It didn't take long for the convoy to arrive at the intersection of Lishi Hutong.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, let the convoy stop at the intersection of the alley ahead, we will go in by ourselves, and then let the car with luggage come in"

After the words fell, Matisse's voice came over immediately.

"Okay, Steven, I've made the arrangements, it's safe here, you can rest assured to get out of the car and walk home"

Immediately afterwards, the convoy stopped close to the side of the road and attracted a lot of attention.

When the car stopped, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his hand to open the car door, got out of the car one after another with his sister-in-law, and stood on the street.

The first time he landed and stood firm, he looked at the sidewalk across the street.

The last time he left Beijing, on the sidewalk across the street, there were many protesting Korean sticks, all waving their arms desperately and screaming impassionedly, as if they had a sworn hatred against him.

But at this moment, those Korean sticks can't even see their shadows, and they have already scattered like birds and beasts.

On New Year's Eve at the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, the stick idol group whose tendons were broken by Ye Tian had also left Beijing and returned to South Korea to recuperate.

After returning to South Korea, those sticks kept silent, never mentioning what happened backstage on New Year's Eve or the Spring Festival Gala!

As for their injuries of varying severity, they were all said to be caused by car accidents, and no one mentioned Ye Tian's name again.

After quickly scanning across the street, Ye Tian looked at the two cars parked on the side of the alley, and nodded slightly to the guys sitting in the two cars, saying hello.

Those guys are all special police officers from Beijing Municipal Bureau, Ye Tian naturally knows why they are here.

In addition to the city bureau special police, among the pedestrians near the entrance of the alley, he also saw three Chinese security personnel who obeyed his orders.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian has fully grasped the situation near the entrance of the alley.

Then, he walked into the alley with his sister-in-law, just like a child returning home.

Just after entering the alley, Ye Tian saw an old neighbor walking towards him, and quickly greeted him with a smile.

"Aunt Hu, how is your old health? You look really good. Are you going for a walk? Why didn't you see Uncle Wang?"

"I'm back, Xiaotian, your mouth is like honey, it's so sweet, thanks to you, our health is not bad, your uncle is cooking at home, I will go to the alley to pick up my grandson from school !"

The aunt said with a smile, and pointed to Ye Tian.

"Yes! It's because you have a high status in the family, and if you say what you say, it seems that my uncle Wang will never be able to stand up in this life, let alone I really sympathize with him."

"You kid don't play cymbals with us, no matter big or small, if your uncle Wang hears this, he will definitely beat you kid"

In between a few jokes, Ye Tian and the others had passed the fat aunt, walking towards the entrance of the alley, and walking towards the depths of the alley, all with bright smiles on their faces.

After walking a few steps forward, Ye Tian saw two security personnel under him, pretending to be passers-by sitting in a street cafe, nodding slightly at him through the glass window.

In fact, this coffee shop at the entrance of the Hutong was also opened by Ye Tian's subordinates, and it was specially used to monitor the pedestrians entering and leaving Lishi Hutong.

Ye Tian glanced at the situation in the coffee shop, then whispered to my sister-in-law:

"Sister-in-law, I forgot to ask just now. You said earlier that Beijing intends to renovate and repair some old hutongs in the second ring road to create a historic neighborhood. Are you sure about this news?

If this news is confirmed, we will start to take down the entire Lishi Hutong as soon as possible, and then carry out design and renovation. The courtyard house of Aunt Hu’s house is also one of my goals.”

The little girl shook her head lightly, then said in a low voice:

"This news is only circulating in a small area at present, and it has not been confirmed yet, let alone an official announcement. When we went through various real estate development procedures in the past two days, we asked people from the urban construction department, and they didn't know."

"Yes! Then continue to wait, I hope this rumor is true"

Ye Tian nodded and said, not feeling regretful.

While talking, they came to the middle of the alley, only twenty meters away from the door of their house.

At this moment, two figures suddenly rushed out from the gate of their own house, and ran straight to this side. They were the two little guys, Chen Xi and Dong Zi.

In the blink of an eye, the two little guys had already rushed forward.

Before she could stand firm, the girl Chen Xi stretched out her small hand like a green onion, asking for a gift confidently.

"Brother, did you bring me a gift? Take it out and have a look"

Ye Tian reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, and said with a doting smile:

"Of course there is a gift, but it's in the box and I'll give it to you later when I get home"

Before the words fell, Dongzi next to him couldn't wait to say:

"Brother, where's my gift? You can't favor one over another!"

Ye Tian looked at this kid, then smiled maliciously and said:

"It's not impossible if you want a gift, Dongzi, I will check your study results during this time later, if I am satisfied, you will naturally receive a gift, otherwise don't even think about any gifts!"

"Hey! There is no such thing as you, why is it so difficult for me!"

Dongzi complained exaggeratedly for himself, but his eyes were full of confidence and eager to try.

While joking, the group of them had arrived at the gate of their house.

Before stepping into the gate, Ye Tian nodded slightly to the two pedestrians passing by in the alley. They were also his two security personnel, and they were a man and a woman, pretending to be lovers.

Afterwards, Ye Tiancai and his sister-in-law walked into the gate of their big house.

When they passed through the Guangliang gate, bypassed the screen wall, then passed through the hanging flower gate in front of the inverted house, and entered the first courtyard, they immediately saw their mother, Betty, and second aunt coming out.

As for my father, my second uncle, and my uncle, some of them were with their grandparents in the middle courtyard, and some of them hadn't come back from get off work yet.

"You know how to come back, kid! When you left before, everyone told you to keep a low profile, but you are still so high-profile and don't know how to restrain yourself.

I don't know if the family members are worried about you and worried about you? Don't forget, you boy is about to become a father, and your wife and children are waiting for you at home! "

Walking closer, my mother reached out and patted Ye Tian's shoulder twice, but her eyes were full of joy and love.

"Dear mother, don't worry, no matter how high-profile and flamboyant your son is, no one can hurt me, and no one can hurt you"

With that said, Ye Tian gave his mother a big hug.

Next, he greeted his second aunt again, then took Betty's hand, and walked to the middle courtyard with his family to see his grandparents.

Soon, they bypassed the Chaoshou corridor next to the north room of the first courtyard, and entered the second courtyard, which is the courtyard where grandparents lived.

As soon as he walked into this courtyard, Ye Tian saw that his grandparents, accompanied by his father, were standing at the door of the north room, looking at him, with kind smiles on their faces and love in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's heart suddenly warmed up, and then he stepped out, taking Betty and walking towards his grandparents.

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