Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2233 Flying South

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

The many boxes transported from the two Aeroflot charter planes have been transported by the Russians using the airport shuttle bus, and they are placed in front of Ye Tian and the others, piled up into a hill.

And the two cultural and museum teams from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, as well as many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, have also taken their positions, waiting to open these boxes and check the contents contained in the boxes.

The staff of the Hermitage Museum brought by Mikhail stood next to the boxes containing the golden panels of the Amber Room, each eager to try, ready to open the boxes for inspection.

In addition, staff from the German Ministry of Culture and Tegel Airport Customs are also in place, ready to carry out inspections and register.

Although this world-renowned art transaction was completed on the tarmac and did not pass through German customs, the Germans still had to check it to prevent the two parties from carrying private goods and secretly trading other things.

Seeing that everyone was already in their seats, and they all looked impatient, Ye Tian immediately made a gesture of please, and said with a smile:

"Mikhail, Vasily, let's get started, unpack and inspect the goods, and then close the deal"

"Okay, Steven, we Russians have been waiting for this moment for more than seventy years, and we don't want to wait any longer!"

Mikhail nodded excitedly and said, his voice was a little trembling.

Next, Ye Tian and Mikhail ordered their respective employees to open these boxes full of top-level antique artworks.

After receiving the signal, the guys standing next to the boxes immediately took action.

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight boxes had already been pried open, a few on each side.

In the next moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone a little dizzy.

Needless to say, it is the golden amber panels of the Amber Room that emit this golden light.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the boxes of dazzling golden amber panels. Everyone was stunned and obsessed.

On the other side, Derek and the others opened a few boxes, but there were a few scribbled sculptures, which naturally didn't look as dazzling as those golden amber panels!


Let’s start the appraisal, there will be plenty of time to appreciate it slowly.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, breaking the tranquility of the scene.

Everyone was awakened, and the scene also boiled.

Headed by Mikhail, many Russian antique art appraisal experts, as well as senior officials of the Russian government, flocked to the opened boxes containing golden amber panels, all of them looking crazy.

"This is the famous Amber Room. It is indeed dazzling and dazzling. No wonder Russia and Germany regard it as a national treasure, and it really deserves its name!"

Elder Jin said in a low voice with deep emotion, and the other domestic antique art appraisal experts also nodded in sympathy.

Ye Tian looked at those dazzling golden amber wall panels, as well as the many crazy Russians, and then said with a smile:

"The royal families of Russia and Germany both like this style of things, making everything resplendent, especially the imperial palace, such as the former Russian imperial palace and the Winter Palace.

Let the Russians appreciate their national treasures. Let’s appreciate those Chinese national treasures that have been lost overseas for a long time. They are no worse than the Amber Room, and our Chinese national treasures have more cultural connotations.

For example, the pair of guardian animal sculptures of the Tang Dynasty unearthed in Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Suan Ni, as far as I know, there is only one pair of such exquisite, paired and complete sculptures of guardian beasts of the Tang Dynasty in the world! "

With that said, Ye Tian gestured towards the open boxes on the other side.

Following the direction of his finger, Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu all turned their heads to look over there.

When they saw the two ferocious and mighty sculptures of Dharma Guardian Beasts of the Tang Dynasty, each of them seemed to be powered on suddenly, and their eyes suddenly lit up, like searchlights.

"Ye Tian, ​​you're so awesome, you managed to get these two Dharma Guardian Beasts of the Tang Dynasty. These are the real treasures of the country!"

Elder Jin said excitedly, the rest of them were equally excited and even had tears in their eyes.

In the next second, these well-known experts in the identification of antique works of art stepped out and walked quickly towards the two statues of Dharma protectors from the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, everyone's footsteps were extremely brisk, as if they were decades younger!

Ye Tian, ​​the owner of the two Tang Dharma guardian beasts, fell behind instead.

Next, the Chinese and Russian forces acted on their own to identify and count the national treasures belonging to their respective countries.

The Russians headed by Mikhail were the first to complete the identification and counting work.

Although there are a lot of golden amber panels in the Amber Room, they are of a single type, and identification is not difficult. It took them less than half an hour to complete the work.

Immediately afterwards, the staff of the German Ministry of Culture and the airport customs went forward to check again, and took video materials, and then registered them.

After all these tasks were completed, Mikhail and the others nailed up all the boxes containing the golden amber panels, and then waited aside.

After more than half an hour, Ye Tian and the others also completed the identification and counting work.

The Russians didn't play any tricks. All the Chinese antique artworks agreed to be traded in St. Petersburg before were here, not a single piece was missing.

In addition, the Russians did not do anything inside or outside the boxes containing these antique Chinese artworks.

The identification and counting work of both parties has been completed, and the next thing is very simple.

Ye Tian, ​​Mikhail, and the lawyers of both parties signed their names on the transaction contract one after another, drawing a successful conclusion to this art transaction.

After signing the contract, Ye Tian immediately shook hands with Mikhail, and said with a smile:

"Happy cooperation, Mikhail, I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future"

"Opportunity to cooperate again? Stop joking, Steven, cooperate with you greedy guy again, and our Hermitage Museum will be looted and completely closed!"

Mikhail said with a wry smile, shaking his head like a rattle.

Having said that, the pride in his eyes reflected his truest thoughts.

After chatting for a few more words, Mikhail and the Russians took their leave and left, carrying the boxes filled with the golden siding of the Amber Room in a ferry car, and drove to the two chartered planes of Russian Airlines a few hundred meters away.

After the Russians left, Ye Tian immediately ordered his staff, as well as two cultural museum teams from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, to carry the boxes containing Chinese antiques and artworks to the two Air China chartered planes.

In the busyness, forty minutes have passed.

The two Aeroflot charter planes a few hundred meters away began to slide slowly along the runway, gradually accelerated, and soon soared into the sky, roaring into the sky, and flew straight to the north.

At the same time, over the Baltic Sea in northern Germany, several heavily armed Russian fighter planes appeared, waiting for the two chartered planes of Russian Airlines to escort the two chartered planes of Russian Airlines to St. Petersburg.

It wasn't until the two Aeroflot chartered planes disappeared into the sky that Ye Tianfang looked away, then smiled and whispered to Jin Lao and the others:

"Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu, we are going to fly back to China soon. We will fly directly to Beijing with these priceless top antique artworks. For the sake of safety, I have made special arrangements and I need to inform everyone.

There are two Air China chartered planes here, each carrying half of the antique artworks obtained from the trade. Let’s divide them up like this. The two cultural and museum teams from the Forbidden City and the National Museum each board a plane and fly back to China with the two chartered planes.

In addition to the Wenbo team, our company’s employees, as well as lawyers and escorting security personnel, will also be divided into two groups, boarding two Air China chartered flights, and the security personnel flying from Beijing will also be the same.”

"This arrangement is very good. Only when we follow these national treasure-level antique artworks all the way can we really rest assured!"

Elder Jin continued to say, and the rest of them also nodded, and there was no disagreement.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"But I will not board any of these two Air China charter planes. I plan to take my own private jet back to Beijing. My private plane will not take off until these two Air China charter planes fly out of German airspace.

This is for safety reasons. As long as I am not on these two Air China charter flights and separated from those priceless antiques, anyone who wants to play these two Air China charter flights will be scruples.

Moreover, the two Air China charter flights do not fly the northern route. To be precise, the two Air China charter flights will not pass through Russian airspace throughout the entire journey. Needless to say, you know the reason, it is to prevent the Russians.

The two Air China charter planes will fly south, exiting German airspace and entering Austria, then passing through Italian airspace and entering the Mediterranean Sea, followed by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and finally Beijing.

In this way, even if Russia wants to intercept the two Air China charter flights halfway, even if Russia is unwilling, there is no possibility at all, and I have also made some arrangements, so there shouldn’t be any problems on the return journey.”

Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu were completely dumbfounded. They all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, just like looking at a monster.

It took a long time for these people to wake up.

The next moment, there was a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Ye Tian, ​​you are so shrewd to the extreme, you are so admirable!"

"Yeah, compared with your kid, we obviously live like dogs at our age, what a shame!"

Next, Ye Tian gave these old men a few more words, and then ended the conversation, and each went to work.

About half an hour later, the two Air China chartered planes taxied out one after another, and soon roared into the sky and flew straight to the south.

It wasn't until the two Air China chartered planes rushed into the clouds that Ye Tian and the others left the runway and drove towards the private airstrip at the other end of the apron.

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