After chatting in low voices for a while, Thomas and Finn took their leave and left, saying that they would discuss with the rest of the senior leaders in their organization before they could give a reply.

Ye Tian and the others still stayed in the German National Gallery, admiring the many antique artworks displayed here, continuing to wander in the ocean of art, and visiting this famous museum building.

Not long after, the top executives of the Berlin Police Department called to ask Thomas why they were here.

On the phone, the Berlin police bluntly and repeatedly warned Ye Tian and the others to exercise restraint. There must never be another large-scale fire in Berlin, otherwise the police would not sit idly by.

Regarding the police's questioning, Ye Tian did not hide anything. He directly told the Berlin police that the two leaders of the Xinnacui organization came to negotiate peace and try to end the war.

At the same time, he also stressed that the peace talks have just begun, and the specific outcome is still unknown.

And at any time, I will never give up the right to self-defense, so the police should keep a close eye on those Xinnacui scumbags, lest those scumbags take the initiative to start a war and seek their own death!

After dealing with the Berlin police, Ye Tian and the others continued their trip to the museum.

They didn't leave the museum until six o'clock in the afternoon, when the German National Gallery was closed, and returned to the hotel by car.

Not long after returning to the hotel, Thomas and Finn came to the door and brought the decision of their organization.

They decided to accept Ye Tian's offer, to compensate for a treasure information worth no less than 200 million U.S. dollars and located in high seas or no man's land, in exchange for Ye Tian's cessation of bloody revenge and a settlement.

Although they don't have this kind of treasure information in their hands for the time being, they vowed to guarantee that they will be able to get the relevant treasure information and compensate Ye Tian.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not refuse such a cheap offer from home delivery, so he readily accepted it!

When Thomas and Finn left the hotel, their car hadn't left the hotel entrance when a bloody fight that was taking place in Munich suddenly stopped.

Those neo-Nacuis who were frightened and hunted to nowhere can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially the few scum who were struggling on the verge of death, when they saw those burly men approaching with automatic rifles, without any warning, they suddenly started to retreat, and quickly disappeared into the darkness, almost crying on the spot!

The bloody vengeance was temporarily suspended,

But it didn't come to an end, it depends on whether the treasure information that Thomas and the others put out can satisfy Ye Tian!

On the following day, Ye Tian and the others went to visit two more museums, took the time to visit two well-known galleries, and picked up a small leak.

In the blink of an eye, it's another day.

This is already the fourth day after returning to Berlin, and it is agreed to complete the transaction with the Russians, and then they can escort the many top-level Chinese antique artworks exchanged and fly back to Beijing.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others packed up their suitcases and walked out of their respective guest rooms, preparing to leave the five-star hotel.

When they walked out of the elevator and came to the hotel lobby, they immediately attracted everyone's attention and caused a commotion.

"Thank God! It seems that Steven and his gang of American bastards are leaving Berlin. After leaving this time, I hope they never come back"

"That's right! If these crazy bastards stay in Berlin again, the city of Berlin will be completely destroyed by them and become a battlefield full of bullets!

The only pity is that the departure of these American bastards also means that the dazzling Amber Room will soon leave and fall into the hands of the Russians.”

With the constant discussion, the staff of this five-star hotel, as well as the many tourists who happened to be in the hotel lobby, all let out a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves relaxed a lot.

If it wasn't for the consideration and the instinctive fear of Ye Tian and the others, many people at the scene would have already cheered and celebrated, celebrating that they finally don't have to worry about it.

Ye Tian and the others saw the performance of the people in the hotel lobby, but they didn't take it seriously.

You have seen this kind of situation many times before, and it has long been familiar to you.

Ye Tian just smiled and nodded to everyone at the scene, and then walked straight to the hotel entrance under the protection of Cole and the others.

Arriving outside the hotel, a huge escort convoy including three armored escort vehicles and three medium-sized helicopters was already waiting at the hotel entrance.

In addition, there are a large number of Berlin police cars in charge of guarding outside the hotel, two police explosion-proof armored vehicles, and some vehicles from the German Ministry of Culture and customs.

The Berlin police, who had received the news in advance, had designated the area in front of the hotel as a restricted area, with three steps, one guard and five steps, one sentry. No one was allowed to approach, lest any accidents occur.

It's hard to hope that Ye Tian and the others will leave Berlin and be able to send these plague gods away. At this juncture, the Berlin police absolutely don't want to see any accidents happen.

The moment he walked out of the hotel gate, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation near the gate, and quickly checked all the vehicles in the escort convoy for safety.

After confirming that there was no danger, he opened the rear door of a bulletproof SUV in front of him and boarded the car!

Amidst the sound of opening and closing the car doors one after another, David and Cole got into the car one after another, getting ready to go.

Soon, the huge escort convoy drove out and headed straight for Deutsche Bank.

The three medium-sized helicopters hovering in the sky also roared out, followed the convoy, and escorted the escort convoy in the air.

And the Berlin police cars in charge of the escort, as well as the vehicles of the German Ministry of Culture and customs, also started their engines one after another, and followed closely.

The huge convoy had just left when deafening applause and excited cheers erupted in the lobby of the five-star hotel behind, resounding through the entire street.

Of course, this is not the applause and cheers of farewell.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the bulletproof SUV, naturally couldn't hear this either.

At this moment, his attention was all on the escort convoy, on the twenty or thirty boxes containing the golden siding of the Amber Room, and on the artwork transaction that would be carried out later.

As soon as the convoy drove out, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Guys, fully armed, everyone be vigilant, this is our last operation in Berlin, there must be no mistakes"

As soon as the voice fell, there was an immediate response from the intercom.

"Got it, Steven"

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to arm themselves in their respective cars.

Ye Tian was the same, he took his backpack casually, took out various weapons and equipment from it, and quickly armed himself.

In just a moment, he was armed and ready to fight.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Zhou Jiakang, the pilot of his private jet.

When the phone was connected, Zhou Jiakang's voice came over immediately.

"Ye Tian, ​​we are ready to take off. We can take off at any time and fly directly to Beijing. The two Air China charter planes that flew from Beijing have also been overhauled, filled with fuel, and ready to take off. .

Just now we met with the crew of the two Air China chartered flights, discussed the flight plan, and told them what you wanted, and they were still a little bit worried about the intervention of the German side."

Hearing the report, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Understood, Brother Zhou, we are now on our way to Deutsche Bank, and we will arrive at Berlin Tegel Airport in a little over an hour to meet you.

I have already coordinated with the German Chancellor’s office, and the German government will give the green light to our next series of actions, including the adjustment of the flight route.”

"That would be great, I'm still worried that the German air traffic control will make trouble."

Zhou Jiakang responded with a much lighter tone.

Next, Ye Tian gave Zhou Jiakang a few more words, then ended the call and put away the phone.

At the same time, the huge convoy led by him was speeding forward non-stop, passing through the streets quickly, getting closer and closer to the headquarters of Deutsche Bank!


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