Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2241 Goal Triple Crown

The awards ceremony began. Sam and Mike led Jueying together, and they walked to the center of the stage full of flowers with their heads held high, receiving applause and cheers like a tsunami.

In the horse owner's box, Ye Tian looked at Jue Ying, who was wearing a flower crown, standing up and neighing loudly, and mighty, and Sam, whose face was dying of laughter, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, let's go to the champion's stables, where we will welcome Jue Ying, who has returned triumphantly, and many media reporters"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out and walked towards the door of the horse owner's box.

Behind him, David and Jason all followed up, everyone was very excited, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

Before walking out of the horse owner's box, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and quickly scanned the corridor outside.

Except for Mattis, who was in charge of security, and a few security personnel at the racetrack, there were not many people in the corridor outside, and it seemed relatively quiet.

Needless to say, the rest of the horse owners, billionaires, and dignitaries from all over the world basically went to the awards ceremony. No one wants to miss such a top social occasion in the world.

At the same time that the perspective was completed, Ye Tian had opened the door to the corridor outside, David and Jason also came out of the box one after another.

Afterwards, everyone walked forward together talking and laughing, and Matisse led several security guards around.

After walking not far, the door of a horse owner's box in front suddenly opened, and several people came out of it, and they were all black-haired and yellow-skinned Chinese, old and young, and everyone was dressed in costumes!

To be more precise, these few are super rich or second-generation rich from Hong Kong and Macau, each of whom is well-known in the world Chinese circle.

The reason why they appear here is very simple. These are horse owners, and the thoroughbred horses in their hands have also participated in this Dubai World Cup, but they don’t know the results!

Ye Tian was not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of these people.

He came to the Dubai Racecourse in the middle of the race and before entering his owner's box, he discovered these through perspective.

It's just that the race was going on at that time, and these super rich people were cheering for their horses, so he didn't go to bother.

The first time they entered the corridor, these super rich people from China turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​and one of them even waved his hand to say hello.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations. You have won the most important 'Dubai World Cup' championship. Jueying's performance is really great, and he is a veritable world horse king."

The super rich man who greeted him was an old friend of Ye Tian. He had met him several times before, competed with him in jewelry auctions, and bought top-level antique works of art from him.

As for the others, they are only famous and have never met before.

These few also nodded slightly at Ye Tian, ​​and looked at him secretly, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and they couldn't hide their envy, even jealousy.

At the same time as the other party greeted, Ye Tian had already arrived in front of these super rich people.

"Mr. Liu, it's been a long time. I didn't expect to meet you in Dubai. It's such a coincidence. You brought your beloved horse to the competition? How are your results? It must be very good, right?"

With that said, Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend.

Hearing his words, this old Mr. Liu couldn't help but blushed, and then said with a wry smile:

"Our trip to Dubai this time is exactly what we Chinese often say, the most important thing is to participate! Although our horses have all finished the race, the best place is only the second place in the 'Dubai Duty Free Cup' name.

Compared with your Jueying, the horse racing of the few of us is too far behind. It should be said that all other horse racing in the Dubai World Cup cannot compare with Jueying, it is completely different."

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately said politely:

"The second place in the Dubai Duty Free Shop Cup! This result is not bad, you know, the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup has gathered the most outstanding thoroughbred horses in the world, and how many horses can run such a good result!"

After a few pleasantries, Mr. Liu introduced several other super rich people to Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian shook hands with them one by one, and made some polite remarks.

Afterwards, everyone stood in the corridor and chatted, and the central topic was naturally Jue Ying who had just shown off his might.

Regarding Jueying, these super rich people in the Chinese world have all praised them so much that they almost went to the sky.

Of course, the astonishing achievements Jueying has achieved since it officially set foot on the track fully deserve such praise.

After some compliments, these super-rich people also suggested that they can buy the shares of Jueying, or buy them jointly, and the prices offered are very attractive.

That's why they didn't go to the awards ceremony, but stayed here to wait for Ye Tian.

It's a pity that their calculations are very good, but they are doomed to be disappointed.

Like replying to several Arab princes and princesses before, Ye Tian bluntly rejected their request to buy shares in Jueying, and claimed that he would never sell shares in Jueying to anyone.

Of course, he did not miss this opportunity.

He took the opportunity to sell to these super rich Chinese, and the target was naturally the breeding rights of Jueying to become a stallion after he retired.

These super-rich people are very interested in the breeding rights after Jueying's retirement, and they wish they could take out a check to kill this matter immediately, so as not to make any changes.

After chatting for a while, a super rich man who is the vice chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club said with great expectation:

"Can you let Jueying go to Hong Kong to participate in the competition? Mr. Ye, let the horse racing fans in Hong Kong and Macau see the demeanor of the world's best horse, not to mention that this extremely powerful world horse belongs to us Chinese!"

Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"It's not impossible for Jueying to go to Hong Kong to participate in the competition, but it must be out of the question recently. After the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup is over, after returning to the United States, Jueying will prepare for this year's American Triple Crown!

I plan to let Jue Ying win the American Triple Crown in one go and become the new Triple Crown horse. Only then can Jue Ying become the horse king of the United States. As for the rest of the races, they can only be postponed later! "

Before the words fell, there was a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! To win the US Triple Crown in one go, Mr. Ye, you have a lot of ambition!"

"With Jueying's current strong strength, it will definitely sweep the American Triple Crown and successfully win the American Triple Crown. We look forward to witnessing the birth of another horse racing legend!"

While exclaiming, these super rich people suddenly became more excited, and everyone's eyes lit up.

They are also looking forward to the breeding rights after Jueying's retirement and the offspring that will be born with it.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian and the others said goodbye and left, walking towards the front stairs.

Seeing Ye Tian's leaving back, these super rich people from China all expressed their feelings with envy.

"I have to say that Ye Tian is extremely lucky to have such a unparalleled racehorse as Jue Ying. Maybe the rumor is true and God will always take care of him!"

"This has nothing to do with God. This kid Ye Tian is a complete atheist. Thanks to his extremely sharp eyes, he can not only find countless treasures, but also BMW!"

Amidst the discussion, Ye Tian and the others had already walked away, then walked down the stairs, and disappeared from the sight of these super rich people!


Soon, Ye Tian and the others left the stands of the Dubai Racecourse and walked along the VIP passage to the stables.

Walking here, there are more and more spectators coming and going around, and the atmosphere becomes more and more lively.

Without exception, everyone here who sees Ye Tian will give him a thumbs up, and praise Jue Ying a few times, the words are full of envy, even jealousy.

Ye Tian responded with a smile, and kept nodding at these guys, his expression not without complacency.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them arrived at the champion's stable. After checking their identities, they entered the stable smoothly.

At this time, Jueying, who had just been awarded the championship trophy and check, and was wearing a championship garland, was being led by Sam and Mike to celebrate around the field, enjoying applause and cheers, and had not returned to the stable yet!

However, this spacious stable has become lively.

The staff of the event organizer are making arrangements in an open space in the stables, where the press conference will be held later.

The rest of the racehorses that finished the race before, as well as the corresponding trainers, riders, veterinarians, as well as horse owners and some shareholders, have also gathered in this large and luxurious stable at this time.

Some of them were checking the horses, some were washing the horses, some were feeding the horses, and some were reviewing the gains and losses of the race, and chatting.

Because of the different achievements, people's moods are also different, and they all show on their faces.

Some people are happy, some are disappointed, some are painful, some are regretful, and some are indomitable and firm-eyed.

People's emotions also seem to affect the horse races. Some of the horse races that have just finished the race are still very excited, some are depressed, and some heartless guys just bow their heads and enjoy the food!

As Ye Tian and the others entered the stable, everyone turned their heads and looked over. Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and envy, and even their jealous eyes were almost red!

Next, some horse owners and billionaires who had dealt with Ye Tian before, or who had met once, came towards the door one after another.

After everyone gathered in one place, it was natural to exchange polite greetings, greet each other, and then talk about the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup and the various competitions that have ended.

Everyone is full of praise for Jueying, who has just been awarded the World Horse King. Everyone wants to own such a unparalleled horse, even if it is a small share!

However, Ye Tian's response was no different from what he had faced with other people before.

Want to buy Jueying, or buy a part of Jueying's equity? There is no play at all!

All these people can get is Jueying's future breeding rights, and they still have to queue up and wait patiently.


While talking, there was a thunderous neighing sound from outside the stable. The sound was full of joy, and seemed to be a bit of an invitation for credit.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "tapping" horseshoes came from outside the stable and reached the ears of everyone present.

Hearing this voice, a bright smile appeared on Ye Tian's face. He quickly turned around and looked at the open door of the stable.

The next moment, Jueying's tall and handsome figure appeared at the door of the stable, and ran towards Ye Tian cheerfully.

Ye Tian took two steps forward, then opened his arms, made a gesture of greeting, and said with a loud smile:

"Come on, Jueying, tell me what it's like to be the king of horses in the world!"

Before he finished speaking, Jueying had crashed into his arms.

Next, Jueying used its huge horse head to rub Ye Tian's cheek affectionately, as if showing off the champion wreath around his neck, like a naughty and smart child!

Ye Tian held Jueying's neck with his left hand, and gently stroked the diamond-shaped white badge in the middle of Jueying's forehead with his right hand, and said with a doting smile:

"Jueying, you did a great job! Good boy"

While saying these words, he had secretly turned on perspective, combed Jueying's body with the aura in his eyes, and gave this little guy a huge reward.

Feeling the refreshing aura, Jueying suddenly became more cheerful and neighed again.

The people who were originally in this stable, the people who followed Jueying, and many journalists from the news media, saw this warm scene, and everyone was almost completely crazy with jealousy!

"My God! This is really a psychic BMW, it's incredible!"

"Look at Jueying's performance, it looks like a racehorse, it looks like a very smart young man, okay, this bastard Steven is so lucky!"

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