Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2202 Flying North

After chatting for a while, everyone got down to business. They counted the top-level antique works of art loaded in the four escort vehicles one by one, went through some necessary procedures, and then handed them over.

After the handover is completed, those valuable top antique artworks will be transported onto two Air China chartered flights, and then they will take off and transport them to Beijing.

Several company employees who flew from Beijing, as well as two groups of cultural and cultural personnel from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, got off the plane one after another and threw themselves into their work with great interest.

Many company employees who followed Ye Tian also got out of the vehicles and walked to the four armored escort vehicles, ready to count and hand over those top-level antique works of art.

In addition, personnel from the German Ministry of Culture and airport customs also came to the side of the four escort vehicles, ready to start work.

They are mainly responsible for counting and recording the quantity, names and other information of these top antique artworks, taking photos and registering them, and then checking with the information they have already obtained to prevent Ye Tian from bringing private goods!

It can be seen that the expressions of these German guys are very ugly. They obviously don't want to do this job, but they are very helpless.

The German government has reached an agreement with Ye Tian, ​​allowing him to take away these top-level antique works of art, what can ordinary people like them do, at most, they will slander a few words.

David took the paralegal, two German lawyers, and three Beijing lawyers employed by Ye Tian to the side of the four escort vehicles, ready to supervise the next series of work.

The same goes for Old Shan and the others, they all walked to the four escort vehicles, eagerly waiting to appreciate the priceless top antique artworks.

Only Ye Tian and sister-in-law stayed where they were, talking about things in a low voice while watching the others busy.

"Xiaotian, Beijing's first land auction of the year will start in a few days. It is said that there are many real estate companies participating in the auction, including some famous real estate tycoons. Aren't you going back to Beijing to participate in this auction?"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"I won't go back. When you return to Beijing smoothly, I plan to take people to St. Petersburg, where I will negotiate an art business with the Russians, and loot the famous Hermitage Museum along the way.

Negotiate the details of the transaction with the Russians, and I will return to Berlin, and then trade with the Russians in Berlin, exchanging the famous Amber Room for the top Chinese antique art collection in the Hermitage Museum”

"Hey! You kid is really good at tossing,

Never stop! He actually wants to go to Russia again, and plans to rob the Hermitage Museum, be careful of the impatient old man!

You boy is about to become a father, and you have a wife and children waiting for you in Beijing, so be careful when dealing with the old man, the old man is much more fierce than the Germans."

The sister-in-law exclaimed in a low voice, somewhat worried.

"Just don't worry, sister, no matter if you're a German or a Russian, don't want to hurt me, let alone the Amber Room is in my hands, the old man will definitely have scruples!"

Ye Tian said confidently, and then resumed the topic just now.

"After the transaction is completed, I will personally escort a large number of top Chinese antique artworks and fly back to Beijing, but that will be more than a week later, and it will definitely not be in time for this land auction.

In fact, it would be better if I didn't show up at the land auction, so that I wouldn't be the target of public criticism. You know, your nephew, my face is so famous that everyone, everyone knows it! "

"Hahaha, you really know how to put gold on your face! But you are right, once you show interest in a piece of land at the auction site, it is very likely that you will become a target of public criticism."

"It's not just me, you and Betty had better not show up at the auction, so as not to be recognized by others, especially Betty, she is a foreigner with very obvious features, and others can recognize it at a glance.

You can ask my lawyer to come forward, or you can find a trustworthy company employee to represent the company and put up a placard to bid at the auction site. Our real estate company has just been established, so it can be said that it is unknown.

Let's make good use of this, and behave like a swollen face and fat man with a mallet in the auction venue. If all the competitors on the scene can despise it, it will be perfect

In this way, it will not attract the attention of those real estate bosses, and it is easy for them to have other ideas, such as using some means in private, fantasizing about taking the target land from us.

As long as they don't fight with us at the auction and let us bid for that piece of land at a relatively reasonable price, everything will be fine. As for playing tricks behind the scenes, I'm afraid they won't dare!

In addition to arranging bidders with placards, one or two supervisors and substitute bidders should also be arranged on the spot to avoid accidents. The substitute bidders should preferably be cultural company employees.

The piece of land in Wangfujing is too important to be lost. Although I will not return to Beijing to participate in this land auction, I will conduct remote control to ensure nothing goes wrong! "

"Hey! What Old Shan said just now is absolutely right, you are really becoming more and more a thief, it really means that you have no plans! The land in Wangfujing is used for cultural exhibitions, and the nature of use is very limited.

For those real estate tycoons who focus on real estate development, the temptation of that piece of land does not seem to be very great, coupled with your careful calculation, if there is no accident, the piece of land will belong to you in a few days."

"I hope so, but I still dare not be careless. That is the prime location of Wangfujing. Every inch of land is really valuable. You can make a lot of money by holding on to the land and doing nothing. Those real estate predators are not stupid.

In a word, I will take that piece of land at all costs, and next year, my private museum will stand in Wangfujing, and those top-level antique works of art will be displayed in the museum.”

With that said, Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured towards the escort convoy.

Listening to his words and watching his actions, my sister-in-law couldn't help being infected, and her eyes suddenly became firmer and full of love.

After a short pause, my sister-in-law continued:

"Xiaotian, don't you guys want to take over the entire Lishi Hutong and carry out renovations? I heard a little rumor two days ago that the city also seems to have the idea of ​​​​renovating the old city hutongs and creating a Beijing-style street."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly and cheered in a low voice.

"That's great, I'll wait for this, or all the money in the bank will grow hair!"

Next, Ye Tian and his sister-in-law continued to chat in a low voice, talking about family affairs, the physical condition of the family members, and various affairs in the company.

On the other side, everyone else is busy, and everyone is very motivated.

Of course, that doesn't include the depressed German Ministry of Culture and customs officials, who would like to leave here immediately to avoid heartache.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Those priceless top-level antique works of art that Ye Tian obtained from Hitler's treasure have been taken out of the four escort vehicles, transferred to two Air China chartered planes, and all fixed.

In addition, all relevant procedures have been completed without leaving any loopholes.

After completing these tasks, David, several lawyers, and the company employees who followed the escort convoy all retreated to the side of the escort convoy.

Company employees from Beijing, three lawyers, two museum teams from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, and a team of Chinese security personnel boarded two Air China chartered flights.

After everyone boarded the plane, Ye Tian also boarded the Air China passenger plane in the name of inspection.

Entering the cabin, he took a quick perspective of all the boxes in the cabin, fastened to the seats with safety belts, and every piece of antique art in the boxes.

These boxes are very strong, and the weights are also very scientific. The top antique artworks in the boxes have no problems, which is reassuring.

As for the Chinese security personnel who escorted these top-level antique works of art back to Beijing, everyone has roots and clear origins, and they are trustworthy.

After quickly seeing through the cabin and confirming that there is no problem, Ye Tian ended the perspective, and then went straight to the cockpit with his sister-in-law, Mr. Shan, and an official from the Ministry of Culture.

After entering the cockpit and exchanging polite greetings with the two pilots, Ye Tian got straight to the point.

"After the plane takes off, you should not fly back to China on a fixed route, but fly northward into the air above the Baltic Sea. As soon as the plane leaves the German airspace, Russian fighter planes will come to escort it.

The reason for doing this is for the sake of safety. As we all know, the top antique artworks carried on these two Air China charter flights were all looted by Nacui and Germany during World War II, which can be described as invaluable.

There are many countries, organizations, and individuals who are jealous of these top-level antique artworks. During this period of time, we have received numerous claims, including Poland, France, Austria and other European countries.

At this moment, there must be a lot of eyes fixed on these top antique artworks and on these two Air China charter planes. If these two Air China charter planes pass through the airspace of the relevant countries, they may be forced to land.

Once these two Air China charter planes land at the airports of the relevant countries, it will be completely over. All the top antique artworks carried on the planes will definitely fall into the hands of those countries, and they will never come back again.”

"Yes, there is indeed such a possibility, and it is very likely, especially Poland and Austria, which are adjacent to Germany, were looted by Nacui Germany during World War II, and they will do this kind of thing if they don't have enough money.

More importantly, even if they make an emergency landing on the two Air China chartered planes and detain all the top-level antique artworks on board, it seems to be morally justified, and it is difficult for other countries to criticize them.”

Old Shan nodded and said, his expression became more dignified.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"I don't want to take this risk, I dare not, and I am reluctant to take this risk. These top-level antique works of art must be shipped back to Beijing, and no one is missing. No country or organization can covet them.

In view of this, I planned to let the two Air China charter planes fly north to the Baltic Sea, then enter Russian airspace, and fly through Russia to Beijing. This is undoubtedly the safest escort route.

The relationship between Russia and our country is quite good, and our country’s plane should not be forced to land, and I have already contacted the Kremlin, and the tough Russian president promised to give the green light all the way.

Of course, the other party is mainly targeting the Russian national treasure, the Amber Room. The Amber Room is now in my hands. If Russia wants to take back that peerless treasure, it must agree to the conditions I set. Everyone has their own rewards.

In addition to the Russian side, I also reached an agreement with the strong woman in the German Chancellor's office. When the two Air China charter flights are in German airspace, the German side will be responsible for protecting them and sending them out of the country.

When the two Air China chartered planes flew out of the German airspace, there would be nothing wrong with the Germans. Of course, I also paid a certain price in order to get the German strong woman to nod, there is no free lunch! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone in the cockpit of the plane was stunned, and they all stared at Ye Tian with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes have passed.

Ye Tian finally got out of the plane, walked quickly to the edge of the runway, and joined David and the others.

About five or six minutes later, the Air China passenger plane parked on the runway took the lead, taxied out slowly, and rushed towards the end of the runway.

Immediately afterwards, the Air China cargo plane on the adjacent runway taxied out and rushed towards the end of the runway.

Soon, these two large planes roared up from the end of the runway one after another, soared into the sky, and flew straight to the north.

That direction is exactly where the Baltic Sea is.

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