Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2224 The Treasure Delivered to Your Door

As soon as Ye Tian and the others entered the hotel lobby, many media reporters who got the news in advance and had been squatting here for several days immediately rushed up like a tide.

Fortunately, the Cologne police and the hotel security department were well prepared. They quickly pulled up a cordon to keep these media reporters six or seven meters away from Ye Tian and the others.

The media reporters who were stopped could only stand outside the cordon asking questions loudly, and tried their best to extend the microphone in their hands to Ye Tian.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I am a reporter from the Cologne Daily News. You have come to Cologne this time. Are you here to explore the treasure of the Templars? If so, can you tell me where the treasure may be buried?

When you were in Berlin, you did not find the treasure of the Knights Templar in the depths of the Templar Palace, but you accidentally found the treasure of Hitler. Is it possible to find other treasures in this joint exploration operation in Cologne? "

"Good afternoon, Steven, I am a reporter from German National Television. According to rumors, the Cologne Cathedral, which was built in the late 13th century, is one of the targets of your exploration this time. Is this true?

Cologne Cathedral is the symbol and symbol of the city of Cologne, and it is also the most important historical building. If the treasure of the Knights Templar is really hidden in the cathedral, how will you start your exploration? "

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian immediately stopped and turned to look at these excited media reporters.

He quickly glanced at the scene, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven, I'm glad to meet you here, Cologne is a city with a long history and beautiful scenery, I like this city.

On the way here by car just now, I was completely attracted by the beautiful scenery of the city of Cologne, especially those ancient buildings full of historical charm, which are very charming.

Needless to say, the reason why the joint exploration team formed by the Daredevil Exploration Company and the Vatican came to the city of Cologne was for the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

As for where the Knights Templar's treasure may be buried, whether the famous Cologne Cathedral is one of the targets, these need to be kept secret, so I can't disclose them. I hope everyone understands.

How we carry out exploration operations depends on the specific situation! Whether or not the Templar or other treasures will be found during this joint search, I do not know.

Please be patient, your concerns will be answered in a few days, and I would like to say that I am very happy to see you here and hope you all have a great day."

After speaking,

Ye Tian waved at these media reporters, then turned around and walked towards the elevator, ignoring these media reporters who were still asking loudly.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them entered the elevator and disappeared from the hotel lobby.

After a while, the elevator has arrived at the target floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Ye Tian saw several armed security personnel under him, scattered around the elevator room and the stairs, maintaining a certain degree of vigilance.

As in the past, Cole, who came to Cologne ahead of the station, booked an entire floor of rooms in this five-star hotel as everyone's residence during their stay in Cologne.

The Bishop of Kent, Leonardo and others who arrived in Cologne earlier, as well as many senior monks from the Vatican, lived in the guest rooms on the lower floor, which also occupied the entire floor.

In this way, it is much easier for everyone to communicate, and the security force can also be strengthened, so that they are not afraid of any guy with ulterior motives.

The first time he entered the floor where the guest room was located, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the corridors and all the guest rooms, as well as the stairwell and all other facilities within the scope of the perspective, for safety reasons.

He didn't spare even the corridors and rooms upstairs, and the floor downstairs where the Bishop of Kent lived.

Cole and the others did a great job of security. In these places, Ye Tian didn't find any potential danger.

In addition to the hotel's original monitoring system and the monitoring and listening equipment installed by Cole and the others, he did not find any other hidden monitoring equipment.

Of course, this is only a partial situation.

Some guest rooms at both ends of the corridor, because of the heavy walls in the middle, are beyond Ye Tian's perspective.

If you want to understand the situation in those guest rooms, and the corresponding situation upstairs and downstairs, you can only walk over and see through.

While Ye Tian was secretly seeing through, the Bishop of Kent, who walked out of the elevator together, said:

"Steven, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany, relevant people from the Cologne city government, and representatives of the Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church are all upstairs in a large conference room. When do you plan to meet with them? "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Bishop of Kent, then smiled and said:

"Let those German friends wait a little longer, I believe they won't mind, let's go to the guest room to settle down first, and then go to meet those German friends"

"Okay, just let those guys wait"

The Bishop of Kent nodded with a smile and said that he had no disagreement.

Next, under Cole's guidance, Ye Tian and his group walked towards the presidential suite located in the middle of the floor.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Ye Tian, ​​who had washed up, walked out of the presidential suite, took David and Mattis upstairs, and went to meet the Germans who had been waiting in the conference room for a long time.

As for the purpose of those Germans, needless to say, they all came for the treasure of the Knights Templar that might be buried in Cologne, and they all wanted to get what they wanted from it.

The meeting was not too long, and it ended in less than forty minutes. The Germans left the five-star hotel one after another and went back to prepare.

And Ye Tian, ​​who returned to the presidential suite, did not relax, and someone had already visited him.

It was none other than the two scumbags who had dealt with in Berlin before, Thomas and Finn, two important leaders of the German Xinnacui organization.

Just like in Berlin, as soon as these two Xinnacui scumbags stepped out of the elevator and entered the floor where Ye Tian and the others lived, they were searched thoroughly by Matisse, and they were almost stripped for inspection.

Although these two Xinnacui scumbags were extremely angry and gritted their teeth with hatred, they could only endure this humiliation and let Mathis and the others search their bodies.

After the body search, Mattis took the two guys into the presidential suite and came to Ye Tian.

It's the second time we've met, and we're considered old friends, so we can't help but be hypocritical and courteous, even if we wish that the bastard standing in front of us will die immediately.

After going through the procedures on the scene, these two Xinnacui scumbags couldn't wait to get to the point.

"Steven, according to the agreement we reached in Berlin, if we compensate a piece of treasure information worth more than 200 million U.S. dollars, you will stop retaliating, and our beam will be exposed? Does this agreement still count?"

Thomas gritted his back molars and said, his eyes were full of unwillingness, humiliation, and fear.

They were already frightened by Ye Tian's bloody means of revenge. When they left Berlin and rushed back to Munich, seeing the miserable situation of their organization, they almost cried on the spot!

Because of this, they mobilized all their connections and forces to find a piece of valuable treasure information that met the requirements as quickly as possible, and came to Cologne to meet Ye Tian to avoid bad luck from happening again!

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Since it's an agreement, of course it counts! I've always said what I said, and I will never renege on my promise! Could it be that you have already found the treasure information that meets the requirements? It seems that your efficiency is very high!"

Thomas nodded slightly, and said in pain:

"Yes, we did find a treasure message that meets the requirements. I hope this treasure message can calm the dispute between us and end the war!"

"Tell me, what kind of treasure information did you find? I'm very interested."

Ye Tian said with a smile, eyes full of curiosity.

However, Thomas did not respond immediately, but looked at David and Jason who were also in the living room.

His intention is self-evident. Does this valuable treasure information need to be kept secret? Should David and Jason avoid it?

David, Jason and the others responded quickly. Before Ye Tian could speak, they got up and walked towards the restaurant.

They didn't worry about Ye Tian's safety at all.

In the case of bare hands, no one can hurt Ye Tian at all, that is purely suicidal!

Seeing David and the others leave, Thomas took out an envelope from his coat pocket, pushed it in front of Ye Tian, ​​and whispered:

"Steven, all the relevant information about the treasure I mentioned is contained in this envelope, part of it is text data, and part of electronic data is stored in a USB flash drive!

As far as I know, this treasure is related to a big man in Germany during World War II. On the eve of the end of World War II, this big man fled Germany with a large number of antique artworks and gold and silver treasures.

The antique works of art and gold and silver treasures he took away were all looted from various European countries. They are very closely related to the Hitler treasure you found in Berlin.

After this great man escaped from Germany, he took these antique artworks and gold and silver treasures across the ocean to Argentina in South America, where he disappeared completely without anonymity,..."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth immediately.

Argentina! Another Nacui treasure, interesting!

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