Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2230 conditions for reconciliation

Hearing Ye Tian's disdainful ridicule and the sarcasm laughing at the scene, the two leaders of the Xinnacui organization almost exploded with anger, and almost exploded on the spot, punching the hateful face in front of them directly.

But these two scumbags held back in the end. They knew the consequences of punching and attacking, and they knew more clearly the purpose of the two of them coming to Berlin this time and standing here to endure humiliation.

Forcibly suppressed the boiling anger in his chest, and when he calmed down a bit, the older Xinnacui scum gritted his back teeth and said in a low voice:

"Good afternoon, Steven, my name is Thomas, and the person next to me is Finn. We are from Munich. The reason why we came to Berlin this time is that we have something to talk to you about. Shall we talk about it in another place?"

As he said that, the new nacui scum named Thomas pointed around, meaning that there were too many people here, and it was not a place to talk about things.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice with disdain:

"There's no need to change places. Let's just go here. Didn't you see that? When the ordinary tourists saw you, they quickly hid aside like the plague, and it didn't affect our conversation.

More importantly, I am very interested in these artworks displayed in the collection of the German National Gallery, and I want to enjoy them, and I don't want to interrupt my visit because of other things.

So, if you have anything to talk to me about, just go here, it's best to make a long story short, I'm in a hurry! There are so many Berlin policemen here, I'm sure you don't want to stay here any longer! "

Hearing this, Thomas was so angry that the three corpses jumped up and down, almost going crazy.

The scum next to him named Fein was even more furious, staring at Ye Tian with his blood red eyes, his eyes were about to bleed out.

As the leaders of the German Xinnacui organization, when have they been so humiliated? When was it compared to the plague face to face? Even if they are plagues themselves, they are even more terrifying than plagues!

"Okay, Mr. Steven, let's talk here"

Thomas gritted his teeth and said, his teeth were almost crushed with hatred.

Immediately afterwards, this big Xinnacui scum got into the topic.

"Mr. Steven, what organization do I represent, the fellow must have told you just now that there is some misunderstanding between us, and we hope to resolve the misunderstanding, which will benefit both parties.

The previous incident on the Berlin Airport Autobahn,

It does have something to do with us. Those guys who appeared at the three-way intersection of the highway do have some connection with our organization.

We do not deny this point. What I want to explain is that the ambush was initiated by some people, not at the instigation of high-level personnel of our organization. The investigation of the German police after the incident can also prove this point.

After you flew to St. Petersburg, Russia, the five guys who appeared in St. Petersburg and died in the boat on the Neva River have nothing to do with our organization, and we don’t know those guys.”

"Misunderstanding, it's really easy to say when you touch your upper and lower lips! It's really clean!"

Ye Tian sneered and said, his eyes were full of disdain and contempt, and he did not hide it.

Hearing this, Thomas' old face blushed suddenly, and his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

Whether he was talking nonsense with his eyes open, he knew very well in his heart, and he also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Ye Tian to believe such nonsense.

Taking a deep breath, adjusting his mood a little, and responding to Ye Tian's disdainful response, Thomas continued to say as if he had never heard it before:

"There is one more thing, which is also the most important reason why we came to Berlin to meet with you today. I would like to ask, are the mercenaries who appeared in Munich these two days obeying your orders?

To be clear, are those bastards who are carrying out bloody killings in Munich sent by you, are they your means of revenge? Hope you can get those bloody mercenaries to stop killing! "

Obviously, these German Xinnai scumbags were afraid of being killed, so they came to Berlin to ask Ye Tian for peace.

They are just a bunch of hooligans. There may be veterans in the organization, but that is rare!

They are very good at dealing with and intimidating ordinary people, but how can they be the opponents of those mercenary squads who have been licking blood on the tip of their knives all year round and survived hundreds of battles.

Since those mercenaries from different countries and from different battlefields arrived in Munich a few days ago, these new nacui scumbags have ushered in a period of hell.

Almost every day, Xinnacui scum died tragically and was killed by various means. Some died on the street, some died silently on the bed at home, and so on.

All of a sudden, everyone in the Xinnacui organization Thomas belonged to, and even the Xinnacui scum in Germany, was in danger, fearing that a bullet would suddenly fly from nowhere in the next second and send them directly to hell!

Under this chilling threat of fear, Thomas and Finn came to Berlin, found Ye Tian, ​​and tried to reconcile.

After the words fell, Thomas and Finn stared at Ye Tian closely to see what kind of response he would give.

This time it was Ye Tian's turn to pretend to be stupid, and he said in a low voice with a sneer on his face:

"I want to say that I don't know any mercenaries, and I didn't send anyone to Munich for revenge and a series of bloody killings. I don't know if you believe it?"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the complexions of Thomas and Finn changed, becoming even uglier, just like their own father who just died.

After a moment of silence, Thomas said sternly:

"Steven, we know that you are very powerful, and you are always protected by many sturdy armed security personnel, almost invulnerable, but don't forget, everyone has a family, and so do you..."

As soon as he said this, Tomasi was about to continue, but was interrupted roughly by Ye Tian.

"Idiot! Don't threaten me, let alone try to threaten my family, you are looking for your own death! God can't save you, of course, you scum don't deserve to be saved by God!

Once the safety of my family is threatened, it will not be mercenaries who will appear in Munich, but myself. At that time, I will personally send you to hell, so that you can only live or die!

Not only can none of you scumbags escape, even your family and friends will be implicated by you and dragged into the depths of hell, Thomas, as far as I know, your family should live in..."

Next, Ye Tian whispered Thomas and Finn's home addresses, their respective family members and workplaces, the children's age, gender, school, and car licenses, etc., and listed them one by one.

Listening to this, Thomas and Finn were stunned.

The hairs of the two stood on end, their bodies were trembling non-stop, they stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, like looking at a devil with its bloody mouth open.

There is no doubt that he is a devil!

Before anything else happened, this devil had already checked out the situation of everyone on his side, including the family situation. This is to kill the grass and roots!

Thinking of this, both Thomas and Finn felt icy cold, as if they had fallen into an ice cave for thousands of years, even their blood was almost frozen!

They didn't doubt Ye Tian's words at all.

Who doesn't know, this bastard in front of him is a devil who is extremely ruthless and merciless, and he is famous for his vengeance. God knows how many people died at the hands of this bastard, I'm afraid it's too many to count!

Since this bastard said that he wanted to take revenge with his own hands and send everyone on his side to hell, he would definitely be able to do it. The idiot who didn't believe that he had this ability is now in hell!

After a while, Thomas was the first to wake up.

Immediately afterwards, the Xinna cui scum said in a slightly trembling tone:

"How can we reconcile? Are we going to fight endlessly like this, and then go to hell together?"

Ye Tian looked at the other party disdainfully, then said with a sneer:

"Fighting endlessly and going to hell together? You think too highly of yourself, so I might as well tell you that as long as I arrive in Munich, within ten days, you scumbags will all die!

When you die, your family will go to hell with you, so that you will not be lonely in hell. As for me, life is so beautiful, let's talk about it after I have enjoyed enough.

It's not impossible to reconcile, I still have a lot of things to do, I don't have the time or the mood to fight with you scum, but since you took the initiative to start a war, you have to pay the price for it! "

Hearing that there was a possibility of reconciliation, Thomas and Finn couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in the depths of their eyes.

As Ye Tian said, life is so beautiful, who wants to die? Even scum!

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