Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2270 resting place

In just a moment, the convoy arrived at the entrance of Santa Maria Church.

Unlike the previous main church, there are not so many historical buildings around the Church of Santa Maria, the view is relatively open, and there are relatively few tourists and pedestrians visiting here.

The convoy stopped at the side of the road in the square in front of the church, only about ten meters away from the gate of the church.

When the convoy stopped, Ye Tian immediately said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Matisse, there is no need to remove the four boxes that were found in the cathedral just now, you arrange for your guys to protect the convoy, and don't let any idlers approach.

The church of Santa Maria is not very big, I will arrange the time well, no matter whether we find the treasure of the Knights Templar in the church or not, we will come out soon and then return to the hotel”

After the voice fell, Matisse immediately responded:

"Understood, Steven, leave the security outside the church to us, don't worry!"

Next, Mattis reported the situation on the scene and the location of the security personnel who arrived in advance.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian opened the car door, got out of the bulletproof SUV he was riding in, and stood on the front square of Santa Maria Church.

At the same time, David, Bishop Kent, many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, and the Portuguese who followed, all got off the car one after another and walked over here.

When everyone gathered in one place, Ye Tian immediately got to the point, and said loudly with a smile:

"Everyone, let's invite everyone out of the Santa Maria Church as we did when we explored the main church before, and then we will enter the church to explore the treasure.

The Portuguese side needs to send three people to follow the joint exploration team into the church for on-site supervision. For the sake of confidentiality, mobile phones are still not allowed.”

Hearing this, many Portuguese people at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, depressed but helpless.

"Okay, Steven, we agree to your terms"

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal nodded and said with a rather helpless expression.

Next, Father Ramirez, another senior Jesuit monk, and Barbosa walked towards Santa Maria Church together.

While they were clearing the field, many media reporters and other idlers who followed the exploration convoy also rushed here.

However, they could only stay outside the cordon drawn up by the police, stretching their necks and looking in this direction.

"I didn't expect Steven and the others to come to Santa Maria Church again. I don't know if they can find the treasure again? Even a bigger treasure"

"Maybe, Steven is so lucky. I wouldn't be surprised if any miracle happened to him. This bastard is a miracle creator."

Just as people were talking about it, the few tourists and clergy in Santa Maria Church were invited out of the church by Father Ramirez and the others, including the priest of this church.

Seeing that the clearing work was completed, Ye Tian and the others walked towards the door of the church together.

"The Church of Santa Maria was also built by Guardim Pais. It was built in the middle and late twelfth century. It is the same period as the main church we just explored and the Tomar Castle on the top of the hill.

This is a historical building with both Byzantine and Gothic styles. In the history of the Knights Templar, the Church of Santa Maria has a very special significance. It is the resting place of the Portuguese Templars.

When we were in the main church just now, we explored the tombs of eight Templar knights deep underground, and as expected, there must be more Templar knights buried deep underground in the Church of Santa Maria."

on the way,

Ye Tian introduced the history of Santa Maria Church to David and Jason.

After the words fell, the boy Jason immediately continued:

"I don't know if the Templars buried deep underground in this church are also fully armed and wearing a full set of knight equipment. If so, and there are a large number of them, I am afraid it will cause us great disturbance."

"Then we need to distinguish carefully, and see whether what we detected is a treasure, or a Templar knight who is fully armed and buried in the ground. As long as there is really a treasure buried here, don't even think about escaping my eyes."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

While speaking, the group of them had already walked into this ancient church built in the Middle Ages.

The first time you enter the church, you will see a downward granite step.

There are eight steps in total, because they have been trampled on for many years, the steps are quite smooth, as if they have been deliberately polished, and the light can be seen.

Ye Tian stopped at the top step of the steps, looked down at the granite steps, and then explained to the people around him:

"When I was in the cathedral, I once said that in the knowledge system of the Knights Templar, the number eight has a very special meaning, which means eternal life.

Compared with the main church, Santa Maria Church is full of mysterious religious numerology, and the granite steps under our feet are one of them.

Going down this step is considered to have entered the Church of Santa Maria. For the Templars who rest here, it is like stepping into eternal life.

Walking through the eight granite steps, there are eight colonnades standing on both sides of the middle aisle of the church, four on each side, separating the central hall and the outer corridor.

Going along the middle passage is the nave of the church. On a high window directly above the nave, there is another mysterious symbol with special meaning.

It is a symbol of a five-pointed star. In the related classics of Christianity and Judaism, the five-pointed star above the nave is related to the legendary Solomon's seal.

The Seal of Solomon is a mysterious and magical ring given by God to the ancient Jewish king Solomon in the ancient Bible. Of course, these are just legends”

While explaining, Ye Tian also pointed to the granite steps under his feet, the eight pillars standing in the church, the nave in front, and the mysterious five-pointed star above the nave.

Following the direction of his fingers, David and Jason kept moving their eyes, observing the situation in this ancient church.

At the same time, their understanding of this ancient church is rapidly deepening.

Father Ramirez and other Portuguese who followed everyone into the church could not help but flash a look of admiration in their eyes, even though they didn't like Ye Tian very much.

Next, everyone walked down the steps and came to the ground inside the church.

As soon as he landed and stood still, the Bishop of Kent pointed to the granite floor under his feet and said:

"Steven, look at these granite floors, the Maltese cross and the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar are engraved on them, but there are no other floors on the side."

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked towards the ground.

as expected!

The irregularly shaped granite floors on the ground were indeed engraved with Maltese crosses and mysterious symbols, and they were polished as smooth as mirrors.

Ye Tian swept the ground, then smiled and said:

"As I said just now, the resting place of the Portuguese Templars in the Church of Santa Maria, engraved with Maltese crosses and mystical symbols is nothing more than normal, if there are no such things, it would be abnormal.

In the Church of Santa Maria, not only the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar can be seen everywhere, but also a lot of weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar, as well as other things related to the Knights Templar.

Parts of the church's grounds were rebuilt in the sixteenth century, and it was at that time that much of the Knights Templar connection was removed or eradicated.

The unmarked granite floors on the ground were relaid in the 16th century and later, but there is still a lot of things related to the Knights Templar in this church.”

While Ye Tian was explaining, many of his company employees had dragged huge metal suitcases into the Church of Santa Maria, ready to start exploration work.

When everyone entered the church, the gate of this ancient church was closed, blocking the sight of everyone in the square in front of the church.

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