Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2224 Triple Insurance

Berlin, around three o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian and the others returned to Berlin yesterday, and brought back the box of golden amber panels from the Amber Room, waiting for Mikhail and the Russians in Berlin.

While the deal between Intrepid Explorations and the Hermitage is in place, it's in Berlin and the Hermitage has some work to do.

Not to mention anything else, it would take at least two or three days to dismantle, pack, and go through various related procedures for the top-level Chinese antique artworks used for trading.

That's why Ye Tian and the others returned to Berlin, where they waited for the arrival of the Russians with those top Chinese antique artworks, and then completed the transaction.

After returning to Berlin, Ye Tian immediately sent the box of golden amber panels from the Amber Room to Deutsche Bank and stored it in the safe again.

Next, they returned to the five-star hotel near the Temple Palace in Berlin, and joined the company employees and security personnel who stayed here.

At this time, the outside world has already caused a huge sensation because of the artwork deal reached between the Brave and the Hermitage Museum.

Especially in the field of Chinese antique art collection, when people heard the news, it was as if they had been hit by a magnitude 10 earthquake. Everyone was shocked and stunned, calling it incredible.

From the end of the press conference at the Hermitage Museum until Ye Tian returned to Berlin by private plane and checked into the hotel, his mobile phone was never idle, and the battery was so hot that it was a little hot.

Experts, scholars, top collectors, and leaders of relevant departments who are familiar with the field of domestic antique art collections called Ye Tian one after another, asking about the details of this shocking transaction.

What they are most concerned about is the top Chinese antique artworks that have been lost overseas for a long time. Each of them wants to know how many priceless treasures Ye Tian can get back this time, and which treasures are there.

On the phone, Ye Tian didn't hide anything. He listed the top Chinese antique artworks he got this time, and told the domestic experts, scholars and top collectors!

Following his introduction, bursts of ecstatic exclamations rang out from the other end of the phone. The voice was so high-pitched and sharp that it almost pierced his eardrum.

It wasn't until midnight in Beijing that the phone calls gradually decreased and finally stopped.

However, Ye Tian couldn't relax for long.


By around two o'clock in the morning, he had gotten out of bed and was ready to join another battle, commanding the land auction in Beijing by remote control.

Accompanying him in the fight was David. As a private lawyer, David naturally couldn't be absent.

After waking up, I washed and tidied up, brewed a pot of refreshing coffee, and set up a video call on the laptop to connect to the live video of the auction. It was almost three o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian poured a cup of coffee for himself and David, and then took the coffee cups to the living room, handed one of the cups to David, sat down on the sofa, and connected the multi-party video call.

The next moment, Betty and sister-in-law appeared on the computer screen.

They were staying in my aunt's huge office in the Oriental Plaza, and they were watching today's land auction closely through the live video.

In addition to the pictures of Betty and sister-in-law in the office, there are three other pictures on the laptop in front of Ye Tian. They are all pictures of the auction scene, but the shooting angles are slightly different.

From this point, it can be seen that in the land auction that is about to kick off in Beijing, there are a total of three groups of people who are under Ye Tian's orders, which can be described as triple insurance.

The reason why Ye Tian made such an arrangement was to ensure that nothing would go wrong, and he would spare no effort to win that piece of land in Wangfujing, which was worth every penny.

There are two bidders here, one represents the real estate company run by my sister-in-law and is the main bidder; the other is from the cultural communication company run by Betty and is the substitute bidder.

The person holding the placard from the cultural company was very clear about the identity of the bidder from the real estate company, and knew that behind the person holding the placard was Ye Tian's real estate company, who came to bid for the land on behalf of the company.

However, the bidder from the real estate company did not know the identity of the person holding the placard from the cultural communication company, let alone the company behind the person holding the placard.

The reason for this arrangement is to let the substitute bidder secretly supervise the main bidder, so as not to accidentally lose Jingzhou and lose the precious piece of land in Wangfujing.

In this way, even if the main bidder representing the real estate company is secretly threatened and dare not raise his placard to bid, the substitute bidder can immediately leave the field to participate in the competition until the target land is won.

Of course, this arrangement means paying two auction deposits. For Ye Tian, ​​this is not a problem at all, he has money in his pocket.

Besides, one of the auction deposits will be refunded soon, and there will be no loss of a dime, so why not do it!

In addition to the two bidders with placards, there was a third person at the scene, who was responsible for secretly monitoring the two bidders with placards, and directly reported the situation to Ye Tian and Xiaogu, but did not participate in the bidding.

The third person was sitting at the back of the auction area. Not only did the two bidders who took orders from Ye Tian not know each other, but the rest of the people at the scene didn't know him either. They didn't know which company he represented and who he took orders from!

As soon as the video was connected, my sister's voice came over immediately.

"Little Tian, ​​have you seen me and Betty? Have you seen the scene of the land auction? In five minutes, the land auction will begin!"

Ye Tian raised his hand and waved at the high-definition camera, then clicked on the call button on the screen where my sister and the others were, and then said with a smile:

"Sister-in-law, Betty, I saw you. The picture is very clear. You two are so beautiful today. I also saw the picture of the auction site. The three pictures are very clear and can basically cover the entire audience."

"Your mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey. It's really sweet. Save it to praise your wife! Today's auction, there are quite a few bigwigs in the real estate industry, and they are obviously well prepared. The competition must be very fierce." fierce"

"That's right, sister, on the live video of the auction, I did see a lot of well-known predators in the domestic real estate industry, and two of them are also famous collectors who have collected things from me.

It's a good thing that you and Betty didn't go to the auction site today, once you show up at the site, those two real estate tycoons will definitely recognize you and quickly guess that you are aiming at the Wangfujing land."

"It's better for you to be more cautious, let us arrange people to hold placards at the scene and not show up at the auction. In addition, our two companies are unknown, and no one will think that these two companies belong to you.

Leaving that aside, let me introduce the scene to you. The bidder who raised the sign on behalf of your real estate company is our company's legal counsel. He has a clean background, is trustworthy, and has some experience.

The substitute bidder was an employee of the cultural communication company, and his background was very clear. He knew the bidder representing the real estate company, but the real estate company did not know him.

The person sitting in the back row of the auction site and secretly monitoring the two bidders is that boy Dawei. He is your son, and there is no problem. With this triple insurance, it is enough to ensure nothing goes wrong!

What's more, each of them is wearing a wireless invisible headset, and if you want to talk to any one of them and instruct the other party to raise a sign to ask for a price, just click the corresponding call button."

"The arrangement is very good, sister, we will take this piece of Wangfujing gold land that was auctioned today at all costs."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said that he was very satisfied with the arrangement of sister-in-law and the others.

After chatting for a few more words, he switched to English, chatted with Betty, and asked about her physical condition and whether the baby in her stomach was healthy.

In fact, a few hours ago, he made a video call with Betty, asked all the things he wanted to ask, and talked to each other. Now it's just repeating the same old tune, but he doesn't tire of it!

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