Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2222 Negotiation

It was another day in a blink of an eye, the sun was shining brightly, but the weather was very cold.

Just after ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and his convoy arrived at the Hermitage Museum, preparing to negotiate with the Russians, exchanging the Amber Room for many top Chinese antiques collected by the Hermitage.

At this time, a large number of media reporters had gathered in front of the Hermitage.

Among them are various media from Russia and major news media from around the world, all of whom are waiting for the press conference after the negotiation.

Even on the Winter Palace Square, countless Russians who heard the news gathered, rubbing shoulders, looking around, the entire square was full of heads, the scene was very lively and exaggerated.

These Russians are very excited and full of expectations. Everyone wants to witness the historical moment when the resplendent Amber Room returns to Russia and St. Petersburg.

Although it was very cold in St. Petersburg in the early morning, with gusts of north wind blowing from the Baltic Sea, it could not match the enthusiasm of many St. Petersburg citizens and many Russians.

Especially those Russians with wine bottles in their hands, as long as there is vodka, even if there are knives from the sky, they will not be able to stop them.

Following the arrival of Ye Tian's motorcade, there was a commotion in the Winter Palace Square. Everyone looked at this huge motorcade and talked about it.

"That guy Steven is here. The scene is really exaggerated. It's the same as every time he appeared on the stage in the past. He is always so high-profile, ostentatious, and arrogant!"

"Whether he is high-profile or not has nothing to do with us, and we don't need to care about it. What I am most concerned about now is whether the next negotiation will go smoothly and whether the Amber Room can return to Russia!

If the deal is done and the Amber Room is successfully exchanged, that would be great! It would be even more perfect if Hermitage could avoid the bad luck of being ransacked by that bastard Steven! "

While people in the square were discussing, Ye Tian and David, who were sitting in the bulletproof SUV, also watched the situation outside through the car window.

"Wow! Today's scene is really exaggerated. There are so many people here. These Russians are like coming to a carnival."

Seeing the crowds of people on the Palace Square, David couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

Ye Tian looked out of the car window, then smiled and said:

"It's not surprising. For Russians, the meaning of the Amber Room is too special and important.

Before the end of World War II, they began to search for the Amber Room.

In the past seventy years, neither the former Soviet Union nor Russia has stopped their efforts to find the Amber Room, and a special department directly under the top leadership has been established for this purpose.

Around the search for the Amber Room, the KGB of the former Soviet Union and the East German secret police fought countless times with CIA agents and West German agents all over Europe, but they did not find any.

Now that the Amber Room has reappeared in the world and has fallen into our hands, and there is hope to return to Russia and St. Petersburg, the Russians who have been thinking about it for a long time, can you not be excited about it! "

Hearing this, David couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his convoy drove past the edge of the Winter Palace Square and headed straight for the inner parking lot of the Hermitage Museum.

Seeing this scene, many media reporters guarding the entrance of the Hermitage Museum couldn't help sighing in disappointment, but there was nothing they could do.

Also disappointed were some ulterior motives in the crowd, who watched the convoy driving into the museum's inner parking lot with greed and hatred in their eyes.

But how do these guys with ulterior motives know that their every move has already fallen into the eyes of others.

Those who stared at them either pretended to be tourists and blended in with the crowd, or they hid on the high-rise buildings around Palace Square, condescending, and stared at them through binoculars or sniper scopes.

As long as they take the initiative to attack Ye Tian's convoy, they will immediately suffer the most fatal blow, be killed directly, and fall into hell!

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others were already in the Hermitage Museum, and they were still greeted and accompanied by Mikhail and several other familiar old friends.

As soon as he entered the museum, Mikhail said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, there is still half an hour before the agreed start time of the meeting. Are you going to visit an exhibition hall in the museum for a while? Or go directly to the conference room where the meeting is held?

The presidential envoy from the Kremlin, several officials from the Ministry of Culture, and the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg are on their way here, and they will arrive at the museum in ten minutes.”

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Mikhail, let's not visit the exhibition hall. Half an hour is too short, and we can't see a few antique works of art. It's not troublesome enough. Maybe I will become the object of the visit instead.

Let's go to the vault where the box of golden amber sidings I brought is stored. I'm going to bring out the box of golden amber sidings and show it later when we talk about it. It will be more intuitive! "

"Well, Steven, you guys are really cunning, and you are using everything to your advantage. This is obviously aimed at the special envoy of the president! Trying to impress the other party and grab greater benefits!"

Mikhail nodded helplessly and said, at the same time, his teeth were itching with hatred.

"Hahaha, Mikhail, it seems that I can't hide my thoughts from you, that's right, I just want to create a strong visual impact on your presidential envoy, and on the president himself.

With the dazzling golden amber wallboards in the Amber Room, this effect can be achieved, you know, I am a businessman, and it is only natural to pursue the maximization of profits.”

Ye Tian said with a light smile, without hiding his purpose at all.

"Of course I know that you are a businessman, and the most greedy and ruthless businessman in the world"

Mikhail said angrily, and raised his hand as a gesture of please.

Next, Mikhail led Ye Tian and the others towards the direction of the vault.

On the way, Ye Tian continued to chat with this old friend.

"Mikhail, last night I sent you the list of Chinese antiques that I want to exchange with the Amber Room. After reading the list, what do you think? Can you tell me? I am very interested!"

"Don't worry, Steven, you will know what we think when the negotiation starts later"

Mikhail continued, although his tone sounded relaxed, his facial muscles twitched involuntarily, all of which fell into Ye Tian's eyes.

While talking, the group of them had arrived at the stairway leading to the underground vault, stepped up the stairs one after another, and walked towards the vault located underground in the museum.

Soon, half an hour has passed.

Ye Tian and the others were already in the conference room where the negotiations were held, and they were standing by the conference table, concentrating on admiring the antique artworks on the table. Everyone looked fascinated!

The antique works of art that fascinated them were the golden amber panels from the Amber Room. They were placed on the conference table, setting off the entire conference room with gold and green splendor, just like a palace!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Mikhail led a group of Russians into the conference room, including old friends and unfamiliar faces.

Without exception, as soon as these Russians came in, they were completely attracted and even shocked by the golden amber panels placed on the conference table!

Even Mikhail, who had already seen and identified these golden amber sidings, looked obsessed, not to mention the rest of the Russians.

"Wow! This is the golden wainscoting of the Amber Room, so brilliant, so dazzling! It is simply beautiful and mesmerizing!"

A rather exaggerated exclamation sounded at the scene, which came from a Russian about 40 or 50 years old.

Following his words, the rest of the Russians on the scene immediately woke up.

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