"Steven, this is Mr. Petrovich, from the Kremlin, attending this negotiation between us on behalf of Mr. President"

After waking up, Mikhail introduced the Russian man in his 40s to 50s to Ye Tian.

As Ye Tian expected, this Russian named Petrovich is the special envoy of the president.

He had also seen this person on some news screens before, always following behind the helm of the Kremlin, like a shadow, obviously a confidant.

Following Mikhail's introduction, Ye Tian took a step forward and shook hands with the President's special envoy.

"Good morning, Mr. Petrovich, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, the weather today is nice and sunny, I hope the next negotiations will go smoothly"

The presidential special envoy shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​looked at him, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Steven, good morning. I'm Petrovich. I work in the Kremlin. It's a pleasure to meet you. On behalf of Mr. President and myself, thank you for discovering the long-lost Amber Room."

Next, Mikhail introduced several other strange Russians.

These guys are either from the Kremlin, or from the Russian Ministry of Culture and the St. Petersburg City Government, one of the top government officials in the water.

After everyone got to know each other and greeted each other, they sat down on both sides of the conference table and were ready to start negotiations.

Before the negotiation started, Ye Tian said with a smile:

"Petrovich, Mikhail, ladies and gentlemen, before the negotiations start, there is something I must explain to avoid unnecessary troubles, I believe this will benefit both parties.

In view of the very special relationship between Russia and the United States, and our Bravest Exploration Company is a company located in New York, the United States, so we are going to record the whole process of this negotiation and keep the video materials.

The reason for this is entirely to prevent someone from making a fuss about this negotiation and the subsequent art transaction, and then framing and attacking our company, or attacking the Russian government and the Hermitage Museum.

I believe you can understand my decision. As for the relevant video materials of this negotiation, if the relevant personnel of the US government and intelligence agencies need to review, in order to prove our innocence, we will let the other party watch it.

In addition, it is impossible for anyone to see these video materials, including the media, even if rumors need to be clarified in the media,

We will also selectively release some original videos, you can rest assured! "

Hearing this, the group of Russians sitting opposite fell silent immediately, and fear flashed in everyone's eyes.

This bastard Steven is really too cautious, almost invulnerable. He is not only guarding against the Russian government, but also the US government and the news media. No one can count on this guy.

Secretly spit a few words, these Russians discussed in a low voice, and then Petrovich came forward and said:

"Okay, Steven, your arrangement is very good. It can indeed avoid future troubles and avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles. We have no disagreement. Can we start negotiations now?"

"Since you agree, that's great. Both of us can avoid a lot of trouble! Negotiations can start now. I only have one antique artwork to trade, which is the famous Amber Room.

Regarding the authenticity and quantity of the Amber Room, Mikhail and the others have already identified and verified it. There is no problem. As long as you can meet the transaction conditions I set out, you can exchange this Russian national treasure! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and reached out and patted a piece of golden amber wall panel by his hand, as if he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Following his words, the many Russians sitting across from him became even more excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Each of them stared wide-eyed, staring closely at the golden amber panel under Ye Tian's hand, wishing they could reach out and grab it immediately, taking that priceless treasure for themselves.


In the blink of an eye, it was already half past twelve noon.

An open space in the lobby on the first floor of the Hermitage Museum has been transformed by museum staff into a press conference venue.

In fact, the site of the press conference is very simple. It is to draw a few cordons and set up an interview area to separate the many media reporters from the tourists who come and go or watch the excitement in the museum.

In addition, arrange a podium at the front of the interview area, install a few microphones and you're done.

As for the background of the press conference, this is one of the four major museums in the world. Any place in the museum is the most perfect background, and there is no need to bother to arrange it.

For safety reasons, in this temporary press conference venue, high-alert police and security personnel can be seen everywhere, almost one post at three steps and one post at five steps.

Among the crowd of onlookers, there are still many agents from the Russian Federal Security Service and Ye Tian's security personnel hiding, watching the surrounding situation closely.

In the interview area designated by the police, journalists from various news media in Russia and the world's major news media have gathered at this time, with dozens or hundreds of people.

These uncrowned kings with long guns and short cannons in their hands chatted excitedly with their colleagues, while staring at the temporary passageway covered with red carpet in front of them.

"It's already half past twelve. This is just an art transaction. Who would have thought that Steven and the Hermitage Museum have talked for so long without knowing the result?"

"This is not surprising at all. With Steven's extremely greedy and ruthless behavior, and the Amber Room is in his hands, there are rare goods to live in. He is sure that the lion will open his mouth, and he can't wait to loot the Hermitage.

The Russians are eager to get back the Amber Room, but they are not willing to be looted wildly. They are bound to have a fierce confrontation with Steven, and even every piece of Chinese antique art that is traded will be contested by both sides!

Under such circumstances, the negotiation time will definitely be prolonged, and the longer the negotiation time, the greater the possibility of this much-anticipated art deal being concluded, we just wait patiently for the headlines.”

While speaking, at the end of the red-carpeted aisle in front of the interview area, two blonde beauties in long skirts suddenly turned out, each carrying a golden tray, walking towards the podium on catwalks.

Ye Tian and Mikhail appeared next, followed by David and the lawyer from the Hermitage Museum.

As soon as they appeared, Ye Tian and Mikhail stopped in their tracks, nodded and greeted many media reporters and onlookers at the scene, both of them had smiles on their faces.

If you observe carefully, people will find that Mikhail smiled somewhat reluctantly, and a look of pain flashed in the depths of his eyes from time to time.

Ye Tian was different, with a bit of smug look in his eyes, he was looking forward to flying like a general who just won a big victory, smiling very brightly!

Just from the slightly different smiles of the two people, the experienced media reporters at the scene basically guessed the result of the negotiation that just ended!

With the appearance of Ye Tian and Mikhail, many media reporters felt like they were electrocuted. They all raised their cameras and video cameras, and shot wildly at Ye Tian and Mikhail.

All of a sudden, the shutters of the cameras on the scene rang together, and the flashes came and went one after another, making everyone dizzy.

After a short pause, Ye Tian and Mikhail looked at each other, and then walked along the red carpet to the podium together.

Behind them, David and Hermitage's lawyers, Vasily from the Kremlin, Sergey, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia, and the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg in charge of culture and tourism followed up one after another.

As for the special envoy of the President, Petrovich, and several other senior officials of the Russian government, they did not appear on this occasion. Some of them have special identities and are not suitable to appear here.

While speaking, Ye Tian and Mikhail had already arrived at the podium in front of the interview area.

When everyone came to the interview area, each found a place to stand, Mikhail, as the host, whispered to Ye Tian first, and then went straight to the podium.

After standing still on the podium, he immediately stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

The scene immediately fell silent. Everyone was staring at Mikhail and Ye Tian who was standing next to the podium. Everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation and a little nervous.

The next moment, Mikhail's slightly trembling voice came from the podium, reached the ears of everyone present, and also reached the ears of countless Russians on the live broadcast.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good afternoon, welcome to the Hermitage Museum, I'm Mikhail, very happy to meet you here.

This is a very special day, a day that is worth remembering forever by all Russians. Russia’s national treasure, the Amber Room, which has disappeared for more than 70 years, will finally return to Russia! ..."

As soon as the words were spoken, the scene of the press conference, the entire Hermitage Museum, and even the whole of Russia were completely boiling in an instant!


Almost crazy cheers suddenly sounded, resounding through the sky.

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