"That's right, if the Greeks know that I have the works of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, they will definitely be crazy about it, so please keep this matter a secret, so as not to cause trouble.

When the other most valuable sculptures were salvaged, although they appeared on the live broadcast screen, I did not announce which master sculptors were the creators.

The relevant information about these sculptures needs to be kept secret for the time being. The reason for this is to avoid trouble and to create suspense. Please cooperate."

Ye Tian said with a smile, cupped his fists at these old men, and bowed slightly.

As soon as the words fell, an old man from the National Expo joked:

"Let's keep it a secret, Ye Tian, ​​shouldn't you show it? Lend us these priceless ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures for a period of time.

You kid just won that piece of prime land on Wangfujing Street, and it will be a year or two after your private museum is built, so don't let these treasures sit idle! "

Ye Tian looked at the old man, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Old Qian, there is no problem with borrowing exhibitions, but I cannot lend you the most important pieces of sculptures in this batch. If those priceless treasures are exhibited publicly for a long time, they will lose their novelty.

I also hope to use them to create suspense, so that the ancient Greek and ancient Roman sculpture hall in my museum became a hit when it opened, overwhelming other exhibition halls with the same theme all over the world in one fell swoop, leading the way!

More importantly, if those few priceless treasures are exhibited publicly for a long time, they are likely to be spotted by the swarms of Western antique art appraisal experts and identify their identities.”

"Come on! It's fine if you agree to borrow the exhibition. The sculptures that you value must be priceless national treasures. Just lend us a few of them."

Mr. Qian responded very simply, as if he was afraid that Ye Tian would change his mind.

He probably didn't even think of it, but it was just a joke, and he was able to get an unexpected surprise, borrowing a few priceless ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures, where can such a good thing be found!

Seeing this situation, how could the old men from the Forbidden City be polite? They immediately asked Ye Tian to borrow the exhibition, and they were all full of expectations.

For their request, Ye Tian did not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

In Ye Tian's view,

This happens to be an opportunity to warm up and promote my own private museum, how can I refuse it.

While speaking, the two United Airlines cargo planes that flew thousands of miles from New York landed on the two runways not far away one after another. After taxiing for a certain distance, they slowly stopped.

After the two planes came to a complete stop, the cabin door opened, and Jason, Mathis and others came out of the cabin one after another, and waved at Ye Tian's side.

Ye Tian also waved his hand to greet these guys, welcoming them.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and called the sister-in-law who was waiting outside the airport, telling the sister-in-law that they could bring the escort convoy into the airport apron.

It didn't take long for a huge convoy of escorts to appear at the entrance of the apron of the Capital Airport and drive straight here.

At the same time, Jason, Matisse and others who got off the plane also took the airport shuttle bus and headed here.

Soon, Jason and the others arrived here first, joining Ye Tian and the others.

"Good morning, Steven, here we come, with all those sculptures from the ancient Greek and Hellenistic periods that were salvaged from the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, and there is no shortage of them."

Jason said triumphantly, and touched Ye Tian's fists, not without showing his merit.

Since Ye Tian left the Ionian Sea and returned to New York with "Aphrodite of Nidas", Jason was responsible for the follow-up work of exploring and salvaging the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure in the Mediterranean.

His work was done very well, and the harvest was extremely astonishing, which is why he performed this way.

"Good morning, Jason, you did a great job. It seems that I can entrust you with the task of exploring treasures in the future."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and gave a big sweet date.

Hearing this, Jason was so excited that he almost jumped up on the spot.

"That's great, Steven, just wait for this sentence, don't worry, as long as you are willing to entrust me with the task of exploring the treasure, I will definitely give you the most perfect answer."

As he said that, Jason took a step forward and gave Ye Tian a hug, which was a little too enthusiastic.

Ye Tian could only pat the kid on the shoulder helplessly, telling him to let go of his arm immediately, so as not to make him sick.

Next, Ye Tian greeted Mathis and the others one by one, and asked a few words briefly.

At this moment, the huge escort convoy led by my aunt also drove up to the side of the runway.

When the convoy came to a complete stop, the doors opened one after another. Sister-in-law and Betty got out of a car one after another, landed on the track, and looked at Ye Tian together.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately walked up to meet them, with a bright smile on his face.


It was around five o'clock in the afternoon. After a busy day, Ye Tian, ​​who had finally dealt with all the affairs, was driving to his home in Lishi Hutong, Dongcheng.

In the same car with him is my sister-in-law.

As for Betty, because she was pregnant, she went home directly after returning to the city from the Capital Airport.

Those antique works of art transported from Berlin and New York, as well as many priceless sculptures, have been stored by Ye Tian in several vaults located on Financial Street, which are very safe.

Most of the company employees and security personnel who followed Ye Tian and flew from New York went to the reserved hotels.

By tomorrow, they will be divided into two groups, one group will fly to Cologne, Germany, and the other group will fly back to New York, and return to work.

At this time, only a group of security personnel led by Mathis still followed Ye Tian to protect his safety.

The old men from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, as well as the two cultural museum teams, also completed their tasks and returned to their respective museums.

Soon, Ye Tian and his team arrived at the intersection of Wangfujing Street.

At this time, it was off-duty time, and East Chang'an Avenue was extremely congested, with heavy traffic, and all the vehicles were moving forward slowly, unable to pick up the speed at all.

Just as the convoy passed the intersection of Wangfujing Street, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the crowded and bustling Wangfujing Street outside the car window, and then said to his sister-in-law:

"Sister-in-law, tell me about the land on Wangfujing Street? Have you visited the site? How are the relevant procedures going?"

After the voice fell, the sister-in-law immediately continued:

"On the second day after we took pictures of that piece of land, Betty, me, and the rest of the family went to Wangfujing Street to see the piece of land for ourselves. Needless to say, the geographical location of that piece of land is an absolute golden location.

Because this piece of land is state-owned and all the merchants in the existing building have been cleared, there is no issue of compensation for demolition, which saves a lot of trouble. After paying off the auction price, this piece of land already belongs to you.

We have been working on the relevant procedures for land development for the past few days, and it is going very smoothly. It is estimated that it will not take long to complete all the procedures. Next, we will wait for the design drawings, and then we can start construction.

Since the land was photographed and the news was released that a museum was to be built, many top architectural design firms and architectural design institutes from home and abroad have offered olive branches one after another.

Xiao Tian, ​​what do you think about the architectural design of this private museum? Do you want to meet with these designer firms and research institutes, talk about your ideas, and let them produce design drawings? "

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Sister-in-law, I am free to advocate the design and construction of this private museum. Next, I will meet with several well-known international and domestic architectural design masters and art masters, and talk to them about the design.

In addition, I have already greeted some top experts and scholars from the Forbidden City and the National Museum, as well as several other masters who have deep research on traditional Chinese architecture, and I plan to let them participate in the design work.

I plan to hand over the construction business of the Chinese-style building of this private museum to the Forbidden City Ancient Construction Team. In terms of the construction of traditional Chinese buildings, no domestic construction company is better than the Forbidden City Ancient Construction Team.

What you have to do now is to complete the relevant procedures and documents for land development as soon as possible, and once the design drawings are completed, we will start construction immediately, so that this private museum can stand on Wangfujing Street as soon as possible!"

While talking, the convoy that Ye Tian and Sister-in-law were riding in had arrived at the intersection of Dongdan Road, turned left onto Dongsi Avenue, and headed north with the rolling traffic.

Home is not far ahead!

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