Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2232 Apron Transaction

Around 10:30 in the morning, Berlin Tegel Airport.

A huge convoy of escorts drove straight into the airport apron, and under the guidance of several airport customs vehicles, drove to several spare runways located on the edge of the airport apron.

On those spare runways, four large aircrafts were parked.

The logo of Air China was printed on the fuselage of two of the planes, and the logo of Aeroflot was printed on the fuselage of the other two planes, both of which were very eye-catching.

Those two Air China planes were exactly the Air China chartered flights that Ye Tian had chartered to transport Chinese antique artworks back to Beijing.

As for the two Aeroflot planes, needless to say, they were filled with Chinese antiques that were originally collected in the Hermitage Museum in exchange for the Amber Room in Ye Tian's hands.

It can be seen that there are some people standing under the gangway of the four planes.

Below the two Air China chartered planes were several antique and art appraisal experts from the National Museum of Art and the Forbidden City, two groups of cultural and museum staff, and some employees of the Daring One Exploration Company.

Of course, there are also many security personnel from China, as well as security personnel under Ye Tian.

And beside the gangway of the two Aeroflot planes, stood many Russians headed by Mikhail.

Among them are experts in the identification of antique works of art from the Hermitage Museum and a large number of cultural and cultural personnel, as well as high-level officials from the Russian government and the St. Petersburg Municipal Government, as well as a large number of Russian secret agents and security personnel.

At this time, the Chinese, Russians, and Ye Tian's many company employees who were on these spare runways all had excited expressions on their faces and anticipation in their eyes.

Especially when they saw the escort convoy driving into the tarmac and quickly approaching these alternate runways, they immediately cheered excitedly.

In a blink of an eye, the escort convoy had reached the edge of the innermost runway and stopped beside an Air China chartered plane.

When the convoy stopped, a large number of armed security personnel immediately poured out from each vehicle and quickly put on alert.

The Berlin police cars that followed, as well as the Tegel Airport police and customs vehicles, were all parked at the periphery, and the many police and customs officers who got off from those cars could only guard the periphery.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian appeared, got out of a bulletproof SUV, and walked straight to the Air China chartered plane.

Not far behind him,

David and the others, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany and several other senior officials of the German government, stood beside the convoy, all looking at Ye Tian.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian had arrived at the gangway of the Air China chartered plane, and greeted the people waiting here.

"Old man Jin, Mr. Liu, long time no see. How are you two? Thank you for your kindness. I didn't expect you to lead the team to Berlin this time. It's a bit beyond my expectation. Thank you very much."

After saying that, Ye Tian shook hands with the two old men standing in front, and behaved very decently.

These two are from the Forbidden City and the National Museum respectively. They are both well-known experts in the appraisal of antique works of art in China, and they are also old friends who are very familiar with Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, ​​you did a great job! You actually wiped out the Hermitage again. We're all in good health. Otherwise, we wouldn't have volunteered to fly to Berlin. This is a snatched opportunity."

Jin Lao from the Forbidden City said, with a bright smile on his face, and even those creases with ravines have bloomed at this time.

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Liu from the National Expo continued excitedly:

"Isn't it? After receiving your call from your kid, those old guys in our museum rushed to fly to Berlin to welcome those national treasures that have been lost overseas for a long time back to Beijing.

It took me a lot of effort to grab this mission, and before I return to China, I must take a look at those priceless treasures."

Ye Tian smiled softly, then nodded and said:

"You two can lead the team to Berlin, I feel more at ease. Later, you two will help me check it out and appraise those national treasure antiques, so as not to prevent the Russians from playing tricks."

Hearing this, the two old men rolled their eyes angrily.

"Don't play cymbals with us, Ye Tian, ​​with your unrivaled identification skills, you still need us two old guys to help you with your eyes? Don't be ridiculous, we are here to enjoy the eye addiction"

Having said that, the hearts of the two old men were extremely ironic, and the eyes they looked at Ye Tian were full of admiration.

Next, Ye Tian greeted the others, and then led Mr. Jin and the others to those high-ranking German government officials, and gave a brief introduction to both parties.

At the same time, Mikhail came over with a group of Russians, obviously a little impatient.

They wanted to see all the gold siding in the Amber Room, close the art deal as soon as possible, and then get out of here and return to St. Petersburg before the night was too long.

After all, this is Berlin, the capital of Germany, and Germany is a NATO country, which has always been at odds with Russia.

More importantly, the Amber Room was born in Germany. It is not only a national treasure of Russia, but also a national treasure of Germany. Can the Russians not worry about it?

Because of this, Ye Tian chose to conduct the transaction on the tarmac of Tegel Airport instead of going through the German customs. This will undoubtedly greatly speed up the transaction and avoid some unnecessary troubles.

With the arrival of these Russians, Ye Tian introduced everyone from the three parties again so that everyone could get to know each other.

After going through the procedures on these scenes, Mikhail immediately whispered impatiently:

"Steven, let's start the transaction. I believe you, like us, want to complete this art transaction as soon as possible and get out of here as soon as possible."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"You think as I do, Mikhail, let your people start to move, get those boxes of Chinese antique art off the plane, and I will check them one by one.

As for the boxes filled with the golden sidings of the Amber Room, they are in these three armed escort vehicles, I will immediately ask my staff to remove them, and you can carefully identify them.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the three armed escort vehicles parked not far away.

"Okay, Steven, let's go right away"

Mikhail nodded in response, then took out his mobile phone and began to notify the staff of the Hermitage Museum who followed.

Ye Tian nodded to Derek and Cole, signaling them to start moving the boxes containing the golden amber panels.

After receiving the signal, Derek and the others acted immediately, opened the back doors of the three armed escort vehicles, and began to move the boxes from the inside out.

On the two runways a little further away, the staff of the Hermitage Museum also took action, removing boxes containing Chinese antique artworks from two chartered planes of Russian Airlines.

It didn't take long for the 30 boxes loaded in the three armed escort vehicles to be removed and placed before everyone's eyes, while the Russians in the distance were still busy.

At this time, many Russians headed by Mikhail were all staring at the thirty boxes that were close at hand, all of them were so excited that they couldn't stand anymore, and there was nothing else in their eyes.

Many Germans who are also here are also staring at these boxes, eyes full of reluctance and regret.

As for Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu, as well as several other antique art appraisal experts and cultural museum staff from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, they looked at these boxes more curiously.

"Steven, is it possible to open these boxes? Let us appreciate and identify the golden sidings of the Amber Room, and count the number to see if it matches the number we have reached."

Vasily, who came on behalf of the Kremlin, said, his eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Vasily, wait for the Hermitage's cultural and cultural personnel to bring over the boxes containing Chinese antique artworks, and then we will open all the boxes together, identify and count them individually.

After the appraisal is completed, the number is counted, and it is confirmed that it is correct, we can complete this art transaction, and then each bring the treasures obtained from the transaction, you return to St. Petersburg, and I will fly directly to Beijing."

Hearing this, all the Russians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, and all of them were itching with hatred.

This greedy bastard still doesn't trust us even now!

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