Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2211 sunny and boundless grassland

As Ye Tian said before, Raphael's "Madonna and Child" is a small oil painting on wood, which looks no bigger than the palm of an adult man, with a width of no more than 17.5 centimeters and a height of 18 centimeters. .

Although very small, this famous oil painting is of great artistic value. It is well-known in the history of Western art and is a top-notch work of art with great value.

The oil painting is housed in a classic gold frame, radiating dazzling golden light, and hung in a bulletproof glass display case that also features gold as the main body.

The display cabinet is over two meters high. The side facing everyone is high-definition transparent bulletproof glass, which is convenient for visitors to appreciate this top-level artwork. The other three sides are made of extremely strong alloy with considerable thickness.

This golden display case is not only extremely strong, it is difficult to destroy it, and it is a special high-grade safe.

Once the bulletproof glass of the display cabinet is attacked, it will immediately activate the defense function, immediately receive Raphael's "Madonna and Child" in the belly of the display cabinet, protect it, and send out an alarm.

Looking at the golden bulletproof glass display cabinet and the classic gold picture frame in front of them, everyone couldn't help but marvel at the Russians' great craftsmanship, and felt dazzled for a while.

But what fascinates everyone more, or attracts everyone's attention more, is the outstanding painting "Madonna and Child" in the golden frame by Raphael, one of the three masters of Renaissance art.

In this small wood panel oil painting, the Virgin Mary is sitting on a chair with her son Jesus in her arms, looking down at the open Bible in her hand, and the same is true for the Son in her arms, turning her head to look at the Bible.

Both the mother and the child are very focused. The image of the Virgin is holy, elegant, with the brilliance of motherhood; the image of the Son, Jesus, is a childish innocence with a sacred flavor.

The background of the painting includes idyllic scenery such as distant mountains covered with snow, clear lake water, and tall and straight trees, which set off a tranquil and elegant taste and reflect the vivid beauty of painting.

Due to the age and the fact that it is an oil painting on wood, there are inevitably some small cracks on the surface of this oil painting, and it is slightly faded.

However, this does not affect the artistry of the painting, but adds a bit of historical vicissitudes.

Unknowingly, everyone has been completely attracted by this painting, and integrated into the wonderful artistic conception created by the painting.

The dignified and elegant image of the Virgin Mary in the painting, as well as the sacred atmosphere, touched almost everyone present, causing beautiful smiles to appear on everyone's faces.

And this is the unique charm of the Madonna painted by Raphael, which no one can match.

Although Ye Tian is not a Christian believer and has no feelings for such religious stories, he was also moved by Raphael's painting and admired it quietly.

While admiring the painting, he did not forget to turn on the perspective, and secretly took a thorough perspective of this top art work.

As far as the eye can see, the golden bulletproof glass showcase in front of him, the golden picture frame inside the showcase, and Raphael's "Madonna and Child" are instantly seen through.

He didn't find any hidden secrets in this priceless top artwork, but he saw the whole process of Raphael's creation of this oil painting, and saw many traces left by Raphael.

At this moment, he seemed to have traveled back more than 500 years, standing behind Raphael like a ghost, witnessing with his own eyes how Raphael used his talents to create this oil painting.

In addition, Ye Tian had a thorough look at the golden showcase in front of him, and he had a clear understanding of its structure.


He was not an art thief, nor would he bother, and it was of no use to him to know the structure of the golden showcase.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had finished seeing through and found nothing.

Then he ended the perspective and continued to appreciate the top-notch artwork from the Renaissance period in front of him, looking intoxicated.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, each of them was fascinated by the painting. As for whether it was a performance or an expression of true feelings, only the person involved knew.

After a long time, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of admiration at the scene.

"Wow! This oil painting is so beautiful! It is worthy of being one of the three masters of Renaissance art, Raphael. His paintings can always move people and give people a sense of sacredness. It is really great !"

"That's right, there is always a refreshing feeling of joy in appreciating Raphael's Madonna. This is Raphael, who will always be the embodiment of ideal beauty in people's minds"

Everyone at the scene was amazed, and everyone was fascinated. As for how many people at the scene understood the painting, it is unknown.

After some amazement, someone at the scene immediately said loudly:

"Mr. Steven, you are the world's top expert in the identification of antique works of art, and your vision is extremely sharp. Can you explain to everyone this Raphael's "Madonna and Child"? I believe everyone wants to hear it "

Following these words, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting his response.

Even Mikhail, the experts and scholars of the Hermitage Museum, looked at Ye Tian one after another, with the intention of taking a school exam in their eyes.

Ye Tian turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from, then scanned the crowd again, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, respect is worse than obedience. Since everyone is flattering you and wants to hear my explanation, then I can't refuse. Let me explain to you this Raphael's "Madonna and Child""

Before the words fell, there was a warm applause at the scene.

"clap clap"

Everyone at the scene applauded, sending their own applause one after another.

After the applause subsided, Ye Tianqing's clear voice immediately came out again, and he began to explain the custom artwork in front of everyone at the scene.

"As we all know, Raphael, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, has a very deep belief in the Virgin Mary. Through the brush in his hand, the Virgin Mary he painted is always holy, elegant and dignified.

Raphael painted many famous Madonnas throughout his life, the most famous of which is the "Sistine Madonna", whose artistic value is not inferior to the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci in the Louvre in Paris .

The small "Madonna and Child" in front of you was created by Raphael around 1502. It is probably the last oil painting of Raphael from Umbria to Florence, which has special significance.

In 1871, Tsar Alexander II of Russia bought this painting from Italy and gave it to Empress Maria. Since then, this famous painting has been kept in the Winter Palace.

In 1970, the former Soviet Union issued a set of seven stamps of "Famous European Paintings Collected in Soviet Museums", and the famous painting on the first stamp was Raphael's "Madonna and Child",..."

Next, Ye Tian combined the content and painting skills of "The Picture of the Virgin and Child", and introduced this painting in detail, as well as the related stories hidden behind this top-level artwork.

As in the past, his explanation was still very professional and vivid, which made everyone at the scene listen with great interest, and they also had a deeper understanding of this top-level artwork.

Even Mikhail, the experts and scholars of the Hermitage Museum, was unknowingly attracted by Ye Tian's explanation. While listening, he secretly gave a thumbs up in admiration.

In the blink of an eye, five or six minutes passed.

Ye Tian's explanation was over, and the scene became quiet again.

However, no one left here, and everyone was concentrating on admiring the "Madonna and Child", and everyone had something new to gain.

After quietly admiring it for a while, Ye Tian and the others stepped away from this showcase and walked to another bulletproof glass showcase not far away.

Inside that bulletproof glass case was another outstanding painting by Raphael, The Holy Family.

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