Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2204 Trip to St. Petersburg

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St. Petersburg, located in the northwest of Russia, on the coast of the Baltic Sea, at the mouth of the Neva River, is the central municipality and the second largest city of Russia, and the capital of Leningrad Oblast.

This city is the central city in the northwest of Russia and an important water and land transportation hub. It is the northernmost city among the cities with a population of more than one million in the world. It is also known as the "Northern Capital" of Russia.

St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 and has a history of more than 300 years. The name of the city comes from Saint Peter, a disciple of Jesus, hence the name St. Petersburg.

But for the Chinese, another name that is more familiar with this city is Leningrad.

When it comes to Leningrad, every Chinese will think of a tragic history, the protracted and tragic city defense battle seen in old movies and history books.

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, in order to seize the mouth of the Baltic Sea, Peter the Great, the founding emperor of the Russian Empire, launched a series of foreign wars, and finally succeeded in capturing the mouth of the Neva River.

In 1703, Peter the Great started construction at the mouth of the Neva River and began to build the new capital of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg. He officially proclaimed himself emperor in St. Petersburg in 1721 and established a huge Russian Empire.

For more than two hundred years until 1918, St. Petersburg has always been the center of Russian culture, politics, and economy. The city and the historic center group of monuments have been listed as one of the World Heritage Sites by the United Nations.

In 1924, in memory of Lenin, St. Petersburg was renamed Leningrad. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was changed back to the name of St. Petersburg, which also marked the end of the Soviet era.

In this famous city, there are historical buildings built in various eras. The most famous ones are a series of palaces in the Russian Empire and some famous church buildings.

Among them, the Imperial Palace of the Tsar of the Russian Empire, also known as the Winter Palace, was the main destination of Ye Tian's trip to Russia, the Hermitage Museum.

In the afternoon, in the air above the Baltic Sea, two smooth private jets suddenly appeared.

Flying in front is a Bombardier Global Express 8000 and behind the other is a Gulfstream G650, flying straight to St. Petersburg Pulkovo International Airport.

Needless to say, it was Ye Tian and the others, his company employees and a large number of armed security personnel who took these two private planes to St. Petersburg.

Like the previous two Air China charter flights to Beijing,

The two private jets also circumnavigated the Baltic Sea rather than passing through the airspace of several Eastern European countries, including Poland and Lithuania.

The reason why Ye Tian did this was to avoid Poland and other countries that were crazily ravaged by Nazi Germany during World War II, so as to avoid those guys who were jealous of Hitler's treasure from being a hindrance.

At this time, on the runway dedicated to private jets at Pulkovo International Airport in St. Petersburg, a group of people stretched their necks and looked towards the sky towards the Baltic Sea.

It's mostly Russian, and everyone looks excited, with anticipation in their eyes.

In addition to the Russians, there were also several employees and security personnel of the Daring One Exploration Company at the scene. They came to St. Petersburg in advance to make the front stop, and arrived here two days ago.

When the people waiting here saw the two private jets in the sky, cheers erupted immediately from the eagerly awaited Russians.

Of course, these Russians were not cheering for Ye Tian's arrival, on the contrary, they were now wary of Ye Tian, ​​and even hated him so much.

They were cheering solely because of the Amber Room.

After disappearing for more than 70 years, this rare treasure belonging to Russia has finally reappeared in the world and has the hope of returning to Russia.

The only pity is that if Russia wants to take back the Amber Room, it is bound to be ransacked crazily, and bleeding is inevitable.

Thinking of this, can the Russians on the scene not itch their teeth with hatred!

While speaking, two private jets had already flown over Pulkovo International Airport and landed on the runway dedicated to private jets one after another.

The first to land was the Gulfstream G650 carrying the employees of the Daring One Exploration Company and a large number of security personnel, followed by the Bombardier Global Express 8000 that Ye Tian and David were riding on.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian and David, who got out of the plane, walked straight to the people who came to pick them up, under the escort of several security personnel.

At the same time, several company employees who came with them, as well as several other security personnel, began to move suitcases from the two private jets.

The Russians standing on the edge of the runway couldn't wait any longer, and went straight forward to meet them.

After a few steps forward, Ye Tian and the others joined the Russians.

Before he could stand firm, the head curator of the Hermitage Museum extended his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and said enthusiastically like an old friend meeting

"Good afternoon, Steven, long time no see, nice to meet you, welcome to Russia, welcome to St. Petersburg, hope you can enjoy this trip to St. Petersburg, like this city"

Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend, then smiled and said

"Good afternoon, Mikhail. It's been a long time. I'm glad to see you too. St. Petersburg is a famous historical and cultural city. I'm looking forward to this journey. I believe I will like this city."

After a few polite words, Mikhail immediately said impatiently

"Congratulations, Steven, you discovered the treasure hidden by the devil in Berlin, you discovered many long-lost top antique artworks, and once again caused a sensation in the world, you are an extremely lucky guy.

You said in the phone call before that you would bring a box of golden amber panels from the Amber Room when you come to St. Petersburg this time. Did you bring it? Where's the box of golden amber siding? Can I appreciate it? "

When he said these words, Mikhail's eyes had passed Ye Tian, ​​and he was staring closely at the boxes unloaded from the two private jets behind him, his eyes were shining brightly.

The rest of the Russians at the scene were the same, all staring at the metal suitcases, their eyes shining like searchlights.

For the Russians, the Amber Room is of incomparable importance. It represents the glorious history and glory of the Russian Empire and is the most cherished treasure of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great.

This unrivaled treasure, which was plundered by Nazi Germany and left Russia for more than 70 years, returned to St. Petersburg again. Even if it was only a small part, it was enough to make them ecstatic.

Ye Tian looked at the old friend in front of him, smiled leisurely and said

"Don't worry, Mikhail, when you get back to the hotel later, you will see those golden and dazzling golden amber panels, and you can admire them to your heart's content.

Now, on this occasion, it is obviously not suitable to open the box and take out those golden amber panels for display, besides, you haven’t introduced these Russian friends to me yet.”

As he said that, Ye Tian gestured to the other Russians who were unfamiliar at the scene, and nodded slightly to those guys.

Hearing these words, Mikhail just came back to his senses, and then turned his eyes away, and began to introduce the other Russians who came to pick up the plane to Ye Tian.

"This is Mr. Vasily, from the Kremlin, one of Mr. President's staff, on behalf of Mr. President, Mr. Vasily will participate in this meeting and be responsible for communicating with the Kremlin.

This is Mr. Sergei, Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia. He is mainly responsible for the protection of Russian historical and cultural heritage and is responsible for managing all public museums in Russia, including our Hermitage.

This is Petya, from the Russian Federal Security Service. During your stay in St. Petersburg, Petya will be responsible for the security work. I hope that you will have a pleasant cooperation, and it is best to pass this period safely,..."

Every time Mikhail introduces someone, Ye Tian will go up to shake hands with each other, be polite and impeccable.

After Mikhail's introduction, Ye Tian also introduced several entourages, David and others.

After getting acquainted with each other and being courteous, they walked together to the convoy parked not far away, preparing to leave Pulkovo International Airport.

Not far away, Vasily from the Kremlin asked curiously

"Mr Steven, besides your personal luggage and the golden amber panels of the Amber Room, what else have you brought with you? Why are there so many metal suitcases? And each one looks heavy"

With that said, Vasily pointed to the back.

Seven or eight meters away, several employees of the Fearless Exploration Company were pushing several luggage carts, which were piled up with huge metal suitcases.

Ye Tian looked back at those suitcases, then smiled and said

"In addition to personal luggage and the golden amber panels of the Amber Room, we also brought some necessary weapons and equipment to protect the box of golden amber panels. I believe you can understand."

Hearing this, the faces of all the Russians at the scene changed, and their expressions suddenly became much more dignified.

Some weaponry? To protect the golden amber siding of the Amber Room? Stop talking nonsense! No one will believe it!

The weapons and ammunition brought by you American bastards are probably enough to fight a low-intensity local war!

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