Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2235 Listening to thunder in a silent place

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Jin Lao and the others all saw the two United Airlines cargo planes getting closer.

"Okay, Ye Tian, ​​don't be fooled, kid. Where did the antique artworks carried in these two cargo planes come from? Are they Chinese antique artworks lost overseas, or Western antique artworks?"

Mr. Liu asked curiously, and the other old men also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Ye Tian looked away from the two United Airlines cargo planes in the sky, then smiled and said:

"The cargo carried in these two United Airlines large cargo planes are all western antique works of art, and each piece is a national treasure, and it is also an orphan that only exists in the world, and each piece is priceless!"

"Wow! Are they real or fake? They are all national treasures, it's too exaggerated!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and the old men were shocked by Ye Tian's words.

"Tell me, where do these western antique artworks come from, and what kind of treasures are they? Let us also open our eyes."

Elder Jin continued, his eyes were full of anticipation, but also somewhat suspicious.

A priceless national treasure western antique artwork? How easy to find it! Moreover, two cargo planes were loaded at once, which sounds like a myth, so unreal!

The rest of the old men were also the same, hoping that it was true, but also a little bit unbelievable.

Ye Tian looked at these old men, and then smiled and solved the mystery.

"These western antique works of art are basically sculptures. To be precise, most of them are sculptures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period, and there are also several sculptures from the ancient Roman period..."

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted by a sudden exclamation.

"Ah! Sculptures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period? Could it be that these sculptures are all from that ancient Roman shipwreck treasure that your boy found in the Ionian Sea?"

"As far as I know, the operation to explore the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is still going on! Moreover, the United Nations and some relevant countries have already stepped in and launched a joint exploration. The sea area is now extremely lively!

Your boy's deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid is also still in the Ionian Sea. In this case, how did you transport all the ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures that were salvaged from the water?

The discovery of the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck,

It caused a huge sensation in Greece and Italy. How could the governments of these two countries watch you kid take away those priceless treasures? "

Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu said one after another, everyone was so excited that they almost danced.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then said proudly:

"That's right, the ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures onboard these two United cargo planes are all from the treasure of ancient Roman shipwrecks deep in the bottom of the Ionian Sea.

Regarding the exploration of the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck, the first phase has ended, and all the sculptures and other antique relics scattered on the top of the sea ridge have been salvaged out of the water.

Those ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures, as well as other antique cultural relics, will be transported away immediately after they are salvaged and accumulated to a certain amount, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

The transfer was done by my staff and security personnel. They first used US military helicopters to transport the treasures to the US Air Force Base on Sicily, Italy.

After arriving at the US military base in Sicily, they will continue to transfer non-stop, renting heavy transport planes from the US military, and transporting all those priceless treasures to New York.

In this way, after repeated transfers, the ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures salvaged from the top of the sea ridge, as well as other antique cultural relics, were all successfully transported away.”

"Hahaha, you kid is really a thief"

There was a lot of laughter at the scene, Jin Lao and the others all laughed.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian picked up the conversation just now.

"As for the governments of Greece and Italy, as well as UNESCO, which got involved later, I have reached an agreement with them, and they will not interfere with our company's transshipment.

The main reason is that the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is located in the high seas. Even if they want to block it, they have no good reason. Of course, the deterrence of the US military is also a reason.

In order to move those American soldiers, to deter the Greeks and Italians, and other guys and countries with ulterior motives, I paid a lot of money, and it was very painful.

In addition, as I said before, our Daring Blame Exploration Company only salvages sculptures and other antiques scattered on the top of that sea ridge, and does not involve other areas.

Those sunken treasures that sink deeper in the seabed and are likely to be larger in number, we, the brave and fearless exploration company, don't covet them. Whoever is willing to salvage them is fine, as long as he has the strength.

UNESCO, the governments of Greece and Italy, and other people from all walks of life, after hearing what I said, all started thinking about the treasures of the sunken ship.

When I was still in the Ionian Sea, I said publicly that the Intrepid will be there when we complete the first phase of our exploration operation and remove all the antiquities that have been salvaged from the sea.

If other people want to salvage the treasures of sunken ships that are located deeper in the seabed, the Intrepid can provide relevant information and paid services, and use various high-tech equipment to help explore the seabed.

The remuneration for this kind of paid service can be antique cultural relics salvaged from deeper under the sea, with a ratio of 20%.

Because of this, you have seen on the news that the exploration operation to salvage the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is still going on, and the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid is still moored in the Ionian Sea.

But in fact, our company's exploration operation ended a few days ago, which was very fruitful, and all the sculptures and other antiques that were salvaged were shipped back to New York.

Because there is still hope, and because I promised to put up a third of the sculptures for auction, and give priority to Greece and Italy, they did not interfere with our actions.”

After the voice fell, Jin Lao immediately continued:

"I have to say, you are so smart, everyone is probably calculated by you, including the governments of Greece and Italy, as well as the UNESCO that got involved later!"

"Isn't it? I'm basically sure that there aren't many sunken treasures in the depths of that sea area. Even if there are some treasures scattered on the bottom of the sea, salvage is extremely difficult and very dangerous.

Regardless of the Greek government, the Italian government, or UNESCO, if you want to salvage that part of the sunken treasure, you must pay a huge price, and you will have to be skinned by your boy! "

Another old man said with a smile, somewhat gloating in his tone.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, hearty and transparent.

After the laughter subsided, Mr. Liu immediately continued:

"Tell me, Ye Tian, ​​these two cargo planes brought those famous sculptures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period? In our country, these are rare things, and they will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"When I was in the Mediterranean Sea, I gave a plan for the distribution of the treasures of this ancient Roman shipwreck. One-third was collected in the United States, one-third was displayed in my private museum, and the other third was publicly auctioned.

After these ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures were shipped back to New York, I divided them into three parts of roughly equal value through video, and then stored them for distribution according to a predetermined plan.

This time, the antiques that I plan to display in my museum are the ones that have been transported to Beijing this time. They are basically sculptures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period, and there are also a few sculptures from the ancient Roman period.

You must have heard that a few days ago I successfully bought a piece of land on Wangfujing Street. It won’t be long before my private museum will be erected on Wangfujing Street and officially meet the public.

In my private museum, there will be a gallery of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, and the sculptures brought in today will be displayed in this exhibition hall to show people the culture and art of ancient Greece and Rome.”

Before the words fell, there was a sound of emotion at the scene.

"To be honest, Ye Tian, ​​your handwriting is really great! You actually won the piece of gold land in Wangfujing. When we first heard the news, all of us were shocked and thought we heard it wrong. too!

That's 6.85 billion RMB! To build a private museum on such a piece of golden and precious land, you are the only kid, and anyone else, who has the courage? Who can give up? "

"In addition to the unique location of the museum, the ancient Greek and Roman sculpture art museum you mentioned just now is definitely the only one in China. Once established, it will definitely attract countless tourists to visit!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian said proudly:

"My Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture Museum is not only the only one in China, but also unique in the world. The other pavilions with the same theme cannot be compared with it.

Even the ancient Greek and Roman sculpture galleries of the Louvre and Vatican Museums cannot compare with this one, especially in terms of ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures, my pavilion is absolutely unique in the world.

The famous sculpture "Hercules Killing the Nemean Lion", which was discovered in the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure in the Mediterranean, and several other famous sculptures will be displayed in my exhibition hall in the future.

Let's put it this way, in my ancient Greek and Roman sculpture gallery, people can see the works of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic period, which is unique in the world, and other museums do not even have one.

I not only collected the works of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic period, but also the sculpture works of the second of the three major sculptors of ancient Greece. The most valuable sculpture is from Phidias, the god of classical sculpture in ancient Greece "

Before I finished speaking, the scene was completely fried.

"Oh my god! Did I hear you right? Ye Tian, ​​not only have you collected the works of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, but also the works of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture. How is this possible?

If this is true, it must be a sensation in the whole world! The result is also as you said, your pavilion will also be unique in the world! Of course, if the Greeks heard the news, they would immediately go crazy! "

"Hey! Ye Tian, ​​you really listened to the thunder in a silent place! You actually released such a big satellite!"

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