Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2277 Looting the Arab local tyrants

In the banquet hall, the atmosphere was extremely hot, and there was even a sense of tension and tit-for-tat.

Ye Tian's private auction has come to the end and is also the climax. What is being auctioned now is the finale item of this private auction, Saladin's Mamluk Golden Cavalry Helmet.

The rest of the medieval Arabian antiques from the treasures of the Knights Templar have all been successfully auctioned, without first-rate auctions, and the transaction prices are very good, even far exceeding Ye Tian's expectations.

There is of course a reason for this situation and such surprising auction results.

First of all, all the antiques that appeared in today's private auction come from the Muslim world in the Middle Ages or earlier, and each piece is top-notch, extremely rare, and of special significance.

Secondly, most of the buyers who participated in this private auction came from the Arab region of the Middle East, and they were all genuine super rich.

What these super local tyrants do not lack is dollars. When they come across antique cultural relics that are closely related to the history of their own nation and country, of course they don’t want to miss it. There are not many such opportunities.

In addition, there is another reason, and that is the face problem.

Compared with the super rich elsewhere, these Arab local tycoons care more about personal appearance.

Regarding this point, Ye Tian has already understood it clearly based on his previous dealings with him many times and what he saw when he participated in the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup, so it would be a pity not to make good use of it!

When these Arab local tyrants are in the same auction house, the competition between them is often very fierce for the sake of face, even more intense and crazier than the competition with buyers from other regions!

As long as it was an antique cultural relic they liked, these Arab local tyrants didn't care about the price at all, and the asking price was very straightforward, and it was even a bit dizzying.

Such a result made this private auction proceed very quickly, and the auction came to an end in just over an hour.

Someone in the audience raised their hands to answer the price again, and Ye Tian's passionate voice resounded throughout the banquet hall again.

"Five hundred and forty million U.S. dollars, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Salman should be priced at five hundred and forty million U.S. dollars, and the current offer is five hundred and sixty million U.S. dollars, five hundred and sixty million U.S. dollars.

Yusuf, Nassef, do you agree? Saladin is the greatest hero in Egyptian history, I believe you don't want to miss this golden cavalry helmet"

While giving a new quotation, Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured at the Saladin Golden Cavalry helmet on the right side of the auction stage, but his eyes were fixed on Yusuf and Nassef standing under the stage, waiting for their response. .

At this time, the auction of Saladin's Mamluk Golden Raider helmet has reached the most critical juncture.

After ten or twenty rounds of fierce bidding, there are only two buyers left to compete for this priceless treasure, and they are the two strongest.

They are Saudi Crown Prince Salman, and the two super-rich Egyptians, Yusuf and Nassef, who saw the situation was wrong and jointly bid on the spot.

The cooperation of these two super-rich people means the union of the two richest and most powerful families in Egypt at the moment. They are obviously desperate and vowed to take down Saladin's golden cavalry helmet.

But this is also reasonable, Ye Tian didn't feel surprised, but was happy to see the result.

You know, Yusuf and their competitors are Saudi Crown Prince Salman, who has endless petrodollars in his hands.

Backed by the entire Saudi oil reserve.

If Yusuf and Nassef do not cooperate and fight independently, the two of them have no hope of winning at all.

Only by joining forces could they have any chance of defeating Salman and bringing Saladin's Mamluk Golden Cavalry helmet back to Egypt.

Except for these two groups of competitors, the rest of the buyers have withdrawn from the competition and completely turned into bystanders. They can only stand aside and stare, eyes full of envy and hatred!

But they also have their own gains, and this trip to Portugal was not in vain.

As for the top Portuguese collectors who were also in this banquet hall, they had already been defeated by many Arab local tyrants, and none of them were photographed, including Belmiro!

"My God! These Arab local tyrants are completely crazy. Even if this is Saladin's golden cavalry helmet, it is not worth 540 million US dollars! This is simply an astronomical wealth!"

Barbossa exclaimed in a low voice, a pair of blood-red eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets, the eyes were full of madness and inconceivable.

His mood at this time can be summed up in one sentence, pain and happiness!

Seeing priceless top antique cultural relics being auctioned off at sky-high prices and falling into the hands of those Arab local tyrants, Barbosa felt his heart was bleeding crazily, and he was about to die.

However, when he thought about the astronomically huge taxes he was about to receive, he felt as if he was floating in the clouds, misty, and everything was like a dream, so beautiful that it was a little unreal!

"The craziest thing is not these Arab local tyrants, they have endless money in their hands, and they are extravagant. Everyone in the world knows that their behavior today is also reasonable.

What's even crazier is Steven, the bastard. Just in this private auction, he swept away so much wealth that he couldn't even imagine, but this private auction is not over yet!

It is no exaggeration to say that this bastard, Steven, is robbing these rich Arabs, and what is amazing is that these rich Arabs are willing to stick out their necks and be brutally slaughtered."

The Deputy Minister of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture said in a low voice, he was very emotional, and he was almost crazy with envy.

Ye Tian's voice fell, and the two super rich Egyptians did not respond immediately, but discussed in a low voice, to see if they would raise their hands to answer the price, or make a new offer.

After a short pause, Ye Tian's clear voice came out from the auction stage again, trying his best to confuse and urge these two super rich people to make a decision as soon as possible, time is not waiting!

The next moment, Yusuf raised his arms and said loudly:

"Sixty million dollars, Steven, everyone, although the great Saladin was not born in Egypt, he established the Ayyubid Dynasty in Egypt and led the army to recover the holy city of Jerusalem.

There is no doubt that Saladin is the greatest hero in Egyptian history. As Egyptians, we have the responsibility to bring Saladin's golden cavalry helmet back to Egypt and display it in the museum! "

After the voice fell, the banquet hall immediately boiled.

"Wow! 600 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 60 million U.S. dollars in one fell swoop, Yousuf and the others are really big!"

"Obviously, for the great Saladin's golden cavalry helmet, Yusuf and Nassef are bound to get it! The next step is to see how Salman responds!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Yousuf's generosity!

While loudly giving the new quotation, Yusuf and Nassef also smiled and nodded to the many Arab super-rich people present, and they were very friendly, polite and relaxed.

In fact, their real feelings at this time are probably far from the case, and they are by no means as calm as they appear.

When they looked at Saudi Crown Prince Salman, their eyes stayed on the Crown Prince's face for a moment, and they smiled and nodded at each other, their intentions were self-evident.

Salman also nodded to the two super-rich, also very friendly, obviously understood, and gave a response.

The silent communication between the two of them was clearly seen by Ye Tian who was standing behind the auction stage, but he did not intervene, there was no need for that at all!

Saladin's Golden Cavalry Helmet sold for a sky-high price of 600 million U.S. dollars, far exceeding his estimate, even much better than the best scenario he imagined!

What's not to like about such a sky-high price? You can't earn the last copper coin, you will undoubtedly offend these Arab local tycoons, and then affect your future business. The gain is definitely not worth the loss!

As Ye Tian expected, after some eye contact, Salman pondered for a while, and quickly made a decision.

He shook his head slightly at Ye Tian, ​​announced his withdrawal from this competition, and did not accept Ye Tianxin's offer of 620 million US dollars.

Next, Ye Tian asked loudly twice as usual, but no one responded.

Seeing this result, he knocked down the auction gavel without hesitation, pointed at Yusuf and Nassef in the audience, and announced loudly:

"Deal, $600 million. The winners of the bidding are Mr. Yusuf and Mr. Nassef from Egypt. Congratulations to both of you. You have successfully won the golden cavalry helmet of the great Saladin. Your wish has come true!"

As soon as he spoke, the auction mallet in his hand fell heavily on the auction stage.


The final word.

Today's heaviest piece of medieval Arabian antiques was finally successfully auctioned, marking the most successful end to this private auction.

The next moment, there was thunderous applause in the banquet hall.

"clap clap"

Everyone at the scene was applauding, and the applause resounded throughout the banquet hall, and I believe it will soon resound throughout the entire Muslim world.

The final winners, Yusuf and Nassef, were clapping their hands together. Both of them had bright smiles on their faces, and they felt somewhat relieved!

Of course, the one with the brightest smile in the entire banquet hall was Ye Tian who put down the auction hammer and strode down the stage.

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