Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2271 Secret Arrangement

Time passed quickly, almost an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The door of St. Mary's Church, which had been closed all this time, finally opened again. Ye Tian and the others walked out of the church, but they were empty-handed.

Seeing this scene, people immediately understood that the joint exploration team did not find any surprising discoveries in the Church of Santa Maria, let alone the famous treasure of the Knights Templar.

However, there are still people who are not reconciled, or worried, so they must ask what happened.

Just as Ye Tian and the others walked out of the church, the high-ranking Portuguese government officials and high-level Jesuit monks waiting outside the church immediately rushed up like a tide.

"Steven, have you found anything in the Church of Santa Maria? Let me introduce the situation to everyone."

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal asked eagerly, his eyes full of expectation.

Ye Tian looked at the senior Portuguese official, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Mr. Minister, in the Church of Santa Maria, although we have detected some metal signals buried deep in the ground, those signals are all from the Templars who are resting here, not treasures.

Except for the full knightly gear worn by the Templars, we have not detected any other metalwork, and there are many signs and mysterious symbols related to the Templars in the church.

The specific meanings of these special marks and mysterious symbols need further research, especially those unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar. I am afraid they will never be able to solve the specific meanings."

At the same time as Ye Tian said these words, Father Ramirez and Barbosa, who had just followed the joint exploration team into the church for on-site supervision, nodded lightly in unison.

Faced with this result, the Vice Minister of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed across his face, as did the rest of the Portuguese.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the exploration operation that just ended, and then walked to the convoy with David and the others, preparing to leave here and return to the hotel.

As for the many media reporters outside the cordon asking questions loudly, he simply ignored them and turned a blind eye.

Coming to the side of the convoy, just as everyone was about to board the car, Ye Tian suddenly said to the Bishop of Kent:

"Bishop of Kent, let's take the same car back to the hotel. We can discuss the follow-up exploration on the way."

"Okay, Steven"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, and then walked over here without thinking too much.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, everyone didn't have any superfluous thoughts about Ye Tian's move, and thought it was normal.

Soon, everyone got on the car, and the convoy started and left the Church of Santa Maria.

As soon as the convoy left the square in front of the church, Ye Tian said to the Bishop of Kent who was sitting in the same car:

"Bishop of Kent, when I was exploring St. Mary's Church just now, I found something very interesting, which may lead us to find the treasure of the Knights Templar, and even find those long-lost Christian relics!"

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

The next moment, the cardinal couldn't wait to say:

"Interesting things that can lead us to find those long-lost Christian relics? True or false,

Steven, did I hear you right? Can you elaborate on what you found? "

Ye Tian didn't answer, and looked at the Bishop of Kent with a smile on his face, without saying a word.

Seeing this situation, the Bishop of Kent immediately understood that he would not be able to ask anything from the guy in front of him.

After a short pause, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"If my speculation is as accurate as before, then I suggest, Bishop of Kent, you'd better call His Majesty the Pope and ask him to bring people to Portugal, and bring as many people as possible, this is for safety reasons .

This is Portugal, the stronghold of the Portuguese Society of Jesuits, and the Priory of the Mount Sacrifice is also very powerful here. If we really find Christian holy relics here, it may be very difficult to take them away.

At this time, the Pope needs to step in. His status and influence are there, and no one can ignore it, especially in the Western world. More importantly, he himself comes from the Jesuits, although it is the Argentine Jesuits.

With this relationship, it is much more convenient to communicate with the Portuguese Jesuits. For the sake of safety and for the benefit of both of us, the exploration must be suspended until His Majesty the Pope has settled the Portuguese Jesuits.”

Without the slightest hesitation, the Bishop of Kent immediately nodded and said:

"Steven, I trust your speculation very much, and I believe His Majesty the Pope is the same. If you say you can find the treasure, then you will definitely find it! I will call His Majesty the Pope immediately and ask him to bring people to Portugal."

With that said, the Bishop of Kent took out his mobile phone and was ready to make a call.

"Don't worry, Bishop of Kent. It's not too late to call when you get back to the hotel. The Vatican is not far from Portugal, and you can get here soon by plane."

Ye Tian said with a light smile, stopping the Bishop of Kent.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the topic just now.

"Before His Majesty the Pope arrives in Portugal and completely settles the Portuguese Jesuits, I plan to dispose of the four boxes of top-level antiques that I just harvested this morning as soon as possible or send someone to transport them back to New York to avoid long nights and dreams.

Before the four boxes of top-level antique relics are not disposed of or properly placed, I will not be able to carry out follow-up exploration operations. It is obviously inappropriate to put those top-level antique relics in the hotel or take them with me.

Bishop of Kent, I have a very strong premonition that this trip to Portugal is likely to be the last stop of our joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar. I hope to draw a perfect end to our cooperation! "

"I hope so, Steven, I'm sure the result will be perfect"

The Bishop of Kent nodded and shook hands with Ye Tian with a smile on his face.

In less than ten minutes, the convoy returned to the hotel and stopped at the hotel entrance.

At this time, the entrance of the hotel and the surrounding area have become much quieter. Many pedestrians, tourists, and many media reporters who gathered here before have already dispersed.

Most of those guys are on their way to the Church of Santa Maria, and it is estimated that they will arrive here soon, and will block this place again, the situation is even worse than before.

After the convoy stopped and the scene was confirmed to be safe, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car one after another, and walked into the hotel with the four boxes full of top-notch antiques.

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

After washing up, Ye Tian, ​​dressed in a fresh suit, was enjoying a long-overdue lunch with David and the others in the dining room of the luxury suite, chatting and laughing.

At this moment, Mathis suddenly knocked on the door and walked into the suite, came to the restaurant and said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, the old man from the mountains of the Assassin faction has come, and he brought a subordinate, who is the middle-aged Arab man who went to Berlin with him before."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Obviously, these legendary and mysterious assassins have been following us all along, and they have come to Tomar a long time ago, and they probably live not far from each other, otherwise they would never have arrived at the hotel so soon.

Let the old man in the mountain come in, Matisse, but remember to search, just in case, I really want to know what the Assassins can come up with in exchange for the two pocket swords."

"Got it, Steven"

Matisse nodded, then turned and left the luxurious suite.

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