlin police in front of the convoy or Ye Tian's armed security personnel, everyone chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

The three helicopters circling in mid-air also reacted quickly, and they all quickly pulled up to a higher place, and adjusted their attitudes to expose the belly of the helicopter to avoid direct attack on the people on board.

All of a sudden, the remaining Xinnacui scumbags did achieve their goal, using powerful firepower and a desperate drive to temporarily suppress the Berlin police and Walker.

Immediately afterwards, those Xinnacui scumbags fired violently and rushed towards the few remaining vehicles that were still usable, preparing to flee for their lives.

"Steven, those cinnamon scumbags are going to run"

Cole's voice came from the intercom, announcing the situation ahead.

Through the driving recorder on the Volvo heavy-duty truck and the high-definition cameras carried on the three helicopters, Cole has been keeping an eye on the situation on the highway and the three-way intersection.

The actions of those Xinnacui scum naturally cannot escape his eyes.

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said through the walkie-talkie:

"Want to run? Go ahead and live your mother's dream, those stupid Xinnacui scumbags must go to hell today, don't even try to escape, even if God comes down, they won't be able to save them.

Nathan, and the guys on the helicopter, get me out of those new nacui scum vehicles,

Leave all those scumbags here, if one runs away, your bonus will be halved! "

"Got it, Steven"

There was a burst of response from the intercom, each voice murderous.

Under the trend of money, the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle in Nathan's hand and the 60d aviation machine guns on the three helicopters soon roared again, spraying deadly flames.

Those remaining xinnacui scum just rushed into several suvs, and before the front of the car turned over, they encountered a fatal attack.

"bang bang bang"

Amidst the deafening gunshots, the armor-piercing incendiary bombs fired from the Barrett sniper rifle and the dense rain of bullets poured from the three 60d aviation machine guns fell on the few remaining SUVs in an instant.

Without any suspense, those SUVs were punctured and scrapped in a blink of an eye. Puffs of black smoke rose into the air and burned one after another.

The two SUVs closest to the escort convoy were in even worse condition, almost torn to pieces by the intensive rain of bullets from the 60d aviation machine gun.

Most of the Xinnacui scum sitting in several SUVs were sieved by the rain of bullets that penetrated the roof and front windshield, and died directly in the car.


A series of extremely shrill screams sounded one after another, mixed with the storm-like dense gunfire, and clearly reached the ears of everyone on the scene.

"Oh my god! Steven's bastards are so crazy and cruel. They are simply a group of devils from hell. Killing people is easier than mowing grass! Who the hell can afford it!"

"This is a massacre! I swear, this is definitely the cruelest and bloodiest killing scene I have ever seen. Steven and his gang are simply a group of butchers armed to the teeth!

What kind of idiot? It is extremely stupid to actually want to snatch Hitler's treasure from the hands of Steven and these devils! This is all right, they all have to die here today, and none of them can escape! "

The many Berlin police officers at the scene, as well as the passers-by who drove past here and were forced into this killing field, were all terrified, complaining secretly, and shaking with fear!

At this time, they even felt a little bit of sympathy for those beaten who were ruthlessly massacred.

After an almost frenzied attack, the vehicles that the Xinnacui scum were riding in were riddled with bullet holes and completely scrapped.

At the same time, the dense rain of bullets pouring down from the sky gradually thinned out and finally stopped.

Seeing that the suvs on the ground had been completely scrapped, the security personnel in the cabin of the three helicopters stopped shooting, so as not to get a bad name of massacre.

You know, the roofs of the Berlin police cars on the ground are all equipped with high-definition cameras, and many passers-by here also took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures.

In this case, everyone should pay more or less attention to the impact, and also pay attention to the company's image!

Intrepid Exploration Company is a treasure hunting company after all, not a notorious and murderous military contractor, as for what others think, that's another story!

The deafening gunfire that resounded through the highway finally stopped, but this place has become a battlefield full of smoke and corpses.

However, before people could catch their breath, gunshots rang out again.

From the two suvs that had just been battered with holes, three bloody and distressed guys suddenly rushed out, each holding an automatic rifle, and rushed towards the opposite road desperately.

While running desperately, the three Xinnacui scumbags kept shooting at the escort convoy, trying to suppress the attack and fight for a chance.

Almost at the same time they rushed out of the SUV they were hiding in, the reloaded 24 sniper rifle in Ye Tian's hand shot out scorching flames again.


At the sound of the gunshot, a 762mm rifle bullet rushed out of the muzzle at high speed, and went straight to the three Xinnacui scum who were fleeing desperately.

In the next moment, the head of the Xinnacui scum who rushed to the front and stepped onto the highway barrier was directly blasted by the roaring rifle bullets, blood and brains were all over the sky.

With the inertia of quickly rushing forward and leaping into the air, as well as the powerful impact of the sniper rifle bullets, the body of the Xinnacui scum was directly sent flying sideways and forward.

Flying straight for four or five meters, that guy's body slammed into the ground and hit the isolation belt in the middle of the highway, and he went straight to hell to report!

Just as the first bullet rushed out of the muzzle, Ye Tian quickly pulled the bolt of the 24, ejected the empty shell, pushed another 762mm bullet into the barrel, and pulled the trigger again.

The target of his attack this time is the Xinnacui scum who fell at the end.

In the end, there was no doubt that the Xinnacui scum who was running wildly was headshot by Ye Tian, ​​and he rushed forward a few steps diagonally before he fell to the ground and went to hell to report.

However, the second Xinnacui scumbag among the three managed to escape the precise sniper.

It wasn't that Ye Tian was merciful, and because the rate of fire of the 24 sniper rifle was too slow, that's why that Xinnacui scum was lucky enough to escape.

This 24 sniper rifle, known as the soul of American sniper, has very high accuracy and good stability, but it is a bolt-action rifle. You have to pull the bolt once to shoot, and you cannot shoot continuously.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian was able to shoot twice in a row and headshot two Xinnacui scumbags running desperately on the spot. It was almost a miracle, and almost no one could do it except him.

The sound of many armed security personnel under his command gasping for air, as well as the shocked expressions on their faces, are enough to illustrate this point.

Even these former U.S. special elites have never seen such miraculous and precise sniping. Can you not be shocked by it!

In addition to being shocked, there was even a hint of fear in the depths of these guys' eyes.

The moment Ye Tian pulled the bolt for the second time and pushed a rifle bullet into the chamber, the last remaining Xinnacui scum rushed across the barrier at high speed and onto the opposite road!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately shouted through the walkie-talkie:

"Nathan, and the guys on the helicopter, stop shooting. There are many passers-by on the opposite road. It is obvious that heavy weapons cannot be used to attack. Just be on guard.

Walker, take your men and come with me to the other side of the road, send that scumbag to hell, Brownie, your squads charge forward, cover each other, clear the battlefield as soon as possible"

"Got it, Steven"

There was a chorus of echoes on the intercom, each voice high-spirited.

The next moment, Ye Tian threw the 24 sniper rifle in his hand to one of his security guards, and then rushed towards the highway isolation belt with his g36c short assault rifle.

Behind him, Walker immediately followed up with several armed security personnel, each armed with an automatic rifle, and rushed towards the opposite road in a murderous manner.

At the same time, Brownie led his special operations team and began to charge forward, heading towards the front of the road.

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