Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2263 The Number of Eternal Life

In the following exploration process, everyone found seven metal objects buried deep in the ground one after another. The beeps of the pulse metal detector kept ringing one after another, which sounded very pleasant.

After Ye Tian's careful analysis, the seven places where metal objects were buried in the subsequent detections were also the tombs of Templar knights, and the metal signals came from the complete set of knight equipment worn by them.

These Templars, who had died more than seven or eight hundred years ago, were all buried in the ground more than two meters deep, not only fully armed, but also neatly arranged.

They were buried on the left and right sides of the church, four on each side, corresponding to each other. The distance to the middle aisle of the church was exactly equal, and they were lined up from the church door to the front of the altar.

This orderly burial method looks like a sacrifice, fully armed, and like two teams of knights guarding the crucifix on the altar.

As for the graves of these templar knights, Ye Tian had no intention of digging them.

Even though these Templar tombs can be regarded as treasures everywhere, the Templars in them have special identities and the weapons and equipment worn on their bodies are also valuable antique relics, which are of great historical research value!

Of course, what really prompted Ye Tian to make the decision to give up digging was the result seen through perspective.

Under the perspective, the situation in the tombs of these Templars has already been seen clearly by him, without any omission.

In these Templar graves, he didn't see any priceless antique works of art. There were only piles of rusty Templar equipment and a few antique artifacts of relatively ordinary value.

Ye Tian got a lot of Templar equipment and antique relics like this in his previous expeditions to explore the treasures of the Templar Order, and he is no longer interested.

There are many antiques of this type in his private exhibition hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the "Kings and Knights" exhibition hall, and any one of them is much better than those in the tombs of these Templars.

In addition, there is another reason. He intends to give the antiques in the tombs of the eight Templars as gifts to the Portuguese, to give the Portuguese some sweetness, to improve the relationship between the two parties, and to facilitate the next work.

In fact, the Portuguese archaeologist who was supervising the church site had two eyeballs already red, and he was also very excited.

This buddy wished he could do it immediately, dig the ground directly, and dig out the coffins of those templar knights buried deep underground, so as to find out.

For him,

This is a great opportunity that fell from the sky, absolutely not to be missed!

After checking and analyzing the metal signal fed back from the eighth Templar grave, Ye Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and turned his head to look at the crucifix on the altar.

After pondering for a while, he said:

"Father Ramirez and Sister Sophia, do you know where the statue that was originally placed here went? The marble statue on the altar should have been carved in the late eighteenth century.

The eight Templar tombs that have just been detected, their location, arrangement, and burial posture in full armor, all have profound meanings, and they should be guarding something.

If the expectations are correct, the things guarded by the long-gone Templars should be the statues that were originally placed here, but it is unknown what the statues are.”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at the marble statue on the altar with doubts and curiosity in their eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Father Ramirez said:

"Steven, according to records, there used to be a crucifix on the altar of the church. No one knows whether it is the same as the current statue. Let's check the information later.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, a violent earthquake occurred in Lisbon. The crucifix that was originally placed on the altar fell from the altar, smashed to pieces, and then was cleaned out of the church.

Decades later, in the late eighteenth century, the church hired a well-known sculptor in Lisbon to carve this crucifix and place it on this altar until now.”

"That's such a pity. The broken crucifix must have been made by a famous artist, and it is likely to hide some important secret and have some special meaning. It's a pity that we can't see it!"

Ye Tian sighed softly, feeling a little regretful.

As soon as the voice fell, David continued to say:

"Steven, what's so special about these eight Templars buried deep in the ground? Why do you say that they are buried here with a deep meaning? Can you tell everyone?"

Following David's words, everyone turned to Ye Tian to see what kind of explanation he would give.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"First of all, after obtaining the territory of Tomar in the middle of the twelfth century, under the leadership of Guardim Pais, it was quickly built into a religious holy place that belongs exclusively to the Knights Templar.

This main church became the place where the Knights Templar held secret religious ceremonies, which has special significance. During the construction of the church, Guardim used a lot of knowledge he had mastered here.

These include some mysterious and esoteric knowledge closely related to the Knights Templar, and even some knowledge of the supernatural and numerology. These eight Templar graves are the best illustrations.

In the knowledge system of the Knights Templar, the number eight has a very special meaning. In fact, this number represents eternal life, and the Knights Templar's oath of membership only contains eight tenets.

A Templar who was found guilty of an expiable penance had to spend eight days in penance to atone; it is for this reason that I say that the existence of these eight Templar graves is of great significance”

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads to look at Father Ramirez and Sister Sophia in unison to see how they would react.

"Steven is right. The number eight is very special in the knowledge system of the Knights Templar. It does mean eternal life. It can also be seen in some historical documents of our church."

Father Ramirez nodded and said, affirming Ye Tian's previous explanation.

Next, everyone discussed for a while about these eight Templar graves.

While he was talking, there was a sudden burst of pleasant chirping of a pulse metal detector from behind the altar, still so pleasant,

Immediately afterwards, Jason's voice came over, his tone full of surprise.

"Steven, take a look behind the altar. We have detected the signal of metal objects under the granite floor here, and the depth from the ground is about three meters.

From the analysis of the detected metal signals, this time it is not the tomb of a Templar knight in the Middle Ages, maybe it is the treasure of the Knights Templar we are looking for, that would be great! "

Following Jason's words, everyone in the church turned their heads to look at the altar, and everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

Unfortunately, the tall altar completely blocked Jason and the others, so everyone couldn't see anything.

"Everyone, let's go take a look and see what Jason and the others found. Is it the famous treasure of the Knights Templar?"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of please.

Afterwards, everyone walked over to the altar.

In two or three steps, everyone had bypassed the altar and came to the back of the altar.

The space here is quite narrow, no more than two meters wide. It is a narrow passage with walls on both sides and a solemn altar on the other.

The two of Jason and the others were standing in this passage, scanning the ground with a pulse metal detector. The beeping sound of the metal detector was still coming out, like the sound of heaven.

The first time he came here, Ye Tian looked at the ground that Jason and the others were exploring.

The granite floor is still paved here, some new and some old, the old one was laid when the church was built in the twelfth century, and the new one was replaced hundreds of years later!

On some old granite floors, Ye Tian once again saw the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar, and several mysterious symbols that he had never seen before.

After quickly scanning the situation on the ground, he looked at the pulse metal detector monitor in Jason's hand to check and analyze the metal signal scanned by the metal detector.

After only a moment, he nodded affirmatively and said:

"That's right, the metal objects buried under these granite floors, judging from the length, width, and posture, are not Templars in full armor.

These metal objects are distributed in a more concentrated area and density, and are likely to be packed in several boxes. Guys, we may really find the Knights Templar treasure! "

Before the words fell, the scene was already boiling.

"Whoa! That's great!"

Cheers suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire church.

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