Around 11 o'clock in the morning, news came from Lisbon that His Majesty the Pope flew to Lisbon with a large team and began his visit to Portugal.

The Pope's arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Many media reporters who had gathered around the hotel left Tomar one after another and flocked to Lisbon when they saw that the joint exploration team showed no signs of continuing to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

This is especially true for the locals of Tomar and the many tourists who come here. All eyes are on the Pope who is visiting Grape, and some people even go straight to Lisbon.

In this way, Ye Tian and the others are quieter, and it is easier to act.

Near three o'clock in the afternoon, many top collectors invited by Ye Tian have arrived in Tomar and gathered in the banquet hall of the hotel where Ye Tian and the others are staying.

Those who are qualified to enter the banquet hall and participate in the next heavyweight private auction are only a dozen or so top collectors, and some top antique art appraisal experts who help them.

In addition, there were several top art dealers in the banquet hall, representing their employers.

Although the number of top collectors participating in this auction is small, each of them is a super rich, princely and noble with a huge net worth, and has huge influence.

As for their entourage and security personnel, they were all stopped by Matisse and the others and could only wait outside the banquet hall.

Several senior officials of the Portuguese government, represented by the Deputy Minister of Culture and Barbosa, Mayor of Tomar, and several top local Portuguese collectors were also in this banquet hall.

Among them is Ye Tian's old friend, Bell Miro, who bought the sword of Alfonso I before, the super rich Portuguese.

At this time, the banquet hall has been arranged as a temporary exhibition hall.

Around the ballroom, there were twenty or thirty tables, each of which contained a few medieval Arabic antiques from the Templar treasure.

In order to maintain a sense of mystery and satisfy the curiosity and appetite of many top collectors at the scene, these medieval Arabian antiques are covered with white cloth, temporarily unable to see their true colors.

For safety reasons, beside these tables full of antiques and relics, there is an employee of Intrepid Exploration Company, and they are also responsible for explaining.

Several important positions in the banquet hall, as well as inside and outside the entrance, as well as outside halls, corridors, elevators and stairwells, etc., are guarded by many armed security personnel led by Mattis.

Even the upper and lower floors of the banquet hall, the roof and facade of the hotel, and several historical buildings opposite the hotel are all under the strict monitoring of Matisse and the others, and the security can be said to be impenetrable.

In the hotel lobby downstairs, at the entrance of the hotel, and in the surrounding streets, Portuguese police with live ammunition can be seen everywhere.

As far as the Portuguese government is concerned, they do not want this private auction to be held smoothly, as it will inevitably lose many top-level antiques, but they do not want to see anything happen here.

The reason is simple. The top collectors who were invited to participate in this private auction today are all of extraordinary identities. Anyone who has an accident here will cause an uproar.

Especially those oil princes, princes and nobles and super-rich people from the Arab region of the Middle East. If something happens here, Portugal cannot afford the result.

You must know that Portugal is just a small country in southern Europe with scarce resources, and its oil supply comes from the Arab region of the Middle East.

What's more, this is a private auction held by Ye Tian. The Portuguese don't want to see him go to war with those blind bastards, start a bloody fight, and completely destroy the historical town of Tomar.

While speaking, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian, ​​who was joking and chatting with some old friends, raised his hand to check the time, and then walked towards the stage in front of the banquet hall.

In two or three steps, he had arrived on the stage and reached out to pick up the microphone placed on the auction stage.

Following his actions, all the people in the banquet hall looked towards the stage. Everyone was full of anticipation and gearing up secretly, preparing to fight and win their favorite antiques.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the stage, quickly glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, everyone knows who I am, so I won't introduce myself here, welcome everyone to accept my invitation and come to Tomar to participate in this private auction.

The reason why we came to Portugal is to explore the famous treasures of the Knights Templar. Yesterday, when we were exploring in the cathedral of Tomar, we were lucky enough to find a treasure deep underground in the cathedral!

That is part of the treasure of the Knights Templar, which was buried deep underground by the Knights Templar more than seven or eight hundred years ago. It was not until we discovered it yesterday that the four mottled boxes were able to see the light of day again.

Those four boxes are full of Arab antiques from the Middle Ages and even earlier periods, from the courts of major dynasties in Arab history, and each antique is of great value.

Among them are antiques from the Abbasid dynasty, the Fatimid dynasty, the Ayyubid dynasty, the Zanji dynasty, the Seljuk empire, and other Arab dynasties, too many to list,..."

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the process of discovering the treasure. When it came to some things that needed to be kept secret, he either passed them by or used some Spring and Autumn brushwork.

During the introduction, he emphasized one point in particular.

Those medieval Arab antiques were once the spoils of the Knights Templar. After being seized by the Knights Templar through various means, they were buried deep underground in the Cathedral of Tomar.

According to the agreement reached between the Valiant Exploration Company and the Vatican, and later with the Portuguese government and the Jesuits, all secular property in the Templar treasure is owned by the company.

In other words, those four boxes of priceless medieval Arabian antiques all belonged to the Bravery Exploration Company. There is no doubt about this, and no one else can covet it.

After yesterday's press conference, the governments of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran issued public statements claiming those ancient Arab cultural relics, which is simply a daydream with no possibility of realization.

Hearing his words, the high-ranking officials of the Portuguese government who were at the scene were in a depressed mood, and all of them were itching with hatred.

Those oil princes and princes and nobles from all over the Arabian countries couldn't look any better. Everyone sucked their teeth secretly, but there was nothing they could do!

Each of them knew very well that if they wanted to take down those top-level antique cultural relics that were closely related to the history of their own country today, they would have to stick their necks out and be ruthlessly slaughtered by that greedy guy on the stage!

Other than that, there is no other way!

After introducing the process of discovering the treasure, Ye Tian got to the point.

"Each of these medieval Arab antiques is of great value, and can even be said to be rare and priceless treasures in the world, such as the great Saladin's Mamluk gold cavalry helmet.

Many of the friends who were invited here today are mostly from Arab countries in the Middle East. The Middle Eastern Arab antiques I found are more or less related to the countries of the people present.

As for these top medieval Arab antiques, I have no intention of collecting them, but intend to auction them off. If they can be brought back to the Muslim world, that would undoubtedly be the best result.

It is precisely because of this that I invite everyone to come and participate in this auction, and join in the grand event! Contributing to the long-standing Islamic civilization, I hope everyone can actively bid and get what they want.”

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

The words are so beautiful! This bastard Steven really has a good mouth, it's no exaggeration to say that he has a brilliant tongue!

Contribute to the long history of Islamic civilization? Do you believe this kind of high-sounding nonsense? It's okay to believe even one word!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Next, everyone can appreciate and identify these valuable medieval Arabic antiques. Our company's employees will explain them, and I will answer your questions.

After the appreciation is finished, we will enter the next link, which is the highlight of today, my private auction. All the Arabic antiques that appear in this exhibition hall will be auctioned today.

Here I want to emphasize that we have found four boxes of medieval Arabic antiques, but not all of them will be auctioned, and some of them will remain in my hands for other purposes.

That's all there is to say, I believe everyone has been a little impatient, so I won't say more, lest some friends secretly curse me, everyone, please keep your eyes open and witness the miracle! "

At the same time as the voice fell, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company standing next to each booth reached out and lifted the white cloth covering the booth.

Following their actions, a dazzling golden light immediately flashed in the banquet hall, reflecting the entire banquet hall in resplendent gold!

"Wow! These antique relics are so beautiful, ten times more beautiful than the pictures I saw on the news reports!"

"The golden helmet next to the auction table should be the Mamluk cavalry helmet of the great Saladin, right? We are bound to get this priceless treasure!"

The banquet hall was immediately boiling, and many top collectors, princes and nobles from the Middle East and Arabia, as well as their entourage, all exclaimed.

Some of them were even more exaggerated, their eyeballs turned red in an instant, and it was a bit scary to look at!

:. :

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