Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2274 superficial article

After sending Hassan and the others away, Ye Tian returned to the living room, sat down on the sofa, took his IPAD, and started making video calls with people.

On the other end of the video screen is Professor Paul who is far away across the ocean.

This Caucasian old man is a professor at the School of History of Columbia University in New York. His research direction is the history of Arab in the Middle East. He is proficient in Arabic and has worked with Ye Tian before.

Hassan, who had just left the suite, was a genuine Arab, but his understanding of the Arabic language in the Middle Ages and the history of the Middle Ages was not so comprehensive.

So Ye Tian didn't ask Hassan to translate and identify the inscriptions on the medieval Arabic antiques, as well as various badges and special marks, but he found Professor Paul.

After all, there are specialties in the arts industry, one is an assassin who takes people's lives, and the other is a historian with a wealth of knowledge. These are two completely different fields, and it is probably impossible to cross-border!

Of course, Ye Tian himself is an exception!

As soon as the video request was sent, it was accepted there.

The next moment, Professor Paul appeared on the video screen and said excitedly:

"Steven, you guys finally sent a video request, since I got your call a few hours ago, I have been waiting to video with you, appreciate and identify those medieval Arabic antiques.

Unexpectedly, the waiting time is three or four hours, which is really tormented. If I had known this, I might as well fly directly to Portugal, so that at least I could see those medieval Arabic antiques with my own eyes.

Alright, let me take a look at all those medieval Arabian antiques you just found, and one more thing, when are you going to explore Atlantis? My hair is turning white!

Now that you have arrived in Portugal and you are not far from Casablanca, why not go to Africa and explore Atlantis? If you have this plan, don't forget to bring me with you."

Hearing these words, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"The time for exploring Atlantis is not yet ripe. In fact, my employees have been doing work in this area, collecting information, surveying terrain, etc., but they have not announced it to the public.

Now that we have reached an agreement, I will not break my promise. If we go to Casablanca to explore Atlantis, we will definitely cooperate with you. Before that, you need to keep this matter strictly confidential.

Let’s not talk about the exploration of Atlantis, first help me translate the inscriptions and special marks on these medieval Arabic antiques, so that I can give the most accurate appraisal conclusion and valuation.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian opened a box next to the coffee table, took out Saladin's Mamluk Golden Cavalry helmet from it, and placed it in front of the IPAD camera.

Following his action, this dazzling and priceless top-level antique cultural relic immediately appeared on the video screen and appeared in front of Professor Paul.

At the same time, Ye Tian also gave his own appraisal conclusion.

"This dazzling Mamluk gold cavalry helmet, which we found deep under the cathedral of Tomar, is part of the treasures of the Knights Templar, packed in a dilapidated wooden box.

On this Mamluk gold cavalry helmet, I found the coat of arms of the Ayyub family in Tikrit, Iraq. Combined with other discoveries, I am sure that this is the cavalry helmet of the great Saladin,


Looking at this dazzling golden cavalry helmet and listening to Ye Tian's professional and precise explanation, Professor Paul on the other end of the video was completely dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

After a while, there was an almost crazy exclamation in the video, which came from Professor Paul.

"There is no doubt that this is the golden cavalry helmet of the great Saladin, I swear to God! Steven, what have you found? This is crazy!"

Seeing Professor Paul's performance, a smug smile suddenly appeared on Ye Tian's face, as did David and Jason who were also in this luxury suite.


It took more than an hour for Professor Paul to finish translating the inscriptions on the medieval Arabic antiques, and based on his own historical knowledge, he gave his own appraisal conclusion.

The appraisal conclusion he gave was almost the same as that given by Ye Tian when he was in the main church, but it was not that specific, and he did not give the corresponding valuation of the antique relics.

For Ye Tian, ​​this is just a procedure and a superficial article, just to make everything seem reasonable so as to meet the scrutiny of the outside world.

In fact, he knows better than anyone the true value of those medieval Arabic antiques.

After finishing the translation work, Ye Tian chatted with Professor Paul for a few more words, and then ended the video call.

At this time, it was already evening, and the twilight was gradually rising.

Ye Tian and the others stayed in the banquet hall of the hotel, but it was brightly lit and very lively.

A group of high-level government officials headed by the Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal and Barbosa, Mayor of Tomar, as well as several senior monks of the Portuguese Society of Jesuits, had already arrived in this banquet hall.

In addition, many journalists from Portugal and major news media in the world gathered here, all of them were extremely excited, and everyone was carrying a long gun and a short cannon in their hands.

The reason why these people gather here is to wait for Ye Tian and the others to see the four boxes of medieval Arabic antiques just discovered this morning!

Upstairs in the luxury suite, Ye Tian used a few temporary belts to put the two swords in the sleeves of the Assassin faction on the left and right forearms, and then put on the coat to cover the two swords in the sleeves up.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched his arms again, and made a few fighting moves, and then said with emotion:

"The pair of sleeve swords designed by the Assassins is really great! It is definitely the supreme weapon for close-up sneak attacks, and it can also be used to block the slashing of the sword in a critical moment and win a breather.

In history, the reason why the assassins of the Assassins were able to successfully assassinate so many important people made everyone terrified. This kind of hidden sword in the sleeve is a very important reason."

"That's right, this thing is indeed quite insidious, especially when used by an Arab assassin wearing a robe, it is even more difficult to guard against. Who would have guessed that the pedestrians walking towards me would actually have such a deadly thing tied to their arms!"

Matisse nodded and said, somewhat envious in his eyes.

While talking, the Bishop of Kent knocked on the door and walked into this luxurious suite.

"Steven, it's almost time. Should we go to the banquet hall downstairs? Those Portuguese officials, Jesuit monks, and many media reporters are probably getting impatient."

The Bishop of Kent said as soon as he entered the door, and pointed out the door.

Ye Tian raised his hand and looked at his watch, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, it's time for us to go to the ballroom and hold a press conference, or someone should be cursing me behind my back"

After speaking, he immediately pointed to the four boxes in the living room, and asked Jason to take the four boxes to the luggage cart, and then followed everyone to the banquet hall to announce today's exploration results.

While Jason and the others were busy, Bishop of Kent called Ye Tian aside and whispered to him:

"I have already called His Majesty the Pope and asked him to bring people to Portugal to sit in the city. The Vatican responded immediately, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted Portugal to arrange His Majesty's visit.

At noon tomorrow at the latest, His Majesty the Pope will be able to arrive in Portugal, and the group of them may have to stay in Lisbon for one to two days, and perhaps have a mass before they can come to Tomar and join us."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"The time is just right. I can take advantage of this time to dispose of these four boxes of valuable medieval Arabic antiques. Many top collectors will come to Tomar tomorrow morning to participate in my private auction."

"Hahaha, you are really greedy, you don't miss any chance to make money, the Assassin sect mountain old man who just left this hotel must have been ruthlessly slaughtered by you!"

The Bishop of Kent smiled and said in a low voice, and gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

After chatting for a while, Jason and the others were ready to move four boxes of priceless medieval Arabic antiques to two luggage carts.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent left the luxurious suite and went to the banquet hall downstairs.

Soon, a press conference that shocked the world will be held.

Especially the entire Muslim world will be completely shocked by this press conference!

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