Berlin, Tegel International Airport.

The huge convoy escorting Hitler's treasure drove straight into the apron of this airport, and quickly drove towards the two airstrips located at the edge of the apron of the airport.

On the two airstrips, there are two large planes parked, one passenger plane and one cargo plane, both of which have the logo of Air China printed on them, which is very conspicuous.

It can be seen from a distance that there are some people standing under the two Air China planes, looking towards the escort convoy.

Needless to say, these two Air China planes were just chartered planes that had just flown in from Beijing, and they were going to take away those top antique artworks that Ye Tian had obtained from Hitler's treasure.

The person in charge of transporting the treasure and leading the team to Berlin from China is Ye Tian's sister-in-law.

Flying to Berlin with my sister-in-law were also Ye Tian's lawyers and company employees in Beijing, as well as several top antique art appraisal experts from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, and two groups of cultural and cultural personnel.

The leader is Mr. Shan, and the rest are all well-known masters, old friends who Ye Tian is very familiar with.

Of course, there are more than a dozen armed security personnel and leaders of relevant departments, all from relevant departments, and their identities are relatively sensitive, so there is no need to say more!

Because of this, Ye Tiantian made some coordination with the German side, so that the team from Beijing responsible for transferring those top-level antique artworks would complete the handover directly on the tarmac without leaving the airport.

Even the relevant procedures for transshipment of treasures, such as customs inspection, will be completed on the tarmac, and then those top-level antique works of art will be immediately transported to two Air China chartered flights, and then fly directly to Beijing.

In this way, it is bound to avoid a lot of trouble, save a lot of time, and avoid the eyes of many news media.

Since there is no need to enter the airport terminal, and naturally there is no need to go through customs inspections, the identities of everyone in the escort team will not be known to the outside world.

Even if someone wants to make a fuss about it, and then attack or slander Ye Tian, ​​they will not get any substantive evidence.

All of this was negotiated between Ye Tian and the German government, and it was also one of the prerequisites for him to make a deal with the German government.

If the Germans wanted the Nacui gold, they had to agree to these conditions, and they had no choice at all.

It has been more than an hour since the two Air China chartered planes arrived at Berlin Airport, and they have been parked on the two runways at the edge of the airport, waiting for the arrival of the escort convoy.

During this period, the two planes had been filled with aviation fuel again, and the accompanying airline technicians even quickly checked the two planes to ensure that the escort mission was safe.

The sister-in-law, Mr. Shan, and the rest of the escort team who came immediately stood under the gangway of the two planes, and stood there for a long time.

In order not to attract attention, the brigade of the escort team was inside the two planes, looking at the direction of the entrance to the apron through the portholes one by one.

When everyone saw the huge convoy galloping from a distance, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and immediately relaxed a lot. Everyone's heart, which had been hanging high in their throats, was finally put back in their stomachs.

And the little girl who stood at the front of the line finally showed a bright smile on her tense face.

"Hey! This living ancestor finally came, I'm really worried!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

Everyone laughed and nodded, as if they felt the same way.

Amidst the laughter, the huge convoy finally arrived here and stopped at the edge of the airstrip outside.

It's right next to the Air China plane.

When the convoy stopped, Ye Tian immediately opened the car door and got out, then took David and others, and walked quickly towards the sister-in-law and the others.

When he came close, before Ye Tian could say hello, my sister-in-law punched him on the shoulder and complained in a low voice:

"You bastard, why did you come here, the big guy is so anxious that he is going to the house!"

Ye Tian looked at my sister-in-law, then nodded lightly at Mr. Shan and the others, and then said with a relaxed smile:

"You don't have to worry, sister, the reason why we are late is because we encountered a small incident on the road, and it was delayed for a while, and we came here as soon as we finished."

Hearing this, the aunt immediately rolled her eyes, and then looked at the bullet-riddled vehicles not far away.

Shan Lao and the others were the same, they all looked at the vehicles in the escort convoy, and everyone couldn't help but secretly gasped.

"Is that a small matter? I'm afraid the whole world knows about the fight that just happened on the Berlin Airport Expressway. We, too, have seen a lot of news and live pictures through our mobile phones.

Looking at those tragic and bloody live scenes, our hearts almost jumped out of our throats. Fortunately, it's okay, you bastard is really capable of tossing around, you are simply a living ancestor! "

Saying that, my sister punched Ye Tian again, but she didn't have much strength, and a bright smile appeared on her face at the same time.

As soon as the words fell, Elder Shan who was standing by the side said in a worried low voice:

"The scene on the highway was too tragic and exaggerated. We all thought you would not be able to come, but we didn't expect you to come anyway. You must have caused a lot of trouble. Can the German government spare you?"

Ye Tian looked at the old man, then smiled confidently and said:

"Don't worry, everyone, it's not a big deal, I've already taken care of it! Those guys who ambushed us on the airport expressway and tried to loot Hitler's treasure are notorious German Neo-Nacuis.

They were a group of real scumbags. When we left the hotel, we found the traces of those scumbags. We knew that those scumbags came from bad people, so we were always careful and monitored those scumbags from the beginning to the end.

Soon after the convoy left the hotel, I used the Berlin police to clean up a group of people with ulterior motives who followed the convoy, including not only those scumbags, but also the Russian Mafia and other guys.

When the escort convoy drove onto the airport expressway, another wave of Xinnacui scum ambushed on the expressway tried to ambush us halfway and rob Hitler's treasure, and we also discovered the trace in advance.

Next, the bloody fight you saw on the Internet took place. In the battle, we were the party of legitimate defense. We had to fight back in order to protect our own lives and property.

Regarding this point, everyone at the scene can prove it, and we shot a video and posted it on the Internet as soon as possible. No matter whether the German government or anyone else, no one can deny it.

At that time, the Berlin police who fought with those Xinnacui scumbags were also protecting the convoy, and there were also officials from the German Ministry of Culture and customs in the convoy. They witnessed everything that happened.

After the battle, we waited on the spot, waiting for the relevant personnel from the German government and the Berlin City Police Department to arrive, and after conducting some investigations, we left the scene of the firefight and rushed to the airport.

I left two company employees and two German lawyers on the scene to deal with relevant legal matters, so that the Germans would not play dirty tricks, and I also got permission from the German Chancellor’s office, so I was able to leave”

Hearing his words, my sister-in-law and Mr. Shan were all dumbfounded, and they all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, as if they were looking at a monster.

After a while, the few of them just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Lao said with emotion:

"Ye Tian, ​​you kid is such a thieves, you have no plans! You stabbed a hole in the sky, but you can get out of your body, no need to ask, the Germans must hate you now, kid, probably eat you alive I have my heart!"


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and all the Chinese people laughed heartily.

After the laughter subsided, an old man from the National Expo immediately continued:

"Ye Tian, ​​your handwriting this time is really big, and the satellites you released are really amazing. Who would have thought that you could get so many priceless top-level antique works of art.

It is said that there are paintings by Renaissance art master Titian, sculptures by Rodin, the greatest sculptor in modern times, and works by Monet, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Picasso and other art masters.

Each of these names is recognizable, and there are basically no works of them in China. Once these top antique artworks from the West are shipped to China, they will definitely cause a huge sensation.

When your private museum is established and these top antique artworks are exhibited publicly, the scene will be absolutely unprecedented. As far as Western art is concerned, your private museum is definitely the first in China!

However, those top antique works of art come from Hitler's treasures, which were looted by Nazis from various countries in Europe and North Africa. Won't they cause trouble? Will anyone claim it?

Historically, our country has basically nothing to do with Nacui Germany, but once these top-level antique artworks from Hitler’s treasures are shipped to China, I’m afraid it will cause quite a disturbance.”

Ye Tian looked at the old man, then smiled confidently and said:

"You don't have to worry, these top antique works of art that I plan to ship back to China, although they come from Hitler's treasure and were plundered by the Nazis, each of them can no longer be traced back to the past.

To put it simply, the original owners of these top antique works of art basically died in the hands of the Nazis, and were even exterminated. The inheritance of some antique works of art was not clear at all.

It is precisely because of this that I have collected these top-level antique works of art, otherwise I would not have caused this trouble. I am too lazy to deal with any countries, organizations, or even individuals who claim these treasures.

Will there be some criticism for transporting these top-level antique works of art back to China? You don't have to worry, everyone, don't forget, boy, I am now an American citizen, and my company is an American company.

If someone uses these top-level antique artworks to make an issue and play moral kidnapping, the relevant personnel can completely push 625 and declare that the brave exploration company is an American company and has nothing to do with China.

The United States has always been used to being domineering, and it doesn't itch when there are too many lice! It doesn't matter if there is one more thing, otherwise I will be sorry for the huge tax I pay every year. When the time is right, the US government will have to act as a shield!

Besides, how many countries in Europe have a clean history? Which country's museum does not have top-level antiques looted from China? They want to claim these top antique works of art, purely dreaming! "


Everyone laughed again and gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

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