Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2210 Paintings in the Sun

What made Ye Tian complain was the layout of the Raphael Hall.

This is a classical style exhibition hall, which is very in line with Raphael's status as a master of classicism. The decoration of the exhibition hall is solemn and elegant, the space is tall and spacious, and the overall environment is very artistic.

However, the windows of this famous exhibition hall are extremely tall, from about half a meter above the ground to the ceiling, and facing the wide and clear Neva River.

Standing in front of those windows facing the river, you can see the beautiful scenery on the Neva River, and you can see the golden spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress on the other side of the river.

If it's a villa or an apartment mansion, or an office building, or almost any other building except a museum, the beautiful scenery from the window will definitely add a lot to the building.

The market value of this building will also increase a lot because of its excellent location and the beautiful scenery outside the window.

But this is a world-class museum, and the existence of these tall windows is not so appropriate.

It's morning, the situation is good, the sunlight can't shine through those tall windows to the exhibition hall, and shine on the priceless top artworks in the exhibition hall.

In the afternoon, the setting sun in the west will fill the exhibition hall with sunlight, sprinkled on those extremely rare top artworks, until the sun sets.

More importantly, the bulletproof glass display case containing Raphael's "Madonna and Child" is placed in front of a window in the middle of the exhibition hall, and it is unobstructed.

You know, this is a top-notch art treasure with a history of more than 500 years from the Renaissance period, and it has very high requirements for the preservation and display environment.

And how did the old man do it? They exposed such a top-level artwork directly to the sun, which is simply reckless!

Seeing this situation, can Ye Tian not complain secretly?

But he only stopped there, and he couldn't change anything at all. Who made the Hermitage Museum not belong to him, and who made the top artworks in the exhibition hall not belong to him!

Compared with the Raphael corridor outside and the several exhibition halls passing by, there are obviously more tourists visiting the Raphael exhibition hall. Looking around, the exhibition hall is full of black heads.

Moreover, most of the people gathered around the two paintings of Raphael, "Madonna and Child" and "Holy Family", and surrounded the display cabinets displaying these two paintings.

Standing at the door and scanning the situation in the exhibition hall, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Mikhail, let's enjoy Raphael's "Madonna and Child" first. I really want to see how Raphael expresses his outstanding classical paintings on such a small canvas. skill based"

"Okay, Steven, please follow me"

Mikhail nodded in response, and then led Ye Tian and the others to the window in the middle of the exhibition hall.

At the same time, other tourists in this exhibition hall also saw Ye Tian and the others.

Not surprisingly, there was a small commotion in the exhibition hall immediately, and discussions followed.

"Hey! It's Steven. I didn't expect that he also came to the Hermitage Museum and the Raphael Hall to visit, and he was accompanied by Mikhail himself. It's not a small face!"

"This is normal. Don't forget that Steven is not only a top professional treasure hunter, but also a top expert in antique art appraisal. When he came to St. Petersburg, how could he not come to the Hermitage Museum!"

Amidst the ups and downs of discussions, some people couldn't help being curious and started asking questions loudly.

"good morning,

Steven, welcome to the Hermitage, wonder if you brought those golden sidings from the Amber Room? Can you show it publicly? Every Russian wants to see those priceless treasures! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

The loud inquirer was a Russian man in his sixties, wearing a pair of glasses, tall and thin, well-mannered, and looked like a senior intellectual.

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to the Russian man, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, sir, I'm Steven, nice to meet you here, the Hermitage is one of the four largest museums in the world and the jewel of St. Petersburg, Russia, of course I have to visit it.

As for the golden sidings in the Amber Room, I have brought them to the Hermitage, and when we both reach an agreement and complete the transaction, everyone will be able to see the famous Amber Room, please be patient and wait.”

After answering, he turned back and continued to walk forward with Mikhail and the others.

Like every time I visited the museum in the past, many tourists in the exhibition hall, including those who were about to leave after the visit, saw Ye Tian and the others walking towards Raphael's "Madonna and Child", and immediately followed.

The expressions of these guys are very excited, their eyes are full of anticipation, their footsteps are much lighter, and they are all speeding up secretly, trying to seize a good position.

They have more or less heard of Ye Tian explaining the vividness and splendor of antique works of art. Now that they have such an opportunity, they naturally don't want to miss it, let alone this is an outstanding painting by Raphael.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others came to the bulletproof glass showcase displaying Raphael's "Madonna and Child", and stopped here.

Seeing their arrival, many visitors who had gathered in front of the bulletproof glass showcase immediately gave way to a passage, and everyone looked at Ye Tian and Mikhail.

Ye Tian and the others were not polite either. They nodded to the many visitors at the scene, thanked them, and then passed through the crowd and came straight to the bulletproof glass showcase.

Standing here, Ye Tian did not immediately admire the painting displayed in the showcase, but pointed to the tall glass window next to him and said:

"Mikhail, what's the matter with this glass window? During the period before sunset, sunlight should be able to directly shine into this exhibition hall and shine on this top-level artwork. Aren't you afraid that this painting will be damaged because of it? "

Hearing this, Mikhail's expression changed immediately, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Raphael's "Madonna and Child" is placed here. It was set up more than a hundred years ago and has never been changed. We respect historical traditions, and it is not easy to make changes.

More than a hundred years ago, the research on how to protect oil paintings was not very thorough. The damage caused by direct sunlight to oil paintings was accumulated little by little, and did not attract much attention at that time.

When arranging the display of the Madonna and Child, the museum staff only considered that the bright natural light would help people appreciate this top painting, and did not consider the damage of direct sunlight.

For more than a hundred years since then, except during World War II, this outstanding work of Renaissance art master Raphael has been placed here for people to visit, and its location has never changed.

It has become a tradition for people who come to visit the Raphael Hall of the Hermitage to admire this painting and feel the great art of Raphael while admiring the beautiful scenery on the Neva River.

We have also tried to move this priceless painting to a place deeper in the exhibition hall, to a place where the sun does not shine, but it has attracted countless voices of opposition, and we have to respect the tradition.

In order to protect this top artwork, we have also done a lot of work, replacing the display cabinet displaying this painting with a bulletproof glass display cabinet with constant temperature and humidity, and we have done a lot of work on the glass.

The glass on this display case is not only very strong, but also can effectively insulate heat and ultraviolet rays from the sun, and can change color according to the environment, giving the "Picture of the Virgin and Child" the greatest protection."

Hearing this explanation, Ye Tian couldn't help but nodded slightly, and didn't say anything more.

The same was true of many onlookers at the scene, no matter whether they understood or not, they all nodded and showed a stunned expression.

Next, Ye Tian looked at the famous painting displayed in the bulletproof glass showcase, ready to appreciate it.

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