Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2225 Joining in the fun

The auction began soon. The first piece of land to be auctioned was located in the suburbs of Beijing. It was a residential land with a construction area of ​​about 90,000 square meters. The starting price was astonishingly high.

When the auctioneer announced the start, there was a fierce competition in the auction hall, perhaps it should be more accurate to say it was a bayonet battle.

Many real estate companies participating in this land auction, as long as they have some strength, rolled up their sleeves and participated in the competition for this piece of land. Every bidder looked like he was bound to win.

Ye Tian and David, who were far away in Berlin, and Betty and sister-in-law, who were staying in the office of the Oriental Plaza, watched the commotion with relish as bystanders.

After as many as 32 rounds of fierce bidding, this piece of land located in the suburbs of Beijing was finally sold at a premium rate of 25.6% and a total price of 4.2 billion yuan. It was won by a consortium of two famous real estate companies in one fell swoop.


The moment the auctioneer knocked on the auction mallet and loudly announced the deal, the auction hall immediately burst into warm applause.

"clap clap"

Amidst the applause, everyone in the auction hall turned their heads to look at the two real estate tycoons who had won the bid. Their eyes were either envious, jealous, unwilling, or even regretful.

David, who was also watching this scene, was stunned, his eyes almost flew out of their sockets.

"This is crazy! Steven, from the map, this is just a piece of land located on the outskirts of Beijing. It is tens of kilometers away from the central city. According to you, it is far away from the Sixth Ring Road!

But such a piece of land in the suburbs was auctioned for a sky-high price of 4.2 billion yuan, more than 600 million U.S. dollars, which is incredible! Are the real estate developers participating in the auction crazy?

The area of ​​the Belmont Park in New York that you bought before is ten to twenty times larger than this land, and there are forests, lakes, many buildings, as well as a racing track and a racetrack, etc.

Even though Belmont Park is a regular venue for the famous Belmont Stakes, a horse racing mecca, you paid less than $2.5 billion for Belmont Park last year.

Comparing the two, this piece of land is a bit outrageously expensive. How can the two real estate companies that bought this piece of land develop and construct it so that they can even make money? I can't figure it out! "

Ye Tian turned to look at David, then smiled and said:

"Those real estate developers participating in the bidding are not crazy,

On the contrary, those real estate developers are smarter than each other. In the words of our Beijingers, those guys are smarter than monkeys!

The situation in Beijing is different from that in New York. The residential buildings in China are also very different from those in the United States. The two cannot be compared together. Land is a very scarce resource in Beijing.

In New York, except for the island of Manhattan, the land in other areas is relatively abundant and the price is relatively low, such as Queens, where Belmont Park is located.

Because of the scarcity of land, the large population, and the fact that Beijing is the capital of China, it is the political, economic, and cultural center, and it is a city that countless Chinese people yearn for.

The combination of all these factors has resulted in the extremely high housing prices in Beijing. Let’s put it this way, the housing prices between the third and fourth ring roads in Beijing have already caught up with those in Midtown Manhattan! "

Hearing this, David's mouth suddenly opened wider, the big one could swallow a fist.

"Wow! This is crazy. How many people can afford such a high housing price! Who will sell the completed houses to?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"This situation is the same as in Manhattan. Even in the United States, not many people can afford to buy luxury houses in midtown and upper Manhattan. After all, there are only a few who can afford luxury houses.

After decades of rapid development, China has also produced a large number of rich people, many of whom are well-known rich people. Coupled with the Chinese people's tradition of saving, there are still many rich people.

Another point is that China's population base is very large, with as many as 1.4 billion people. Among these 1.4 billion people, even if the proportion of wealthy people is small, the absolute number is still amazing.

Regarding this point, it can be seen from the continuous boom of China's real estate market in recent years, especially in Beijing, as long as you can acquire land and build a house, you will not worry about selling it!

The piece of land that was just auctioned is located in the outskirts of Beijing, and it was sold for a sky-high price of 4.2 billion yuan. You can see, among the next few pieces of land that will be auctioned, there must be more expensive ones."

While talking, in the auction hall in Beijing, the auction of the second piece of land has officially started, and another round of fierce fighting will begin immediately!

Ye Tian turned his attention back to the computer screen, staring at the video while chatting with Betty and David.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen rounds of bidding have passed, and the price of this residential land at the foot of Xishan Mountain in Beijing has been jointly pushed by many real estate developers to 3.56 billion yuan.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly clicked on the call button on a video screen on the computer screen, and said to the legal counsel who was bidding on behalf of his real estate company:

"Guan Jun, I'm Ye Tian. When the auction price of this piece of land reaches 3.6 billion, you can raise your placard to bid. If it's between 3.6 billion and 3.7 billion, you can raise your placard a few more times as you see fit.

Once the price of this piece of land exceeds 3.7 billion RMB, you will immediately withdraw from the competition. How to perform, I have already told you just now, just follow the performance.”

Hearing this, Guan Jun, who was in the auction hall, immediately nodded lightly, and at the same time, a trace of excitement flashed across his face, which was fleeting and no one noticed.

This is a land auction worth several billion yuan. Even though the land and money are not his own, Guan Jun is very excited to participate in it and raise a placard to bid for the price.

Just ask, how many people can come across such an opportunity!

After instructing Guan Jun, Ye Tian immediately turned off the call function, and continued to watch the situation at the auction site.

At this moment, the sister-in-law on another video screen suddenly said:

"Xiaotian, why did you suddenly let Guan Jun bid for this piece of land? Could it be that you are also interested in this piece of land?"

Ye Tian smiled, and then explained:

"I want Guan Jun to practice, get used to the atmosphere of the scene, and get a feel for it. This is a land auction worth tens of billions of RMB. How many people have seen so much money? It's hard for Guan Jun not to be nervous!

That's why I asked him to raise a placard in advance to bid, to try the feeling of asking and bidding, and to experience the atmosphere of bidding with other real estate companies and bigwigs in the same field, so as not to be nervous when he was actually on the spot.

Not only Guan Jun, but when the auction of the next piece of land starts, I will also let Lin Hai, who is bidding as a substitute, go off the field to find out his feelings and prepare for the competition for the Wangfujing piece of land. Only in this way can we be prepared.

In addition, I have another purpose, to make Guan Jun and Lin Hai familiar, and to let the real estate companies and bigwigs on the scene gradually relax their vigilance, thinking that they are just here to join in the fun and their strength is not very good.

Otherwise, when the land in Wangfujing is auctioned, they suddenly jump out to bid, and it is easy to attract the attention of those real estate predators, thinking that they are here for this land and become the target of public criticism!

Besides, the land at the foot of Xishan Mountain is also very good, with the advantages of wind and water, excellent location, and great commercial value. If Guan Jun really takes pictures of this land in Xishan, it will be even better! "

"Hey! You're such a chicken thief!"

The little aunt said with a smile, pointing Ye Tian a few times through the computer screen.

As soon as the words fell, the price of this residential land at the foot of Xishan Mountain has reached 3.6 billion yuan.

When the auctioneer called out a new price of RMB 3.61 billion, Guan Jun, who was sitting a little to the left of the center of the auction booth, immediately raised his number plate.

At this time, he looked a little nervous, his face was flushed, his eyes showed a little anxiety, and his hand holding the bidding number plate even trembled a little, which was completely the performance of a first-time auctioneer.

Of course, this is all a performance, Ye Tian told Guan Jun in advance, Guan Jun pondered for a long time in private, before showing it, the performance is quite realistic.

"Okay, there is a new buyer. Welcome to Bidder No. 26 to participate in the bidding. The current quotation for this piece of land is 362 million yuan. Which buyer should bid?"

Following the high-pitched voice of the auctioneer, almost everyone at the scene turned to look at Guan Jun, with curiosity in everyone's eyes.

"Where did this No. 26 buyer come from? I've never seen it before, and which real estate company is behind it? They are also interested in this land at the foot of the West Mountain."

The boss of a well-known real estate company asked in a low voice, and took a deep look at Guan Jun.

This piece of land at the foot of the West Mountain is exactly one of the goals of this real estate tycoon, and it is the kind that is bound to be obtained. He is naturally very concerned about Cheng Yaojin, Guan Jun, who was killed halfway.

In the blink of an eye, the assistant sitting next to him found the relevant information, and whispered to the real estate tycoon:

"No. 26 is a newly established real estate company called Jingyun Real Estate. It has only been established for about a month and has not developed a single real estate project. It is obviously here to join in the fun and try to earn some fame!"

Hearing this, the real estate tycoon immediately laughed softly.

"I have to say that the owner of this Jingyun Real Estate is still a little smart. Thinking of coming here to advertise, his goal has obviously been achieved. So many real estate bosses at the scene now know that there is such a new company!"

With that said, the real estate tycoon turned his head to look at the auction platform in front of him, and didn't bother to pay attention to Guan Jun anymore.

With the same idea, there were many people present, and not many people regarded this sudden buyer No. 26 as a potential competitor.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see.

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