Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2242 Go to Germany again

The next day, Ye Tian personally sent Jueying to the chartered United Airlines flight to New York, comforted this little guy who was inseparable from him, and took back the wet corner of his clothes from Jueying's mouth.

In New York, there is a grand welcome ceremony waiting for Jueying, and the host location is Belmont Park owned by Ye Tian, ​​which is also the venue of one of the American Triple Championships, the Belmont Championship.

Next, Jueying will return to Lexington, Kentucky again, where he will recharge his batteries and conduct training, waiting for the arrival of the next game.

Like New York, Lexington, the hometown of bluegrass, has a huge celebration waiting for it.

It is entirely conceivable that when Jue Ying returns to Lexington, all the residents of that city will move out in empty groups to meet Jue Ying who has returned in triumph, and stand on both sides of the street to applaud and cheer for Jue Ying.

People from other parts of Kentucky, and even horse racing fans across the United States, will also flock to Lexington like a tide, just to see the absolute image of the newly crowned world horse king.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jueying at this time is already the most dazzling superstar in the American sports world.

Its limelight has even surpassed the Secretariat that won the American Triple Crown in one fell swoop, and the Secretariat is its grandfather!

This is called blue out of blue and better than blue!

After watching the United Airlines cargo plane carrying Jueying rush into the sky and completely disappear from his field of vision, Ye Tian looked away, smiled and said to the people around him:

"Guys, Jueying is back in New York, and it's time for us to set off. In Cologne, Germany, there may be a huge treasure waiting for us. Let's go, let's go to Cologne!"

After speaking, he walked towards the airport shuttle bus not far away.

"Cologne, here we come!"

The boy Jason let out a strange cry, and immediately followed, his face full of excitement.

The same goes for David and Mattis. Everyone is looking forward to the next trip to Germany.

Soon, the airport shuttle bus that Ye Tian and the others took left the runway and headed for the private jet runway in the distance.

On the runway dedicated to private jets, two private jets parked one after the other, ready to take off at any time.

While the airport shuttle bus was driving, a very brief message was quietly sent from Ye Tian.

The message was just two words: 'Go to Cologne'.

Those who received this message reacted as soon as they saw the message, and immediately started packing and preparing to go to Cologne, Germany!


A few hours later, the two private jets that Ye Tian and the others took had arrived in Cologne, and landed on the runway of Cologne Airport one after the other.

When Ye Tian and the others came out of the cabin, they saw the Bishop of Kent who came to greet him, and Cole and the others who came to Cologne in advance to make the stop.

As soon as we met, Bishop of Kent smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Steven, congratulations, you have exchanged a large number of top Chinese antiques from the Hermitage Museum, and you have successfully won the most important championship in the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup!

I have to say that your thoroughbred racehorse named Jueying is really amazing, it looks like an angel with wings, watching it gallop on the track is like watching an angel flying! "

"Good afternoon, Bishop of Kent, thank you for your praise. Jueying is indeed an angel. Compared with other racehorses, Jueying is flying at full speed. Other racehorses can't even see its shadow!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, not polite at all.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone got to the point.

"Bishop of Kent, where is the preparation for the joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar? When can we start the operation?"

"All preparations have been completed, and we can start operations at any time. In fact, because you have not been able to arrive in Cologne for a long time, the Germans have already explored the relevant places first.

Fortunately, they didn't find any surprising discoveries, which will not affect our next exploration, but whether we can find the treasure of the Knights Templar in Cologne, I'm afraid it's not very optimistic.

Just like in Berlin, the places we are going to explore basically belong to some branches of the Cologne Catholic Church and Lutheranism, and the exploration must not be around them.

Both the Cologne Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church demanded participation, as well as the German Ministry of Culture, and the Cologne City Government. Of course, the way they participated in exploring actions was mainly supervision!

Because of the shocking discovery in Berlin before, the Cologne city government is particularly active this time. They not only hope that we can find the treasure, but also want to take this opportunity to do a good job of publicity! "

"It doesn't matter, who made this place their territory, and the target buildings belong to the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church respectively, so we can only let them participate, as long as they don't interfere with our exploration!

As for the city government of Cologne, it's perfectly normal to have this kind of thinking. Who has anything to do with money? Once we find something, as long as it is not the treasure of the Knights Templar, they are bound to have a piece of it.

Let's go back to the hotel first. Tomorrow I plan to go to Cologne's antique flea market first, then visit the famous Cologne Cathedral, and then start exploring to find the treasure of the Knights Templar! "

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel first. There are many people waiting for you at the hotel, and there are also many media reporters who have been squatting in the hotel for several days."

With that said, the Bishop of Kent reached out and pointed to the convoy not far away.

Afterwards, everyone walked over to the convoy, ready to accept the customs inspection at Cologne Airport, and then left here by car.


Cologne, located on the Rhine River in western Germany, is the fourth largest city in Germany with a population of more than one million. It is also a famous historical and cultural city and a heavy industrial city.

The city has a long history of construction. It was built as early as 38 BC. It was a military fortress in ancient Rome at that time, and its name comes from the queen of the Roman Empire.

Because it is located in the north-south and east-west traffic hub of Europe, it was already quite developed in the Middle Ages. It is the leading large city in Germany, and its population size even exceeds that of Paris and London at the same time!

In the middle of the nineteenth century, with the development of the nearby Ruhr coalfield and the extension of the railway, Cologne developed more rapidly and became an industrial and commercial center.

In addition to industrial development, Cologne is also a historical and cultural city.

In this city, there are many places of interest, such as the famous Cologne Cathedral, the underground square built in the Roman era, etc. Marx and Engels also founded the "Rheinische Zeitung" here.

When Ye Tian and the others entered the city of Cologne by car, it was already around 1:30 noon.

Compared with Berlin, which is located further north and has cold and humid weather, the weather in Cologne in early spring is much better and warmer.

Especially today, the sky in Cologne seems to have been washed by water. It is blue and transparent, and you can see very high and far away. There are only a few white clouds in the sky, floating in the distant horizon.

And everything under the sky is extraordinarily clear. ,

On both sides of the street that the convoy passes, you can see many historical buildings of different periods, mainly Romanesque and Gothic, as well as Renaissance and Baroque.

In addition, there are many modern Bauhaus-style buildings here, which complement those historical buildings and look harmonious.

There is also the quietly flowing Rhine River passing through the city, the exquisitely designed small Gothic shutters, the crocodile grass covering the walls, the covered oak trees on both sides of the road, and the blooming roses and tulips in the flower beds in the middle of the street.

All of these make up a transparent watercolor painting, which is fascinating to watch.

As soon as the convoy entered the city of Cologne, Ye Tian was attracted by the beautiful scenery outside the car window, admiring it intoxicatedly.

But at this time, the outside world was boiling because of his arrival.

The group of them arrived in Cologne and were preparing to launch a joint exploration operation in Cologne to find the treasure of the Knights Templar. The news has spread like a hurricane throughout Cologne, and even throughout Germany!

The people who heard the news immediately cast their eyes on the convoy driving on the streets of Cologne, betting on Ye Tian. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and even shone with greed.

Among them, some quick-response guys have already started to pack their bags and are preparing to come to Cologne to watch the excitement and maybe make a small fortune.

Many people in Cologne, naturally unwilling to be outdone, also took action one after another.

All of a sudden, under the calm surface of this famous historic city, a large or small undercurrent soon emerged and became restless.

Under such circumstances, Ye Tian and his convoy quickly passed through the city of Cologne, and finally arrived at a five-star hotel in the center of the city!

After the convoy stopped and it was confirmed that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car one after another, and then, accompanied by the Bishop of Kent, walked into the hotel with their heads held high!

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