Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2262 Knight's Tomb

In the main cathedral, exploration has already begun.

According to Ye Tian's assignment, seven or eight exploration teams in groups of two quickly dispersed to different areas of the church, and began to scan the ground and walls with the pulse metal detector they brought to search for treasures.

Ye Tian himself was not idle either, he looked down at the ground under his feet, pretending to be seriously looking for clues about the treasure.

The three Portuguese who were in charge of on-site supervision followed closely behind him, watching his every move, and everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

In the blink of an eye, everyone has discovered something.

"Steven, come and take a look at this granite floor, engraved with a mysterious symbol unique to the Knights Templar, similar to the mysterious symbols we saw in several other places before"

Bishop Kent's voice came over, and he sounded quite excited.

He and two other senior Vatican monks are just three or four meters away, and they are also exploring. At the moment, they are studying a piece of granite on the floor.

Hearing his words, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look over there, and walked over there.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, they all looked towards the Bishop of Kent, and everyone's eyes flashed with surprise.

Did you find a treasure? The surprise came a little too soon!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian came to Bishop of Kent and the others, followed the direction of Bishop of Kent's finger, and looked at the irregular granite floor on the ground.

On this granite floor, there is indeed a mysterious symbol unique to the Knights Templar. It looks a bit like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, but it is specious, and no one understands the meaning!

In addition, on another adjacent granite floor, there is still half of the remaining Maltese cross. Although it has been eroded by the years and has been stepped on by countless people, its outline is still clearly visible.

Seeing this half Malother cross, everyone immediately understood one thing.

At some time in the past, the floor of this church has been moved, or renovated, and some of the original granite floors in the church have been replaced, and some have been replaced due to damage.

The color, texture, and patchwork shape of the granite floors on the ground, as well as the many traces of repairs, are enough to prove this point!

This floor carved with mysterious symbols,

The preservation is still relatively good, but only half of the floor where half of the Maltese cross is engraved is left, and the other half has long since disappeared.

After quickly scanning the situation on the floor, Ye Tian nodded and said:

"That's right, this is indeed the mysterious symbol of the Knights Templar. It is in line with the mysterious symbols we found in several other places. Unfortunately, we don't know its meaning!"

With that said, Ye Tian squatted down, and gently stroked the mysterious symbol carved on the floor with his hand.

The rest of the people also looked at the mysterious symbol, confused, secretly guessing the meaning it represented.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian looked up at Father Ramirez, and asked curiously:

"Father Ramírez, it is well known that the Portuguese Jesuits developed from the Portuguese branch of the Knights Templar, and for a long time Tomar was the headquarters of the Jesuits.

Here is the Cathedral of Tomar again. According to common sense, these mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar should be inherited in your Portuguese Jesuits. I wonder if you know this mysterious symbol? "

Hearing this, Father Ramirez and Sister Sophia couldn't help blushing, obviously a little embarrassed.

"I'm disappointed, Steven, I don't know this mysterious symbol, and as far as I know, no one in the Portuguese Jesuits knows these mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar.

Yes, the Portuguese Jesuits were indeed born out of the Portuguese branch of the Knights Templar, but many mysterious and esoteric knowledge of the Knights Templar have not been passed down, and have long been lost.

In this church, there are many mysterious symbols like this, some are carved on the granite floor, some are carved on the walls, even on the altar, there are such mysterious symbols.

According to records, in the early eighteenth century, the ground here was renovated once, and part of the damaged granite floor was replaced, otherwise there would be more mysterious symbols of unknown meaning”

Father Ramirez gave a briefing, but it was of no use.

"That's really a pity. Since this is the case, we don't have to spend time and energy researching the meaning of this mysterious symbol. Let's scan it with a metal detector and see if we find anything!"

Ye Tian continued, with a bit of regret in his tone.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the granite floor in front of him and asked the two employees who followed him to scan it with a pulse metal detector.

The results of the scan were disappointing. There were no metal objects beneath the granite floors, and the pulse metal detector did not respond.

To be more precise, from the ground down to a depth of about six meters and five meters underground, there are no buried metal objects.

As for whether there are metal objects deeper underground, it is unknown!

However, the east is not bright, the west is bright!

Just when everyone was slightly disappointed, there was a burst of melodious beeping of the pulse metal detector not far away, which sounded like the sound of nature and was very moving.

Immediately afterwards, a pleasantly surprised voice came over.

"Steven, we have detected a very strong metal signal, which is about two meters deep underground. You'd better come and have a look, maybe it's a treasure."

Hearing this, Ye Tian didn't hesitate, and immediately walked over there.

David, Bishop of Kent, and the three Portuguese followed suit one after another, and everyone's footsteps were extremely brisk.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already walked to the detection team.

He didn't immediately look at the LCD screen of the pulse metal detector to view and analyze the detected metal signal, but looked at the ground where the metal signal was detected.

as expected!

On this ground, he once again saw the granite floor engraved with the mysterious symbol of the Knights Templar, but this mysterious symbol was different from the previous one.

After quickly scanning the ground, Ye Tian raised his head, looked at the LCD screen of the pulse metal detector, and began to analyze the detected metal signal!

At this time, David and the three Portuguese also followed, and everyone looked at Ye Tian expectantly, looking forward to his analysis results!

In just a moment, Ye Tian came to a conclusion.

"Unfortunately, although this is also a small treasure, it does not have much excavation value, at least for our joint exploration team, our goal is the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Based on the analysis of the metal signal scanned by the pulse metal detector, the metal object buried deep underground is likely to be a Templar knight, and he should be wearing a full set of crusader knight equipment.

The reason why I say this is that I analyze the length, width, and posture of this metal object. This Templar knight wearing a full set of knight equipment should be buried in a coffin.

If as expected, he should have a crusader knight sword used in front of him, a triangular knight shield on his side, and a knight helmet on his head, just like Guardim outside."

As he said that, Ye Tian put his hands on his chest, and made a posture of holding a knight's sword in his hands, which looked very vivid.

Before everyone could respond, he went on to say:

"This is the church built by Guardim Pais, and it can also be said to be the church of the Templars. In the Middle Ages, this kind of church was often the place where the Templars died.

Not only the Templars, but in the Western world, there are many famous tombs in many churches with a long history, such as Michelangelo, who was buried in the Santa Croce Basilica in Florence.

The Knight Templar who is qualified to be buried in this church must not be an ordinary person. His Crusader knight equipment may be very valuable, and there may be many wonderful stories about him.

However, out of respect for the deceased, I do not intend to dig this treasure, and this is not my style of conduct, as to whether other people will dig, it has nothing to do with us."

Hearing his analysis, everyone at the scene nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

There was only one exception, the Portuguese archaeologist.

The buddy's eyes suddenly lit up, and a look of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, and he was even ready to move.

It seems that there is a saying that is true. To a certain extent, archaeologists are legal tomb robbers.

The Portuguese archaeologist in front of him obviously started to think about the Templar who was buried deep in the ground, and was going to dig his grave!

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