Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2272 The Seal of the Great Khan

About five or six minutes later, Matisse knocked on the door and walked into the luxurious suite with the contemporary mountain old man of the Assassin faction and his bodyguards.

Seeing them coming in, Ye Tian immediately greeted them with a bright smile on his face.

When the two sides met, it was naturally a polite exchange of greetings, and everyone behaved very politely.

Next, Ye Tian brought the two old friends into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

As soon as he sat down, the old man in the mountain got to the point and said impatiently:

"Steven, you said on the phone that you found the most important token of our Assassins, the pair of sleeve swords made by the first generation of mountain old men. Is it true? Can you show me the pair of A sword in the sleeve?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, then nodded and said:

"Of course it's true, Hassan. We found a treasure deep underground in the Cathedral of Tomar, which is part of the treasure of the Knights Templar, including the pair of pocket swords of your Assassins."

After speaking, Ye Tian brought a portable safe from the side and put it on the coffee table, then opened the safe, took out the pair of pocket swords from it, and placed it in front of Hassan and his assistants.

While taking out the pair of swords in the sleeves, Ye Tian also expressed a few words of emotion.

"This is the pair of pocket swords we found under the main church. It is consistent with the picture information you showed me in Berlin before. All functions are intact and there is no trace of rust.

I have to admit that it is really a miracle that such a pair of dreadful weapons can be forged more than a thousand years ago. No wonder you Assassins regard it as a treasure!

You can appreciate and appraise this pair of swords in the pocket. After you appraise it, we can talk about the transaction. I am very interested in your transaction chips! "

"Okay, Steven, let's appreciate this pair of babies first, let's talk about the transaction later"

Hassan nodded excitedly and then picked up one of the hidden swords, appreciating and appraising it carefully with bright eyes.

It can be seen that this contemporary mountain old man of the Assassin sect and an extremely dangerous element in the eyes of the world, at this moment, his hands are trembling slightly with excitement, and there seems to be tears in his eyes.

The middle-aged Arab man sitting next to him was equally excited, staring at the pair of swords in the sleeves that shone with a faint cold light, and he was reluctant to blink his eyelids.

In just a moment, Hassan took a thorough look at the pair of pocket swords.

He looked very carefully, especially the Arabic inscriptions engraved on the pair of sleeve swords. He even checked them word by word, and stroked them lightly with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the mechanisms on the pair of pocket swords and began to test their functions.

"Shua, Shua"

Accompanied by two light sounds, two short swords about 20 centimeters in length bounced out of the two sleeve swords like lightning, and the cold light was overwhelming.

Although Hassan is the contemporary mountain old man of the Assassin sect, this is the first time he has seen and personally handled the most important token of his sect. As the two daggers popped out, he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow! What a perfect pair of hidden weapons!"

The Arab man sitting next to him acted even more exaggeratedly, his eyes were extremely hot.

Next, Hassan looked at the two pocket swords again and again, and then pressed the mechanism to retract the short sword.

Put the pair of swords in the pocket back on the coffee table.

"Undoubtedly, Steven, this is the pair of pocket swords that our Assassins have lost for more than 800 years. They are the most important tokens of the Assassins. Thank you very much for helping us find this pair of priceless treasures." !"

Hassan said excitedly, and shook hands with Ye Tian again.

"You're welcome, Hassan, I'm also doing something like cuddling grass and beating rabbits. Can I show off your trading chips now? I'm very interested!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, very relaxed.

"Okay, Steven, according to the terms we negotiated in Berlin, we made a list of antique artworks from China or related to China, and you can choose some of them for trading.

You are a top expert in the identification of antique works of art, so you can naturally identify the authenticity of those Chinese antique works of art and give an accurate valuation. We have also made an assessment of the value of those antique works of art."

Hassan nodded, obviously well prepared.

After finishing the words, the Arab man sitting next to him took out an IPAD from his bag, opened it, clicked on a video, and pushed the IPAD over.

As the video started playing, Ye Tian's attention was immediately attracted by the content of the video.

What appear in this video are mainly some exquisite Chinese porcelain, and it is the famous Yuan Qinghua, as well as some other Chinese antique works of art, either from China or have a great relationship with China.

Among those Yuan blue and white porcelains, there are blue and white dragon pots, blue and white general character pots, blue and white plum vases, etc., and small ones include cups, plates, blue and white holding pots, etc., each of which is extremely exquisite and of great value. Fei.

Among the other antique works of art, there are seals engraved with Chinese characters, yellowing scrolls, inkstones that have been passed down for thousands of years, and gold-plated Buddha statues, etc., each of which is a top-notch item of great value.

Seeing these treasures, Ye Tian's face immediately flashed with ecstasy, and he was so excited that he almost raised his arms and cheered.

It was indeed a bit unexpected that the Assassins were able to produce such a top-notch Chinese antique artwork, and it was also an unexpected surprise.

This video is not long, and the filming is not very professional. Many details of those Chinese antique artworks have not been filmed, let alone professional and accurate explanations.

But this is also understandable. The Assassins are a group of assassins who have been hiding in the dark for years. Killing is their specialty. Appraising antique works of art is a complete layman!

They were able to find so many top Chinese antique artworks and make this video, which is already commendable, and they couldn't ask for more!

Soon, the video will finish playing.

Ye Tianqiang resisted the urge to watch the video again, looked up at Hassan who was sitting opposite, and asked curiously:

"Hassan, can you tell me where you got these antique Chinese artworks? Just from the video data, these are top-notch goods, and each one is very valuable.

Especially those Yuan blue-and-white porcelains, many of which have never appeared in the market. It is also the first time I saw those precious Yuan blue-and-white porcelains in the hands of who collected them before?

There is also the jade seal engraved with "The Treasure of Fuguo Anmin". If the jade seal is not a fake, it should be the seal sent by Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, to the second Great Khan of the Ilkhanate, Abaha.

The Ilkhanate is one of the four major khanates of the Mongol Empire. It is located in the westernmost part of the empire. It was founded by Hulagu, the son of Genghis Khan’s fourth son Tuolei, and ruled most of the Middle East today.

Abaha was originally an important minister under Xu Liewu. In 1265, after the death of Hulagu, the kings and ministers under him unanimously elected Abaha to inherit the Khan throne and became the second Ilkhanate. sweat profusely.

But Abaha, on the grounds that he did not get the permission of the Great Khan, only had the right to regent the country and sent envoys to report the funeral, so Kublai Khan sent someone to hold an edict to make him the Great Khan of the Ilkhanate, and gave him a "Fuguoanmin" Zhibao' Fang Yin.

Needless to say, this seal only existed in legends in the past, but no one has ever seen it. Why did it appear in the hands of your Assassins? It was traded by you again today? "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Hassan couldn't help flashing admiration in his eyes, and secretly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the legend, even more exaggerated than the legend. In terms of authenticating antique works of art, Steven is really omniscient and omniscient!

And this guy is also aboveboard enough, not as insidious and cunning as in the legend, and he didn't cheat and conceal for undue profit just because he was a layman!

Thinking of this, Hassan's impression of Ye Tian immediately improved a lot.

:. :

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