Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2273 0 years of grievances

After pondering for a while, Hassan finally opened his mouth and said:

"Steven, since you know so much about the history of the Ilkhanate and the history of the Middle Ages, you should know the relationship between the Assassins and the Ilkhanate. We are endless enemies.

In the middle of the thirteenth century, when the Mongols marched westward, we received an assassination mission. The target person was Meng Ge, who had not yet become the Great Khan of Mongolia, but that mission failed and we paid a heavy price.

After Meng Ge became the Great Khan, he sent Hulagu to lead the army to go west again. One of the purposes was to eliminate our Assassins. In 1256, Hulagu established the Ilkhanate in Iran and Iraq.

After the establishment of the Khanate, Hulagu once proposed that as long as the Assassins surrendered, the safety of its members could be guaranteed. Under tremendous military pressure, the old men in the mountains at that time led the crowd to surrender and all put down their weapons.

Under the leadership of the old man in the mountain, more than one hundred castles of the Assassin faction surrendered one after another. After the Mongols disarmed them, they destroyed all the castles and left none.

The base camp of our Assassins, Alamut, was razed to the ground by the Mongols, and all property was looted. Hulagu then ordered to kill all the members of the Assassins who surrendered.

The whole family of the old man in the mountain was killed, leaving no one behind! Hulagu also killed all the Ismailians in Kuhistan on the grounds of conscripting the militia, and the believers in other places did not escape the bad luck of being massacred frantically.

In 1258, after Hulagu captured Baghdad, he ordered a massacre of the city. Eight hundred thousand soldiers and civilians in Baghdad were massacred, the Tigris River was stained red, and our members who fled to Baghdad were massacred again.

After this series of brutal and bloody massacres, the Assassins, which had been established for more than 200 years, almost collapsed completely. The territory and huge wealth accumulated over the past 200 years all fell into the hands of the Mongols.

Coupled with the blows of other regimes and enemies, the Assassins have not slowed down for hundreds of years since then. Today, we cannot reproduce the glory of the past, and can only hide in the dark! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded slightly and said:

"About this period of history, I still know a little bit about it. No need to ask, the Assassin sect after being massacred must regard the Ilkhanate as their life and death enemy."

Hassan nodded vigorously, then gritted his molars and said:

"That's right, after a series of bloody massacres, our Assassins and the Il-Khanate became unending enemies. After a period of recuperation, we launched an action of revenge, retaliation.

We not only assassinated the princes, nobles, ministers, and local officials of the Il-Khanate, but also attacked various caravans of all sizes in the Il-Khanate. As long as we can get revenge, the Assassin assassins will do everything.

It is a pity that after the massacre, the strength of the Assassin faction has been greatly reduced, and it cannot be compared with before. The threat to the Ilkhanate is also quite limited, so that many people think that we have completely collapsed.

Although we couldn't seriously damage the Ilkhanate, we still made some achievements. Most of the Chinese antique artworks you just saw were obtained by robbing caravans during that period, especially those porcelains.

As one of the four major khanates of the Mongol Empire, the Ilkhanate has always maintained close ties with the Central Empire in the East. Caravan exchanges continued, and various exquisite items from China were continuously shipped to the Ilkhanate.

Those caravans are what we loot and slaughter,

In the process, we seized many treasures of gold and silver, fine china, and other objects from the East, and kept them secret.

In addition, in the process of assassinating the princes, nobles, ministers, and local officials of Ilhan, we also gained a lot of valuable things, some of which were also hidden.

The history of the Ilkhanate is not long, only less than a hundred years. After that, it split into many countries and attacked each other. The square seal you just mentioned was obtained by us when the Ilkhanate fell.

When we first snatched those exquisite porcelain and other items, because it was not easy to cash in, and in order to avoid attracting attention, and then attracted the frantic pursuit of the Mongols, we scattered and hid those items.

Over time, many of the hidden porcelain and other objects have disappeared, and the rest have slowly become antiques, but we are not professionals and do not understand their value."

"Wow! Those top antique artworks from China were originally snatched by you from the Ilkhanate, and you have been hiding them all the time. No wonder I haven't seen them before!"

Ye Tian exclaimed, and secretly rejoiced for his good luck.

After the words fell, Hassan immediately continued:

"When I was in Berlin before, when I heard the terms of the transaction you offered, I thought of these hidden Chinese antique artworks, and used them to trade in exchange for tokens from the Assassins.

After we went back, we consulted a lot of information, found some hidden Chinese antique artworks one after another, and asked professionals to evaluate them, which are the ones you just saw.

Steven, you can choose some Chinese antique artworks to trade this pair of pocket swords of our Assassins, of course, I hope this is a fair trade of equal value"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"You can rest assured, Hassan, this antique art transaction between us must be a fair transaction between you and me. Didn't you also say that you have hired professionals to evaluate those Chinese antique art.

You all know the value of these two swords in the sleeve, so there will be no problem in the transaction, and I will choose my favorite Chinese antique artwork from the video data later."

"That would be great, Steven, how are you going to do the deal? Is it in Portugal or somewhere else? Are we bringing the antique Chinese art? Or are you bringing these two pocket swords?

If possible, we would like to take away these two hidden swords today, and then transport those Chinese antique artworks you have selected, or transport them to the place you specify, to complete this transaction”

Hassan continued, with eyes full of anticipation, the whole person suddenly became more excited.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, then smiled and said:

"I'm very sorry, Hassan, before the transaction is completed, you can't take these two pocket swords away. In the next period of time, I will tie them to my arms, and no one can take them away.

The operation to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar has not been completed. I cannot leave Portugal for the time being, so I can only choose another transaction method. You take out those Chinese antiques and hand them over to me.

The transaction location can be in Tehran, Iran, or Hong Kong, China. Iran is your territory. It should not be difficult for you to complete this antique art transaction at Tehran Airport.

Hong Kong is a free port, and it is our Chinese territory. With the energy of your Assassins, it should not be a big problem to transport a batch of Chinese antiques to Hong Kong, and our people will do their best to cooperate.

I hope the place of transaction is Hong Kong. As long as you transport those Chinese antique works of art to Hong Kong smoothly, I will send my subordinates to contact you and send the top experts in antique art appraisal to conduct appraisal.

As long as those Chinese antique works of art are authentic and the identification is correct, they can be traded. Then our people will transport all those Chinese antique works of art as soon as possible and directly transport them to Beijing.

When all those Chinese antiques are transported to Beijing and put in the vault, you can come to Portugal to find me, and take this pair of Assassins' tokens to complete this antique transaction between us.

Of course, to complete a heavyweight antique transaction in this way, the premise is that both parties to the transaction must trust each other. Hassan, I believe you know me too. I have never done anything to renege on my promise.

Because of the special nature of your Assassins, even I don’t want to provoke an enemy like you, so you can rest assured that I will never set up an enemy like you for the sake of this pair of swords in the sleeve.”

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Hassan fell into deep thought and didn't respond immediately. The middle-aged Arab was a little anxious, but he didn't refute.

After pondering for a moment, Hassan nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, let's make a deal according to the method you said, I believe you will not break your promise and lose weight, in that case, we can only become enemies.

The trading location can be chosen in Hong Kong, and we will find a way to transport those Chinese antique artworks to Hong Kong by chartered flight as soon as possible, and complete the antique transaction in Hong Kong.

After you have finished the appraisal and shipped those Chinese antique artworks to Beijing, I will come to this hotel again and take away the two swords in my sleeve that belong to us.

Steven, now you can choose your favorite Chinese antique artwork from the video, and then I will inform my staff to prepare them”

"Don't worry, Hassan, to be honest, I like the top Chinese antique artworks in the video very much, and I want to keep them all in my pocket and make them into my own collection.

Especially those Yuan blue and white porcelains, I am planning to build a private museum, and I just need these valuable and exquisite Yuan blue and white porcelains. Now that I have encountered them, I certainly don’t want to miss them.

When I discovered the pair of pocket swords of your Assassins today, I also found a lot of Arabic-style medieval antiques, each of which is a top-notch antique of great value.

Among them are antiques from the Abbasid dynasty, various antiques from the Fatimid and Ayyubid dynasties, and the Seljuk Empire and many other Arab dynasties.

Most of these antique relics come from the courts of major dynasties, and most of them are exquisite gold products, which are not only of high market value, but also of great historical research value.

I have a proposal to exchange the medieval Arabic antiques in my hands for those Chinese antiques you have. Of course, this is also a fair trade.

The sphere of activity of your Assassins is mainly in the Middle East and Arab regions. It is obviously easier to realize those medieval Arab antiques in your hands.

For me, those Chinese antiques are more meaningful, and it is safe to say that this is a best-of-both-worlds art transaction, which is beneficial to both of us.

If you agree to this type of transaction, to show your sincerity, you can take away some medieval Arab antiques today without leaving any pledges.”

Hearing this, Hassan and his men rolled their eyes angrily.

No need to pledge, what a beautiful word! Since you are so generous, why don't you guys give us the two swords in the sleeves of the Assassins! That is the greatest sincerity!

While complaining secretly, Hassan and the others also had a look of excitement in their eyes.

After a short pause, Hassan nodded and said:

"Steven, the transaction method you mentioned is very interesting. Yes, it is beneficial to both of us, but it is best to let us take a look at those medieval Arabic antiques first, and then talk about the transaction."

"Okay, Hassan, you'll be able to see the antiques from the various medieval Arab dynasties right away"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then ordered Jason and the others to move the four boxes that were just dug out of the ground this morning.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

The deal has been negotiated, Hassan and the others stand up and prepare to leave, leave the hotel, and go back to prepare for the next deal.

When shaking hands and saying goodbye, Ye Tian smiled and said to Hassan:

"Hassan, there is one thing to remind. During the recent period, please restrain your people and don't start operations in Portugal. I invited some top collectors to come to Tomar, and many of them are from the Arab region.

These top collectors are my old friends and patrons of our company. They are here to participate in my private auction. I don't want them to have an accident during this trip to Portugal. It will affect my business.

When they leave Tomar and return to their respective countries and territories, I have nothing to do with you. No matter how you fight, I will turn a blind eye. I hope you can understand and cooperate with this matter. I don’t want to start a war with you.”

Hassan took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Steven, I promise you that no matter what business we receive, we will not take any action in Portugal in the near future, and I will restrain my people"

Afterwards, the two sides chatted for a few more words, and Hassan and the others took their leave and walked out of the luxury suite.

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