Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2200 I am not a policeman

On the road from Tegel Airport to the city of Berlin, the Xinnacui scum who just rushed here desperately, hugged a young woman tightly, and was confronting Ye Tian and the others. The situation at the scene was extremely tense.

This scumbag still has some brains. When he first rushed here, he saw the many cars on the road that were criss-crossed and crashed into a ball. He immediately understood that it was simply unrealistic to grab a car and escape from here.

Even if you snatch a car that is intact and powerful, and with superb driving skills, you can bypass all other cars parked randomly, it is impossible to escape from here.

Driving towards the city of Berlin, he must break through the defense line of Steven's bastards. Those damn American bastards have rushed onto this highway and are rushing towards their side.

With Steven's bastard's incomparably accurate marksmanship, driving over by himself is tantamount to delivering food. It's purely asking for death, and he will be smashed into a sieve in an instant.

The road ahead is blocked, so is it okay to reverse the car and escape? Same thing!

No matter what car he grabbed, even if it was a supercar, it could not be faster than the three medium-sized helicopters hovering over the highway.

Once I drive to an open road and there are no innocent passers-by around to cover me, the M60D aviation machine guns on the three helicopters can tear myself to pieces in an instant!

Obviously, driving away is out of the question!

Fight with Steven and those bastards on the highway, kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one, even if you die, you can die a little more heroically! is this okay?

This is also an extremely stupid approach, and it is also useless!

Not to mention anything else, just because of the super high tactical literacy and incomparably accurate marksmanship that Steven and those bastards just showed, the person who died could only be himself!

As long as I show up, I'm afraid I'll be shot and killed by Steven, that bastard. I may not even have a chance to aim and shoot, let alone find someone to back me up!

There seems to be only one way to escape from this dead zone.

That is to take hostages, and then negotiate with that bastard Steven and the Berlin police on the condition of the safety of the hostages to see if they can win a chance!

Although that bastard Steven is ruthless and murderous without batting an eyelid, he has never heard of that bastard hurting innocent ordinary people. This may be the bastard's weakness, and he can take advantage of it!

Just do it when he thinks about it, and in the blink of an eye, this Xinnacui scumbag made a decision, which seemed to be the most sensible decision.

Immediately afterwards, he held a young woman driving by here who was lying on the ground to avoid bullets and kept crying, pulled the young woman up from the ground, and blocked him in front of him.

For the convenience of action, he swung the automatic rifle on his back, then took out a pistol and pressed it tightly against the young woman's head, and hid himself behind the young woman, using the young woman as a meat shield.

He only showed one eye, staring closely at Ye Tian and the others who were approaching fast, his eyes were full of unforgettable hatred, fear and despair.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian brought Walker and the others to the front, and stopped about seven or eight meters away from this Nacui scumbag.

Immediately afterwards, the few of them quickly dispersed and surrounded the Xinnacui scum and the young woman hostage in a fan shape. The assault rifles in everyone's hands were tightly locked on the Xinnacui scum.

It was Ye Tian who faced the Xinna cui scum and young woman hostage.

The G36C short assault rifle in his hand was also pointed at the Xinnacui scum, with his index finger resting on the trigger, he could fire with a slight hook back.

That Xinnacui scum dodged behind the young woman,

He completely hid his head, and shouted in a tone full of hatred and despair:

"Steven, you are a devil from hell, this time we confess! I have a hostage in my hand, let me get out of here, or I will kill this stinky bitch!"

While this scumbag was screaming, the young German woman held hostage by him was trembling and looking at Ye Tian with tears streaming down her face, her eyes were full of fear and pleading.

With a smile on his face, Ye Tian nodded slightly to the slightly plump young German woman, signaling her to rest assured, but didn't say much.

After the words fell, the new scumbag might be eager to survive, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​to see what reaction Ye Tian would give.

His movements were small and quick, with only one right eye exposed, and the USP pistol in his hand was always pointed at the young woman's head, never leaving for a moment.

This is an opportunity that is not considered an opportunity at all, it is fleeting!

But for Ye Tian, ​​this opportunity is completely enough, enough to send that Xinnacui scumbag to hell.

He seemed to be a prophet, as soon as that Xinnacui scum turned his head, he ruthlessly pulled the trigger of the G36C short assault rifle in his hand, and started killing again.

When the right eye of that Xinnacui scum flashed out from the back of the hostage's head, the bullets ejected from the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle just whizzed by the ear of this young German woman.

In the next instant, the scalding 5.56mm rifle bullet ruthlessly penetrated into the right eye of that scumbag in Xinnacui, directly blasting that scumbag's head.

Only then did everyone at the scene see the flames flashing from the muzzle of the G36C.


The crisp gunshots came immediately, coming from the G36C short assault rifle.

At the same time, what came to everyone's ears was Ye Tian's scolding voice full of disdain.

"Idiot! I'm not a Berlin policeman. He's so stupid to threaten me with a hostage. Go to hell. Hell is the destination of scum like you!"

Looking at that Xinnacui scum again, he was completely dead in an instant.

Under the powerful impact of the rifle bullets, his body fell straight back, and the right hand holding the pistol hung down limply, and there was no chance to shoot again.

The young German woman who was hugged tightly by him was completely frightened and dumbfounded, and she was brought down to the ground like a log.

At this moment, Walker and another security guard had already stepped forward quickly, rushing over to hug the corpse of the Xinnacui scumbag and the young German woman.

Immediately afterwards, Walker confiscated the gun of the new nacui scum, and then put the scum's body on the ground, allowing it to bleed.

Another security guard dragged the young German woman aside, leaned against the door of a nearby car, and patted the young woman on the cheek in an attempt to wake her up.

"Guys, the matter here is over, Walker, leave two guys here to clean up the battlefield, you take the rest of the guys with me, let's go to the road next to it and the three-way intersection."

Ye Tian said coldly, then turned around and walked out, preparing to go to the road leading to Tegel Airport in the city of Berlin next door.

"Okay, Steven"

Walker responded and was about to get up.

At this moment, a weeping and trembling voice suddenly came from the scene.

"Steven, you are a complete bastard and lunatic, woo woo woo!"

Needless to say, this weeping and angry accusation must have come from the young German woman who had narrowly escaped death.

Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at the young German woman whose emotions had completely collapsed, and then said with a smile:

"This beautiful lady, I'm very sorry for scaring you just now, but I'm sure that's the best way to deal with it. Only by killing the scum who held you hostage immediately can your life be guaranteed.

Regarding my marksmanship, I am extremely confident. Even if a fly lands on your head, I am sure to kill that fly without hurting you. It is precisely because of this strong confidence that I will shoot!

I know, for you, this is a nightmare experience, I don't want to go through it again in my life, I don't even dare to think about it, I hope you can quickly forget all this and continue to enjoy a good life"

After speaking, he turned around and strode towards the opposite road.

Looking at the young German woman sitting on the ground, she was completely dumbfounded, she stared at Ye Tian's back in a daze, her eyes were filled with disbelief, she even forgot to cry!

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