Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2203 Going to St. Petersburg

At midnight, Ye Tian, ​​who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone.

The call was from my sister-in-law. As soon as the call was connected, my sister-in-law's excited voice came over.

"Xiaotian, we have already arrived in Beijing. We have just landed at the Capital Airport. We are about to get off the plane. The escort convoy drove directly to the apron of the Capital Airport and parked next to the plane."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately let out a sigh of relief, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"That's great, sister, so I can rest assured. Next, we are going to St. Petersburg to negotiate a deal with Russia. By the way, is your journey going smoothly? Have you encountered any trouble?"

"Don't tell me, we really encountered some troubles on the way back. Fortunately, you boy was well prepared, otherwise we might not be able to return to Beijing smoothly, and those top antiques and artworks might have been robbed halfway.

When the two planes were within the range of German airspace, nothing happened, but as soon as they flew out of German airspace, a fighter jet with a Polish flag printed on them chased them up.

The Polish fighter gave a warning and sent our plane to Poland, which startled everyone. Just when everyone was frightened, two Russian fighters suddenly appeared.

The old man is barbaric. As soon as the two Russian fighter jets arrived, they pushed towards the Polish fighter jet and flew up and down around the Polish fighter jet. The scene was very thrilling.

For a while, everyone thought that the two Russian fighter jets would fire missiles and shoot down the Polish fighter jet. Fortunately, the Russian fighter jets did not do so.

After a while, the Polish fighter jet was driven away, and we were escorted by two Russian fighter jets across the Baltic Sea and into Russian airspace.

Afterwards, our two Air China charter planes flew in Russian airspace, crossed half of Russia, passed through Kazakhstan, and then returned to our country from Xinjiang,..."

Listening to my sister-in-law's narration, Ye Tian's mood kept changing, sometimes tense and sometimes relaxed.

After my sister-in-law finished speaking, he immediately smiled and said:

"It's a safe bet, as long as you arrive in Beijing safely, as for the Poles, they will definitely pay the price for their actions."

After that, Ye Tian chatted with his sister-in-law for a few more words, and then ended the call.

My sister-in-law, who is far away at Beijing Capital Airport, still has a lot of things to do.

She wants to take people to escort the top-level antique artworks that have just been transported to Beijing to the urban area, and store them in several underground vaults on Financial Street.

As for Ye Tian, ​​after hanging up the phone, he sat alone in the dark for a while, then went back to bed and continued to sleep, recharging his energy and getting ready for a new day.


Soon, it was the next morning.

After waking up, washing up, and having breakfast, Ye Tian called David and Cole together and began to arrange the next work.

"Guys, the two planes that escorted those top-level antique artworks from Hitler's treasure have successfully arrived in Beijing last night, which means that we can start follow-up operations.

David, you guys go back and get ready. I will leave Berlin with me later and fly to St. Petersburg to negotiate deals with the Russians and visit the famous Hermitage Museum by the way.

Cole, you go back and pick half of the security guys and go to St. Petersburg with me, the rest of the guys stay in Berlin with most of the company staff, we'll be back in a few days.

Kenny, Byrne, you two entered St. Petersburg as tourists,

Waiting for my order to play it by ear, this trip to St. Petersburg may require your technical support.

Because of the special relationship between the United States and Russia, any American who enters Russia will probably receive special attention, especially those of us who are the target of public criticism.

If the prediction is correct, we will be targeted by agents of the Russian security department when we get off the plane. In view of this, we must make some arrangements in advance, just in case,..."

Ye Tian said with a smile, reminding everyone present to pay attention.

After he finished speaking, everyone nodded in unison, and then they left the presidential suite and prepared to go.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, everyone was ready, and then they pushed their suitcases and followed Ye Tian to the elevator room, preparing to leave Berlin and start another journey.

The rest of them will continue to stay in Berlin, they can take a good rest for a few days, or go out for a tour, waiting for Ye Tian and the others to return from St. Petersburg.

Seven or eight minutes later, Ye Tian and the others had reached the first floor of the hotel, got out of the elevator, and walked into the hotel lobby.

As soon as the group of them appeared, many media reporters guarding the hotel lobby rushed up like a tide as if they heard the firing of the starting gun.

The Berlin police and security personnel who were also guarding the hotel lobby reacted quickly. They quickly pulled up a cordon and stopped the surging media reporters.

As a result, those media reporters could only stay outside the cordon, stretching their necks and asking Ye Tian loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm the Berlin correspondent for The Washington Post. Can you tell me about the bloody massacre that took place yesterday on the Berlin Airport Autobahn? The fire caused a huge commotion.

The German lady who was held hostage by the robbers at the scene of the fire yesterday and was finally rescued by you, accused you in an interview afterwards, saying that you were an out-and-out devil. How do you feel? "

Hearing the question, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned his head to look at the reporter who asked the question loudly, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Regarding yesterday's fire on the Berlin Airport Autobahn, I made a public statement in an interview at the Berlin Police Station last night, and today's statement will not change in any way.

The people who attacked us on the airport freeway and tried to loot the top antiques were a bunch of notorious Xinnacui scum, and we took them all out of their own hands.

Through the video materials we posted on the Internet, I believe everyone can clearly see that we had to fight those Xinnacui scum out of self-preservation and self-defense.

Fortunately, our strength is relatively strong, and we became the final victors. Those Xinnacui scum went to hell, and the result was not bad. I believe this result is enough to wake up some people.

If you want to understand the fire incident yesterday, you'd better pay attention to the announcement issued by the Berlin police and study the video materials we released, and you will be able to get an accurate answer.

Let's talk about the lady who was held hostage by robbers yesterday and was finally rescued by me! How disappointing that she actually called me a devil! But I don't regret saving her.

That lady is an innocent passer-by. Even if she doesn't like me, or even hates me, she shouldn't have suffered a catastrophe. She was held hostage by the robbers and became a bargaining chip for the robbers to negotiate with us!

According to the situation at the time, if the robbers were allowed to negotiate with us on the condition of hostages, the lives of the hostages would be greatly threatened. In desperation, I opened fire immediately.

Anyone who has dealt with a similar situation will understand that the decision I made at that time was the wisest and most correct decision. Only in this way can the lady be rescued as soon as possible.”

Hearing his response, many media reporters at the scene, as well as the people watching the excitement, nodded in unison, and there was no disagreement.

As soon as the voice fell, another media reporter asked loudly:

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from German TV Z2. Can you tell us where all the top antique artworks you transported yesterday went? New York or Beijing?"

Ye Tian looked at the German reporter who asked the question, then smiled and said:

"Where are those top-level antique artworks from Hitler's treasures shipped? There is no need to keep them secret. I shipped them all to China, and they arrived in Beijing early this morning.

In the near future, people will see those top antique artworks in my private museum, and then welcome everyone to visit Beijing and my private museum.”


There was a sigh of disappointment at the scene, from the mouths of almost all Western media reporters.

It's such a pity that those top-level antique artworks from Hitler's treasure, each of which is a treasure of Western culture and art, are priceless, but were all shipped to China by Steven, a greedy bastard!

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions, and then ended the interview, leading David and the others to the hotel entrance.

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